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Pictured Rocks National LakeshoreVisitors to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore enjoy the beautiful beaches of Lake Superior as the waves roll gently in.
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Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Superintendent's Compendium
The Superintendent's Compendium to CFR 36 contains Lakeshore specific rules. It is updated annually. Review the entire document as a separate pdf file, or click the topic to jump to its section below.

Superintendent's Compendium (pdf - 17 pages)




Closures and public use limits




Public notice


Preservation of natural, cultural and archeological resources


Wildlife protection




Weapons, traps, and nets


Research specimens


Camping and food storage










Horses and pack animals

2.21 Smoking


Winter activities




Recreation fees


Alcoholic beverages


Special events


Public assemblies, meetings

2.52 Sale or distribution of printed matter




Prohibited operations


Water skiing


Swimming and bathing


Speed limits


Business operations


Commercial photography


Superintendent's Compendium
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Under the provisions of 16 U.S.C., Section 3, and Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, the following Superintendent's Compendium is established for Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. This compendium applies to the fee ownership NPS lands and waters within the lakeshore boundaries. Unless otherwise noted, the orders contained in this Compendium apply in addition to the provisions contained in Parts 1-7 of Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations.

James G. Northup, Superintendent
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
May 15, 2006


1.5 Closures and public use limits.

I. Under the authority of 36 CFR 1.5(a)(1):

A.   The following areas are closed to all public entry for safety and the protection of natural and cultural resources:

1.   Munising Falls area: off paved or boardwalk trails and trail structures from the visitor center to the three viewing areas at the falls.

2.   Miners Castle area: all areas off or outside of the boardwalk trail and trail structures on Miners Castle pinnacle/point.

3.   Any endangered species nesting area, such as piping plover or bald eagle, identified with signing and/or defined with barriers.

4.   Chapel Rock may not be walked on, climbed, ascended, descended, or traversed by persons in any manner.

B.      All roads within the lakeshore fee boundary are closed to public vehicular operation and/or possession at the point they enter the lakeshore fee boundary, where they intersect a road that is open to public vehicular use, and/or where they traverse the lakeshore fee boundary, except those roads designated in this Compendium as open to public vehicular operation and/or possession under the authority of 36 CFR 1.5(a)(2).

C.   All water areas within the lakeshore fee boundary are closed to the operation and/or possession of motorized watercraft, except those water areas designated in this Compendium as open to the operation and/or possession of motorized watercraft under the authority of 36 CFR 1.5(a)(2).

II.  Under the authority of 36 CFR 1.5(a)(2):

A.   The following roads and areas under the jurisdiction of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore are designated as open to public motor vehicular possession and/or operation:

1.   The maintenance shop and quarters no. 57 access road in Township 49 North, Range 14 West, Section 1, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to its terminus at the maintenance shop.

2.   The Sable Falls access road and parking area in T49N, R14W, Section 2, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to and including the parking lot serving Sable Falls and the Grand Sable Dunes.

3.   The Grand Sable Lake boat ramp and picnic area access road and parking area in T49N, R14W, Section 14, from the point where it leaves Alger County Road 770 to and including the parking area and its terminus at the Grand Sable Lake boat launching ramp.

4.    The South Grand Sable Lake road, starting at Towes Creek (T49N, R14W, Sections 14 and 23), heading south in and out of the fee zone area.

5.   The Grand Sable Visitor Center access road and parking areas in T49N, R14W, Section 11, from their junction with Alger County Road H-58 to and including the parking lots.

6.   The Grand Sable Lake picnic area access road and parking area in T49N, R14W, Section 11, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to and including the parking area.

7.   The Grand Sable Lake overlook loop road in T49N, R14W, Section 15, from both entrance and exit points of Alger County Road H-58 for its entire length.

8.   The Log Slide road and parking area in T49N, R14W, Sections 18 and 7, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to and including the parking lot serving the Log Slide, the Grand Sable Dunes, and the Lakeshore Trail.

9.   The upper Hurricane River Campground loop road in T49N, Range 15 West, Section 10, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 for its entire length, except when the road is closed at the gate.

10.   The lower Hurricane River Campground access road and parking areas in T49N, R15W, Sections 10 and 3, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to its terminus at the gate to Au Sable Point.

