PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Use of longitude-latitude for well numbers in 5-year water level reports

                          GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
                      WATER RESOURCES DIVISION
                         WASHINGTON 25, D. C.

                                               October 11, 1963
                                                 Code 4056 0001


To:       District Chiefs and Staff Officials (GW)

From:     Chief, Ground Water Branch

Subject: PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Use of longitude-latitude for well
                              numbers in 5-year water level

The well numbering system described in Ground Water Branch memo
64.8, dated September 24, 1963, has been adopted for use in the 5-
year water level reports.  All wells for which data are to be
published should be assigned numbers according to the system
described in the reference memorandum.

The first report affected by this directive is for water levels in
the Southeast United States for the period ending December 31,

All wells should be located as accurately as possible.  We
recognize that the quality of maps available throughout the
country is not uniform.  Hence, wells in some areas cannot be
located to the nearest second of longitude and latitude.
Therefore, the number assigned should reflect the highest degree
of accuracy possible.  When necessary, rounding off to the nearest
five or ten seconds or even to half a minute is permissible.  When
numbers are rounded insert zeros for missing digits.

Also, the last digit of the well number which indicates sequential
scheduling is to be used even though no other wells may be near
by.  In this case the number one should be inserted.  Thus the
number of digits will be the same as the number of columns set up
for the well number in the proposed punch card system for storage
of well inventory data.

                                   (s) A. H. Lang
                                   for O. M. Hackett

WRD Distribution:  A, B3, S3, FO3, SL