SBIR and STTR Success Story for
Concordant Rater Systems

(Information Posted/Updated on 01/05/2006)

Concordant Rater Systems
6 Beacon St
Suite 205
Boston, MA  02108

Contact:    Dan DeBonis
Phone:      617-367-0044
Fax:          617-507-2423
Web Site:

Project Title:  An Interactive Computer Interview for Mania to Enhance Human Rater Performance
Related Award(s):  R43 MH65796
Technology Developed:
The Interactive Computer Interview (ICI) was developed by CRS for the administration of clinical rating scales. (A provisional patent was also issued in 2003).

The ICI is computerized interview that simulates a clinician’s administration of a rating scale and uses program logic to select a sequence of probes and follow-up queries necessary to assign symptom severity ratings.

Key Words:  CNS outcomes, Rater Reliability, Clinical Trials, Site Monitoring, Computerized Adaptive Tes, Mental Health, Bipolar Disorder.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
The ICI was found to be a well accepted, reliable, and valid method for eliciting and assessing manic and depressive symptoms.

There are 3 current uses for the technology: 1. Remote site monitoring in multi center trials to improve rater reliability. The ICI computer assessment is paired with live rater assessments on standardized rating scales (YMRS, MADRS, HAMD, HAMA). 2. A stand alone Rater Station ™ system that assesses subjects and generates a score for standardized rating scales. 3. A prompted clinical interview, where a human rater uses the ICI to administer a standardized rating scale either live or over the telephone.

The fact that the system can be easily translated makes it an inexpensive, valid option for CNS research in foreign countries and bi-lingual communities in the US.

Benefit to Company:
The SBIR funding was critical in allowing CRS to conduct an initial validity study. The data generated strongly indicated that the product was a reliable and valid method to assess manic and depression patients.

The CNS drug and reseach industry were and continue to be very concerned with the issue of rater reliability in multi center trials. The SBIR data provided evidence of a validated approach to reducing rater reliability.

Additionally, the SBIR funded a modified CSQ, along with minority and patient focus groups to evaluate the product. These provided valuable feedback and led to further enhancements to the product.

How Product Was Commercialized:
The remote site monitoring system that includes the ICI is now in use in major multi-center CNS pharmaceutical studies.

The Rater Station ™ system is now in use in various investigator initiated studies and proposed for use in multi-center trials.

Other Comments Related to Company's Success Story:
Components of the system and the business methods associated with the system were granted provisional US and IPC patents in 2003.

Past R&D and/or Sales from this Project:   $.5M
Estimated Future Annual R&D and/or Sales from this Project:   $$1.5M