11.  The Sullivans Cabin driveway in T49N, R15W, Section 9, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to its terminus at Sullivans Cabin, except when the gate is closed.

12.  The Martin Camp Road, T49N, R15W, Section 16, from the point where it intersects with H-58 and heads east until it exits the fee zone in the east half of Section 16.

13.  The Twelvemile Beach Campground and picnic area access road in T49N, R15W, Section 17, from the point where it enters the lakeshore fee boundary to and including the picnic area and to its terminus at the west end of the campground loop, except when gate to western portion of campground is closed.

14.  The Sevenmile area roads in T49N, R16W, and T48N, R16W, including:

a.      The Beaver rim two-track road in Sections 11, 14, and 15. 

15.  The Beaver Basin overlook road in T48N, R16W, Section 21, from the point where it enters the lakeshore fee boundary to the Beaver Basin overlook.

16.  The Little Beaver Campground road in T48N, R16W, Section 30, from its junction with Alger County Road H-58 to the Little Beaver Lake Campground and boat ramp, including the backpacker parking lot.

17.  The Chapel road in T48N, R17W, Section 32, from the point where it enters the lakeshore fee boundary to and including the Chapel area parking lot.

18.  The Miners Beach road in T47N, R18W, Section 10, from its junction with the Miners Castle road to its western terminus at and including the Miners Beach parking lot and its eastern terminus at and including the Lakeshore Trail parking area.

19.  The Miners Falls road in T47N, R18W, Section 15, from its junction with the Miners Castle road to and including the Miners Falls parking lot.

20.  The Miners Castle road in T47N, R18W, Sections 15 and 16, from the point where it enters the lakeshore fee boundary to and including the Miners Castle parking lot.

21.  The Munising Ski Trail entrance roads and parking lots in T47N, R18W, Section 31, from their junctions with City Limits Road and Alger County Road H-58 to their termini at and including the parking lots.

22.    The Munising Falls access road from its junction with Sand Point Road, including the parking area, in T47N, R19W, Section 36.

23.  The Sand Point Road in T47N, R18W, Section 30, from the point where it enters the lakeshore fee boundary to its termini at Sand Point, including adjoining parking areas.

24.  The frozen waters of Lake Superior within the lakeshore's 1/4 mile surface jurisdiction.

25.  The frozen waters of Grand Sable Lake in T49N, R14W.

26.  The last 300 feet at the northern terminus of City Limits Road, T47N, R18W, Section 31.

27.  Those roads that, through existing agreements, cross NPS property to access private and other publicly owned land.

B.   These water areas of the lakeshore are open to the operation and/or possession of motorized watercraft:

1.   Little Beaver Lake: electric motors only.

2.   Beaver Lake: electric motors only.

3.   Grand Sable Lake, up to and including fifty horsepower (50 HP).

4.  Lake Superior.

C.   Personal Watercraft (PWC) use is only allowed from the western boundary of the lakeshore to the east end of Miners Beach along Lake Superior.

D.   Segway use is only allowed where motorized wheelchair use is allowed, when operated by persons with disabilities (handicapped persons with substantial mobility limitations as defined in 43 CFR Part 17, Subpart E).

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1.6 Permits.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 1.6(a) and to meet the requirements of 36 CFR 1.6(f), the following activities require a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative.


Carrying or possessing a prohibited weapon, trap, or net as defined in 36 CFR 2.4(a), (b), (c), (e), and (f).


Taking plants, fish, wildlife, rocks, or minerals for research specimens as defined in 36 CFR 2.5, except in accordance with other 36 CFR regulations (i.e., 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 7.32(b)).


Camping as defined in 36 CFR 2.10.


Beaching and leaving any boat unattended for over 24 hours only at designated locations.


Special Events as defined in 36 CFR 2.50.


Public assemblies and meetings as defined in 36 CFR 2.51.


Sale or distribution of printed matter as defined in 36 CFR 2.52.


Engaging in or soliciting any business or commercial operation.


Commercial film activities.

1.7 Public notice.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 1.7: This Superintendent's Compendium serves as the compilation in writing of all the designations, closures, permit requirements, and other restrictions imposed under discretionary authority which is required under 36 CFR 1.7(b).

