Earthquake Fluctuation in observation wells

                           UNITED STATES
                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                         GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
                     Water Resources Division
                        Washington 25, D.C.

In reply refer to:                             September 13, 1957
                                               Code 4050 0001


To:       District Chiefs and Staff Officials

From:     Acting Chief, Ground Water Branch, Washington, D.C.

Subject:  Earthquake Fluctuation in observation wells

You undoubtedly have noted in the Press that the Atomic Energy
Commission has planned to conduct an underground atomic explosion
test in the near future.  This memo is to alert all districts to
be on the outlook for Observations of water levels in recorder-
equipped observation wells that may occur as a result of this
test.  The date and time of explosion possibly will not be
reported by the standard "Preliminary Determination of Epicenter"
cards issued by the Department of Commerce, so resulting
fluctuation might possibly be overlooked.  It is our understanding
that the test is scheduled for the week of September 15, so where
convenient, observation well recorders should be checked to make
sure they are in good operating condition.

                                (s) C. S. Conover

Distribution:  A, B, GS, GFO