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Simmonds Precision Company - Operative Industries

Other (Former) Names of Site: Hercules, Inc.

EPA Identification Number: NJD096873500
Facility Location: 100 Oakdale Road, Chester Township, New Jersey

Link to the site map

Facility Contact: James Bevis, (302) 594-5623
EPA Contact: Sameh Abdellatif, (212) 637-4103, abdellatif.sameh@epa.gov
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Case Manager: Gary Lipsius, (609) 633-0719
Last Updated: March 2004
Environmental Indicator Status: Human Exposures Under Control: No status has been recorded.
Groundwater Contamination Under Control: No status has been recorded.

Site Description

Simmonds Precision Company is located on Oakdale Road in Chester Township, New Jersey. The site occupies approximately 17 acres adjacent to the Black River about 1.5 miles north of Chester Borough. Land use in the vicinity is predominantly residential, agricultural and undeveloped.

The manufacturing facility, which ceased operations in 1996, consisted of the manufacturing and assembly of aircraft wiring harnesses and conduits for the aerospace industry. Specific products manufactured included custom-wired cables, ignition harnesses, ignition leads, electrical connectors, cozxial cables and related hardware.

Wastewater generated in the metal finishing operations was discharged directly to the swamp and wetlands located north of the site from 1946 until 1972. In 1972, an on-site percolation lagoon was constructed to contain the wastewater. The lagoon outfall, which discharged to the wetlands bounding the Lamington River, was permitted under a New Jersey Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NJPDES) permit. The lagoon was closed under New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) oversight. All operations at the site were ceased in 1994.

Potential Threats and Contaminants

The potential risks associated with this site are contaminated soil, sediments, groundwater, and surface water. The specific contaminants at the site include volatile organic constituents (including tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and dichloroethene) in the soil, groundwater and surface water, and some metals (lead and copper) in the sediments and soil.

Cleanup Approach and Progress

As a precaution, potable wells within a half-mile radius of the site were sampled and only one well had confirmed impacts of volatile organic compound contamination. The impacted residents were provided with appropriate water treatment for their water supply.
For areas with soil or sediment containing contamination in excess of the applicable NJDEP soil cleanup standards, some areas were capped and land use was restricted. Some areas with contaminated soils were excavated for off-site disposal. Another area was excavated and the soil was treated to remove the organic contaminants before being redeposited.

Groundwater is being addressed through the installation of a system to pump out the contaminated groundwater. The groundwater is then sent through a carbon filter and discharged to Oakdale Creek.

A comprehensive site investigation is being conducted to fully characterize the groundwater, soil and sediment contamination.

Simmonds Precision Company must complete the site investigation to ensure that an appropriate final remedy for the site-wide groundwater contamination is implemented. The corporation must also complete the cleanup at four areas at the site and determine how much soil contamination will remain.

Simmonds Precision Company will continue pumping and monitoring the groundwater extraction and treatment system. The groundwater monitoring program will continue indefinitely to ensure that contamination is not migrating further off-site. Additional monitoring wells may be needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the groundwater extraction and monitoring system.

The land use and groundwater use at the site and surrounding area will be restricted where contamination exceeds residential standards.

Simmonds Precision Company has agreed to pay $80,000 as a penalty and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's (NJDEP's) costs associated with the development of a Site Sampling and Investigation Plan (SSIP) that will complete the investigation of the site. Subsequent to completion of the SSIP, Hercules will be given an opportunity to implement the approved investigative scope of work as well as required future remedial actions. Failure of Hercules to implement to SSIP will result in completion of this remedial action by NJDEP using NJDEP contractors.

Site Repository

Copies of supporting technical documents and correspondence cited in the site fact sheet are available for public review at the following location:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Records Center
401 E. State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Telephone: (609) 777-3373

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) makes available its public records through formal request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).


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