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Email address:
WDCS Australasia WDCS UK WDCS South America WDCS Germany

Press office contacts:

Sue Fisher
Tel: +1 503 235 7050

or contact us at:

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (North America)
7 Nelson Street
Plymouth, MA 02360-4044
TOLL FREE - 1.888.MYWHALE (1.888.699.4253)
Office number - (508) 746-2522

Recent Press Releases:

Sept 5th 2008 - Boston Joins Worldwide Protest of Japan’s Dolphin Slaughter

July 3rd 2008 - Ocean Conservancy, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and Massachusetts Lobstermen Launch “Massachusetts lobster fishing: The right way”

March 25th 2008 - WDCS and Partners Announce Conservation Education Campaign for Youth in the Wider Caribbean Region

EU To Ban Seal Products

Greenland Kills First Bowhead Whale In Almost 40 Years

Thousands Of Belugas Spotted Off Newfoundland Coast

Iceland's Government Wins Election

Oil And Whaling Don't Mix

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