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Southland Corporation

Other (Former) Names of Site: Gamma Chemical Company, Ashland Chemical Company

EPA Identification Number: NJD092225721
Facility Location: Alphano Road, Great Meadows, New Jersey   

Link to the site map

Facility Contact: Kenneth Lupperi, ELM, Inc., (609) 683-4848
EPA Contact: Alan Straus, (212) 637-4160 straus.alan@epa.gov
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Case Manager: Mark Souders, (609) 292-1945
Last Updated: June 2003
Environmental Indicator Status:

Human Exposures Under Control [PDF 89.81 KB, 32 pp] has been verified.
Groundwater Contamination Under Control [PDF 84.91 KB, 31 pp] has been verified.

Site Description

The Southland Corporation site is located on Alphano Road, 277 acres in Great Meadows, Independence Township, Warren County, New Jersey. Gamma Chemical Company owned and operated the facility from 1950 to 1966, followed by Ashland Chemical Company from 1966 to 1978, and Southland Corporation from 1979 to 1988.

The facility produced and processed speciality organic chemicals, and manufactured chemical intermediates for dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, and industrial products. All operations at the facility ceased in 1988. From 1988 to present, 7-Eleven, Inc. (formerly the Southland Corporation) has continued to maintain ownership and conduct remedial activities at the site. All industrial structures were demolished and removed from the site.

Potential Threats and Contaminants

Contamination at the site primarily exists in the former chemical manufacturing and waste disposal areas, and is due to former operations such as spills and releases, as well as overflows from the wastewater and process lagoons. Site characterization activities identified volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (benzene, chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane), metals (arsenic), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the soil. VOCs (benzene, chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane) and metals (arsenic) are present in the groundwater.

Cleanup Approach and Progress

The site is being remediated by Southland pursuant to an Administrative Consent Order with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), under the NJDEP Property Transfer Program. Areas of contaminated soil, both on-site and off-site, have been remediated (e.g., excavated, bioremediated), and engineering controls (e.g., capping) have been implemented in areas where contamination remains in excess of New Jersey non-residential soil standards.

An interim groundwater extraction and treatment system, consisting of extraction wells and two collection trenches, was replaced in 2000. The interim system was replaced with an air sparging and soil vapor extraction system in former production areas, and oxygen releasing compound system (ORCS) in a former manufacturing area. The newer treatment systems rely on in-situ remediation of contaminants through volatilization, oxidation, and enhanced biological processes in the subsurface.

The groundwater and surface water at and adjacent to the facility is being monitored and sampled to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the current groundwater treatment systems and to assure that the migration of contaminated groundwater is under control. A Deed Notice will be implemented for various areas of the site where contaminants will remain in soil above New Jersey residential standards. No drinking water wells will be allowed in any area where groundwater contamination exceeds drinking water standards.

Final Cleanup Status or Projection

Site Repository

Copies of supporting technical documents and correspondence cited in the site fact sheet are available for public review at the following location:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Records Center
401 E. State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Telephone (609) 777-3373

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) makes available its public records through formal request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).


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