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Fisher Scientific Chemical Division

EPA Identification Number: NJD004362059
Facility Location: 1 Reagent Lane, Fair Lawn, New Jersey   

Link to the site map

Facility Contact: Phillip Barnes, (609) 452-9000
EPA Contact: Sameh Abdellatif, (212) 637-4103, abdellatif.sameh@epa.gov
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Case Manager: Jacqueline Bobko, (609) 633-1410
Last Updated: October 2005
Environmental Indicator Status:

Human Exposures Under Control [PDF 362.47 KB, 31 pp] has been verified.
Groundwater Contamination Under Control [PDF 293.21 KB, 30 pp] has been verified.

Site Description

Fisher Scientific Chemical Division occupies a 10-acre site at 1 Reagent Lane in the Fair Lawn Industrial Park, New Jersey. Since 1955, Fisher has formulated, distilled, repackaged and distributed high-purity, laboratory-grade reagents and solvents. In 1979, EPA identified Fisher as a source of contamination in the adjacent Fairlawn Wellfields, a federal Superfund site that contains drinking-water wells that were found to be contain volatile organic compounds. Pursuant to a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit, Fisher stored hazardous wastes in a containerized storage pad and treated hazardous wastes in a treatment system consisting of two tanks. These units were removed with no contamination left behind.

Potential Threats and Contaminants

Fisher's historical spills, predominantly in the truck unloading area, contaminated the groundwater.

Cleanup Approach and Progress

Since EPA identified Fisher as one of the potential sources of contamination in the Fair Lawn Wellfields, Fisher participated in the closing of some of the municipal wells and in installing a treatment system on others. Presently, EPA is addressing the contamination at the Fair Lawn Wellfields Superfund site. Fisher installed on its site two trenches to recover contaminated groundwater and a system to pump the groundwater and treat it.

Fisher has also excavated contaminated soils. In October 1997, Fisher added seven new on-site wells to the pump and treat system. EPA and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) have evaluated the system capturing the contaminated groundwater plume and determined it is effective.

EPA is still investigating the Fair Lawn Wellfields site to determine Fisher's possible contribution to the contamination and to determine what is necessary to cleanup the Wellfields site. NJDEP may require additional modifications to Fisher's pump-and-treat system based on the ongoing evaluation, or possibly require additional investigations.

Site Repository

Copies of supporting technical documents and correspondence cited in the site fact sheet are available for public review at the following location:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Records Center
401 E. State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Telephone: (609) 777-3373

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) makes available its public records through formal request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).



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