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Mid-Atlantic Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Programs

Did you know that more than 85 percent of the energy consumed in the United States is from the combustion of fossil fuels? Fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide or "CO2", the dominant greenhouse gas, as well as criteria air pollutants. Energy efficiency is an important strategy for addressing the growing emissions of CO2 from energy generation and use. It is the practice of using less energy and using energy wisely to accomplish everyday needs. Clean energy is energy derived from highly efficient, clean technologies, including renewable energy and combined heat and power. Together Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy work as the best practice model in energy decision making. Choosing clean energy sources such as green power and combined heat and power and using that energy more efficiently saves resources on both the production and end use sides. EPA Region 3 implements various programs that help address both energy efficiency practices and clean energy choices:

Energy Star logo: Change for the Better with Energy Star
The ENERGY STAR Program is a joint endeavor between the EPA and the DOE which encourages energy efficiency in homes and businesses through the use of ENERGY STAR labeled products and by implementing energy savings practices, all of which save consumers money on energy costs while also cleaning up our environment. The ENERGY STAR partnership offers a proven energy management strategy that helps in measuring current energy performance, setting goals, tracking savings and rewarding improvements.

Find a List of Energy Star Partners Here

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  • 50 Buildings in Philly-area earn ENERGY STAR and Washington, D.C. metro-area ranks 4th in the nation for 2008 ENERGY STAR Buildings - EPA Unveils Top 25 U.S. Cities with the Most Energy Star Buildings - Philadelphia and D.C. included.
  • Blue Mountain School District recognized as Energy Star Leader- -Saving Energy and Reducing Greenhouse Gases
  • Greely Pa. Small Business Honored by EPA for Energy Savings
  •  DuBois, Pa. Small Business Honored by EPA for Energy Savings
  • PA Energy Star Partners Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • EPA Green Power Partnership

    The Green Power Partnership encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with traditional fossil fuel-based electricity use. The partnership includes a diverse set of organizations including Fortune 500's, small and medium businesses, government institutions and colleges and universities. All energy-producing technology has some impact on the environment, but green power sources leave a much smaller footprint.

    Find a List of Green Power Partners Here

    The nearly 950 organizations on this list are collectively buying more than 14.3 billion kilowatt-hours of green power annually, which is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power nearly 1.5 million average American homes for one year.

  • The Phillies, University of Pennsylvania and ING recognized as top national green energy leaders

  • Phillies Knock It Out of the Park with Green Power

  • University of Pennsylvania: A Top Green Power Purchaser
  • Clean Energy Environment
    The Clean Energy-Environment State and Local Partnership Program is a voluntary program designed to help states and local governments analyze and implement available policies and programs that effectively integrate clean energy into low-cost, clean, reliable energy systems. In addition, a growing number of states are interested in learning about successful clean energy strategies and their economic and environmental benefits. EPA's role is to work together with its partners to identify and implement cost-effective programs that save energy and improve air quality.


      For additional information contact Megan Goold (goold.megan@epa.gov) at 215-814-2027 and Andrew Kreider (kreider.andrew@epa.gov) at 215-814-3301



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