2.1 Preservation of natural, cultural and archeological resources.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.1(a)(4): All areas of federally owned lands of the lakeshore are open for the collecting of dead wood on the ground, including driftwood, for campfires by pic­nickers at NPS picnic areas and legally permitted campers at designated NPS campgrounds and provided grills or communal metal fire rings within the lakeshore, except:


A.                 Grand Sable Dunes Research Natural Area.


B.                Within 1/2 mile of the designated backcountry campgrounds at:


1.    Mosquito River campground area.


2.    Chapel Beach campground area.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.1(a)(5):


A.                 The Au Sable Light Station and associated building interiors may be entered, ascended, descended, or traversed by the public only when the structures are open to the public and only when accompanied by an NPS employee or VIP. Touching or handling of the Fresnel lens or its components is prohibited. No person shall smoke, eat, drink, or chew gum inside these buildings. No pets are allowed inside these buildings except guide dogs accompanying visually impaired persons or hearing ear dogs accompanying hearing-impaired persons. This section shall not be interpreted to prohibit National Park Service employees, U.S. Coast Guard personnel, or contractors from entering these structures in the performance of their duties.


B.                The Grand Marais Maritime Museum portion of the Grand Marais Ranger Station may be entered and traversed by the public only at such times when the structure is open to the public. No person shall smoke, eat, drink, or chew gum within the Grand Marais Maritime Museum. No pets are allowed inside this building except guide dogs accompanying visually impaired persons or hearing ear dogs accompanying hearing-impaired persons. The handling of any museum object and/or artifact is prohibited, unless that object or artifact is signed for handling. The basement and dormitory are closed to the public. 


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.1(c)(1) and 36 CFR 2.1(c)(2): The following designated fruits, berries, and nuts may be gathered for personal use or consumption in quantities not greater than:


A.                 Native fruits and berries: all species (not listed as nationally or state threatened or endangered species) and in quantities not greater than one (1) gallon per person per week.


B.                 Mushrooms: all edible mushrooms (not listed as nationally or state threatened or endangered species) and in quantities not greater than one (1) gallon per person per week.


C.                 Apples: in quantities not greater than five (5) gallons per person per week.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.1(c)(2)(iii):


A.                 Prohibit the import of all ash firewood in the lakeshore.


B.                 All imported firewood shall be burned on site within the lakeshore.

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2.2    Wildlife protection.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.2(e):  All lands and waters within the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore boundary, owned in fee by the NPS, are closed to the viewing of wildlife with an artificial light.  The only exception to this is that artificial lights may be used during the night while engaged in legally permitted fishing and hunting activities, according to state regulations.


2.3 Fishing.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.3(d)(2): All waters within the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore boundary, owned in fee by the NPS, are open to use or possession of live or dead minnows or other bait fish, amphibians, non-preserved fish eggs, or fish roe for bait in accordance with laws and regulations of the State of Michigan as directed by 36 CFR 7.32(b).
This section has been modified.
Please refer to
Emergency Restrictions Regarding VHS.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.3(d)(8): Fishing from the National Park Service boat dock on Grand Sable Lake is permitted, providing it does not interfere with the safe and orderly landing of vessels or the safe and orderly management of other authorized activities.


2.4 Weapons, traps, and nets.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.4(a)(2)(i)(A): Possessing, carrying, or using a weapon is authorized only at times and locations and in those manners described in non-conflicting laws of the State of Michigan adopted under 36 CFR 2.2(b)(4).


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.4(a)(2)(i)(B): Possessing, carrying, or using a net is authorized only at times and locations and in those manners described in non-conflicting laws of the State of Michigan adopted under 36 CFR 2.3(a) and 36 CFR 7.32(b).


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.4(d): Possessing or carrying a weapon, trap, or net at times and locations other than those authorized by 36 CFR 2.4(a)(2)(i)(A) and 36 CFR 2.4(a)(2)(i)(B) is only authorized by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permittee must have the permit in his/her possession while on lands and waters within the federally owned lands of the lakeshore.


     At present, the only application of this relaxation of 36 CFR 2.4(d) is for possessing a trap or net for collecting research specimens. Permission to do so must be listed as a condition on a COLLECTING PERMIT, issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. Activities of the park's education outreach program and ranger led interpretive programs do not need a collecting permit.


