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El Paso Energy Corp. Polymers Incorporated (EPEC Polymers, Inc.)

Other (Former) Names of Site - Tenneco Polymers, Inc., Tenneco Chemicals

EPA Identification Number: NJD001890300
Facility Location: 45 River Road, Flemington, New Jersey   

Link to the site map

Facility Contact: Roger Towe, (713) 420-4755
EPA Contact: Sin-Kie Tjho, (212) 637-4115, tjho.sin-kie@epa.gov
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Case Manager: Joseph Ludovico, (609) 633-1423
Last Updated: August 2003
Environmental Indicator Status:

Human Exposures Under Control has been verified.
Groundwater Contamination Under Controlhas been verified.
(Documentation of these indicators determination will be posted in the first quarter of 2008.)

Site Description

The El Paso Energy Corporation Polymers, Inc. (EPEC Polymers, Inc.), formerly known as Tenneco Polymers, Inc., is located at 45 River Road, at the juncture of the South Branch of the Raritan River and Bushkill Brook in Flemington/Raritan Townships, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.

Tenneco Polymers manufactured polyvinyl chloride powder resin from the mid-1960s until production ceased in November 1985. Research and development activities continued at the site until May 1986. In 1994, the facility property was sold to Flemington Industrial Park, L.L.C. In 1997, Tenneco Inc. merged with El Paso Energy Corporation (EPEC) and the former Tenneco subsidiaries became subsidiaries of EPEC. As a result of the merger, Tenneco Polymers, Inc. is now known as EPEC Polymers, Inc.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit that required continued maintenance and monitoring of five discontinued waste management units. EPA issued a RCRA permit that required investigation and cleanup of the site and NJDEP is also requiring cleanup of the site under its property transfer program.

Potential Threats and Contaminants

The soil at the site is contaminated with barium. Groundwater has been impacted primarily with vinyl chloride and trichloroethylene (TCE). The site's manufacturing operation and waste management were the sources of the contamination.

Cleanup Approach and Progress

Sludges within the three lagoons and two drying basins were excavated and disposed of in an approved off-site landfill, although small amounts of contamination remain. They were filled in with clean soil. Cleanups of the other units at the site have also been completed. Since some contamination remains on the site, NJDEP has issued a deed notice to restrict any uses of the property that may be a threat to people.

In 1987, Tenneco installed a system to pump contaminated groundwater and then treat it. After treatment the pumped groundwater is discharged to the local wastewater treatment plant. To increase the effectiveness of the groundwater treatment system, a chemical solution is being injected into the two areas from which the groundwater is being pumped. The solution, an oxidizing agent, is injected to physically flush out the contamination as well as chemically break it down. Some elevated concentrations of trichloroethylene (TCE) have been found in an off-site monitoring well. That TCE seems to come mainly from the Tenneco operation, although the operation at Tredegar Film Products, which is located adjacent to the property, may have contributed a little.

The company proposed investigations including the installation of two off-site monitoring wells to determine the source of the contamination, but the owners of the off-site properties denied the company's request for access. The company has asked the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) if the proposed installation plan can be withdrawn.

The groundwater pumping system and the chemical treatment will continue in conjunction with the quarterly site-wide groundwater monitoring program to ensure and confirm that contaminated groundwater is under control. NJDEP will also restrict the use of the groundwater for as long as it remains contaminated. An investigation will be conducted in an area of the off-site monitoring well to determine the extent of the trichloroethylene (TCE) groundwater contamination. Potential impacts of contaminated groundwater on domestic wells near the facility will be evaluated in relation to their uses and potential health impacts.

Site Repository

Copies of supporting technical documents and correspondence cited in the site fact sheet are available for public review at the following location:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste
Records Center
401 E. State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Telephone: (609) 777-3373

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) makes available its public records through formal request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).


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