EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES - Surveying Instruments

                           UNITED STATES
                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                         GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
                     Water Resources Division
                        Washington 25, D.C.

In reply refer to:                             February 28, 1958


To:       District Chiefs and Staff Officials (GW)

From:     Assistant Chief, Ground Water Branch

Subject:  EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES - Surveying Instruments

The Topographic Division has 12 used alidades surplus to their
needs.  These may be purchased for 100 dollars.  The alidades, of
Dietzgen and C.L. Berger and Sons makes, have 18-inch blades and
6-inch telescopic height; have been repaired, adjusted, and are in
excellent condition.

The alidades will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Districts interested in purchasing these instruments should submit
Form 9064 to the Administrative Officer, Water Resources Division
(Code 4010 0001) and indicate allotment to be charged.  The
request must be in the Washington office not later than March 12,

                                   (s) Clyde S. Conover

Distribution:  A, B, GS, GFO