2.5   Research specimens.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.5(a): Taking plants, fish, wildlife, rocks, or minerals not in accordance with other 36 CFR regulations is permitted pursuant to the terms and conditions of a COLLECTING PERMIT issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permittee must have the permit in his/her possession while collecting within the federally owned lands of the lakeshore.


2.10 Camping and food storage.

I.   Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.10 (a):

A.    Backcountry Camping:

1.    Overnight camping is permitted only in designated backcountry campgrounds by valid Backcountry Use Permit. The permittee must have the Backcountry Use Permit in his/her possession while camping in the lakeshore. The permit must be properly filled out, signed and validated for payment.

2.    Camping time limitations: No persons, parties, or organizations shall be permitted to camp longer than 14 days per calendar year within the lakeshore, and not more than three consecutive days at any one designated backcountry campground.

3.    Maximum party size permitted at each site in a designated backcountry campground is 6 persons, and 20 persons at a designated group campsite.

4.    Organized groups of more than six persons who wish to split up in order to utilize regular sites may do so, but must camp at separate campgrounds. Only family groups of 7-12 people may split and occupy two sites in the same campground.

5.    Food, lawfully taken fish or wildlife, garbage, and equipment used to cook or store food are prohibited in tents, and must be suspended from government provided bear poles. This restriction does not apply to food that is being transported, consumed, or prepared for consumption or to clean cook stoves, pots, and pans.

6.    Authorized backcountry campgrounds are: Cliffs*, Potato Patch, Mosquito River*, Chapel Beach, Coves*, Lowney Creek (Beaver Lake)*, Beaver Creek, Trappers Lake*, Pine Bluff, Sevenmile Creek*, Benchmark, Au Sable Point East*, and Masse Homestead* (* indicates group site at this campground)

7.    The following backcountry camping conditions are established by the Superintendent:

a.    Camp within 15 feet of numbered site post.

b.    Maximum of two tents per numbered individual site.

c.     All trash must be carried out.

d.    Wood fires are not permitted at the Chapel and Mosquito campgrounds.

e.    Glass bottles and containers and axes are not allowed in backcountry campsites.

8.    A backcountry permit allows occupancy of the campsite until noon of the day the party is scheduled to leave.

9.    Winter Backcountry Camping Regulations:

a.    A Backcountry Permit and fee are required.

b.    A snow depth of six inches is required for these rules to take effect.

c.     Winter camping is permitted at drive-in campgrounds without charge.

d.    Winter camping must be at least 100 feet off park roads.

e.    Winter camping must be at least 100 feet from any creek, river, or lake.

f.      Campfires are not permitted. Backpack stove use is permitted.

g.    Camping is not permitted in areas shown as closed to hunting on the approved Lakeshore Hunting Closure Map.

B.    Drive-in campgrounds:

1.    Camping is limited to 14 days per calendar year within the lakeshore.

2.    Campers must fill out a fee envelope and campground permit and pay the appropriate overnight camping fee posted at the campground bulletin board immediately after selecting a vacant site. Instructions printed on the fee envelope and campground permit are adopted as part of this Compendium. Failure to follow printed instructions on the fee envelope and campground permit is prohibited.

3.    Handicap accessible campsites designated with the blue handicap symbol are reserved for handicapped persons until 6 p.m. If unoccupied by a handicapped person at that time, the sites are open to non-handicapped persons. The campsite must be vacated by the non-handicapped person(s) by 12:00 p.m. (noon) of the following day.

4.    Authorized drive-in campgrounds are: Little Beaver Lake, Twelvemile Beach, and Hurricane River.

5.    These drive-in camping conditions are established by the Superintendent:

a.    Only one screened porch/tent may be placed over the picnic table per site. A screened tent does not count towards the two tent per site limit.

b.    No more than eight persons per site, except for a family, which is defined as the permit holder, their spouse, their parents, and/or their children.

c.     No more than two vehicles per site, including towed trailers.

d.    No more than two tents per site. One tent must be on the pad and the second must be within ten feet of the pad.

e.    Overflow camping is prohibited.

f.      Generator use is not allowed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

g.    Campground daily use fees permit occupancy until 12 p.m. (noon) of the following day. Sites must be vacated no later than noon on the day the permit expires.

h.    Registration for any sites(s) other than the one you physically occupy is prohibited.

II.  Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.10(d): Food, animal bait, lawfully taken fish or wildlife, and equipment used to cook or store food must be kept in a hard-sided vehicle when not in immediate use, day or night; or in a camping unit that is constructed of solid, non-pliable material; or suspended from government provided bear poles at backcountry campsites. Campers not having proper storage vehicles must suspend their food, cooking equipment, and garbage from trees.

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2.11  Picnicking.

Picnicking is not permitted within government buildings or on steps of government buildings. This does not apply to government employees in designated lunchrooms or government residences.


2.13 Fires.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.13(a)(1):


Lighting and/or maintaining a fire is permitted only under the following conditions:


A.                 At designated drive-in and backcountry campgrounds and at designated picnic areas in government metal fire rings and government fire grills only at the locations where they are provided, or in the same designated locations in privately owned fire grills.


B.                In all parking lots, on all beaches outside provided grills or communal metal fire rings, and immediately outside lakeshore offices and employee residences in privately owned grills as long as no fire or burning material touches the ground.


2.14  Sanitation.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.14(a)(8):  Where toilet facilities are not provided, human wastes will be disposed at least 100 feet from a trail, campsite, or water source; in a hole at least six inches deep; and covered with earth.


2.15 Pets


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.15(a)(1): Pets are permitted in the lakeshore’s drive-in campgrounds, Lake Superior beaches directly in front of the drive-in campgrounds, picnic areas, and at the Sand Point and Miners Beach areas as defined by the current "Pets at the Lakeshore" brochure.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.15(b):


A.                 Used in accordance with Michigan State Law for hunting purposes and in areas within the lakeshore and during periods when and where hunting is permitted, dogs may travel unrestrained on federally owned lands within all backcountry and all non-developed areas of the lakeshore. This also includes the training of hunting dogs. It is prohibited for the owner of a hunting dog(s) to allow his/her hunting dog(s), legally traveling unrestrained through federally owned lands of the lakeshore, to damage or disturb any federally or state listed threatened or endangered species, or any other natural feature except the species being legally hunted. It is prohibited for the owner of a hunting dog(s) to allow his/her hunting dog(s) legally traveling unrestrained through federally owned lands of the lakeshore to harm or injure humans using the lakeshore or to damage their property. In developed areas, hunting dogs must be restrained on a six-foot leash. When not engaged in legal hunting activities, whether in the front country or backcountry, a hunting dog must be restrained on a six-foot leash.


B.                Any hunter losing a dog(s) [unable to retrieve] shall notify the Superintendent's office within 12 hours after loss, giving descriptions of the lost dog(s), time and location last seen, and where and how the owner can be contacted. Failure to notify the Superintendent's office of a lost or non-retrievable hunting dog(s) within 12 hours removes the exception for hunting dogs defined in subpart A of this section.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.15(e): Park residents may keep pets in accordance with Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Pet Policy.


2.16  Horses and pack animals.


Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.16(b): Horses and pack animals (burros, mules, llamas, or other hoofed mammals) are prohibited in the backcountry and on front country trails.


2.19 Winter Activities.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.19(c): The following activities are prohibited on the tracked portion of the groomed cross-country ski trails:






Pulling or pushing of sleds, toboggans, or similar devices.


Dogs on trails, except guide dogs accompanying visually impaired persons or hearing ear dogs accompanying hearing-impaired persons.


2.21 Smoking.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.21(a): The following areas are closed to smoking:


All flammable liquid storage areas.


Within 50 feet of fueling station of L.P. gas storage areas.


All government owned buildings.


All government vehicles.


2.22 Property.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.22(a)(2):


Visitors with valid backcountry use permits may leave their vehicles unattended for periods specified on their permit.


Ice fishing shacks may be left unattended on frozen lakes pursuant to State of Michigan regulations.


Portable hunting stands (except the use of climbing screw-in steps) and ground blinds, and their use, are permitted pursuant to non-conflicting State of Michigan regulations.


Boats may be left unattended over 24 hours at three locations in the park after first obtaining a permit: Miners Beach, Mosquito Harbor, and Sevenmile Creek areas. The issuance of the permit includes a sticker that must be affixed to the boat if it is to be left unattended for more than 24 hours. Boats may be left, pursuant to the permit, from March 1 to May 15.

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2.23 Recreation fees.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.23(c): No fees are collected at the drive-in campgrounds from November 1 to May 9.


2.35  Alcoholic beverages.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.35(a)(3)(i):  All public information buildings within the lakeshore are closed to the possession, use, or consumption of alcoholic beverages.


2.50  Special events.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.50(a):  Sports events, pageants, regattas, public spectator attractions, entertainments, ceremonies, and similar events are allowed by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permit must be in the possession of the highest-level organizer or leader of the special event that is on site within the federally owned lands of the lakeshore. The following wedding size limits have been established: Munising Falls - 40 people, Miners Castle - 125 people.


2.51 Public assemblies, meetings.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.51(a): Public assemblies, meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, parades, and other public expressions of views are allowed by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permit must be in the possession of the highest-level organizer or leader of the public assembly or meeting that is on site within the lakeshore fee boundary. The areas/locations where these types of activities can occur are described on a map available at the Office of the Superintendent and are accordingly identified as:


A.                 Park Headquarters, Sand Point.


B.                Grand Marais Maritime Museum


2.52  Sale or distribution of printed matter.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.52(a): The sale or distribution of printed matter, that is not solely commercial advertising, is allowed by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permit must be in the possession of anyone selling or distributing printed matter within the lakeshore fee boundary. The areas/locations where these types of activities can occur are described on a map available at the Office of the Superintendent and are accordingly identified as:


A.                 Park Headquarters, Sand Point


B.                Grand Marais Maritime Museum


2.62  Memorialization.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 2.62(b):  The scattering of human ashes from cremation is allowed throughout the federally owned lands of the lakeshore in accordance with conditions of a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative, which must be in the possession of the permittee while scattering ashes within the lakeshore.


3.6  Prohibited operations.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 3.6(h): The following areas are designated for launching and retrieving of boats from trailers at the facilities provided:


Boat ramp, Sand Point, Lake Superior


Boat ramp, Little Beaver Lake Campground, Little Beaver Lake


Boat ramp, Grand Sable Lake


3.20 Water skiing.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 3.20(a): The towing of persons by watercraft is permitted at two designated locations in the lakeshore:


Boat ramp, Sand Point, Lake Superior


Boat ramp, Little Beaver Lake Campground, Little Beaver Lake


Boat ramp, Grand Sable Lake


3.21 Swimming and bathing.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 3.21 (a)(2):  Using or possessing any form of soap or bathing in any park waters or within 100 feet of a water source or high water mark of a body of water is prohibited.


4.21 Speed limits.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 4.21(a)(1): Speed limit within drive-in campgrounds at Little Beaver, Twelvemile Beach, and lower and upper Hurricane River is 15 MPH. Speed limit for all park owned roads where they enter the lakeshore fee boundary, including Sand Point, Miners Castle, Little Beaver Lake, Twelvemile Beach, Log Slide, and Sable Falls, is 35 MPH maximum, unless posted otherwise.


5.3   Business operations.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 5.3: Engaging in or soliciting any business within the lakeshore is authorized only by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. Any person engaging in or soliciting any business within the lakeshore must have the permit in his/her possession while in the lakeshore.


5.5   Commercial photography.

Under the authority of 36 CFR 5.5(a) and 36 CFR 5.5(b): Commercial filming (motion pictures and television or still photography) of any vehicle, or other articles of commerce or models for the purpose of commercial advertising within the lakeshore is only authorized by a permit issued by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. The permit must be in the possession of the photographer while he/she is taking such film within the lakeshore.

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Kingston Lake Campground, owned State of Michigan, is located within Pictured Rocks NL's inland buffer zone.  

Did You Know?
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is the only National Park Service area with an inland buffer zone within its boundary. It is owned by the State of Michigan, corporations, and private citizens. The zone was created to permit sustained yield timber harvest and protect the watershed.

Last Updated: April 25, 2008 at 14:04 EST