PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Program in Fiscal Year 1958

                           UNITED STATES
                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                         GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
                     Water Resources Division
                        Washington 25, D.C.

In reply refer to:                             August 30, 1957
                                               Code 4054 0001


To:       District Chiefs and Staff Officials

From:     Chief, Ground Water Branch, Washington, D.C.

Subject:  PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Program in Fiscal Year 1958

The dual purpose of this memorandum is to request information with
which, A-to prepare an accurate summary of the Branch program for
fiscal year 1958 similar to the summaries for previous years, and
B-to coordinate geologic mapping activities with those in other
Divisions of the Survey.

                    A- Summary of Investigations

The attached summary of Ground-water Investigations in progress in
1956-57, and the map for 1955-56 at scale 1:5,000,000 for your
district were prepared from data previously submitted from your

You are requested to revise this list and map--either ink or
pencil will be satisfactory--to show your program for 1957-58, and
to return the revised summary and map to this office by October
21, 1957.  Please show all investigations active as of July 1,
1957 and also investigations that are to be started this year
under firm commitments.  An investigation will be considered
active unless the report was approved for release to the open file
or to another Federal agency prior to July 1, 1957.
Investigations terminated without a formal report should be
explained in a brief memorandum.  Please indicate, by month and
year in the remarks column, the planned date of beginning of new
projects for this fiscal year.

In revising the summary, under "Project Title, Location and
Objective" add the name of the Project Chief; under "Schedule"
revise to show your current estimate of completion dates; under
"Geologic mapping" indicate the scale of field mapping done or to
be done on the project; under "Per cent complete July 1," revise
to show status at the beginning of this fiscal year, which should
be as shown on your quarterly progress reports dated June 30,
1957, and under "Remarks" show the principal objectives of work
during fiscal year 1958.

                 B- Geologic Mapping Activities

In addition to checking the column "Geologic Mapping" on the
summary forms, please complete the enclosed questionnaire entitled
"Work Plans and Accomplishments," in triplicate, for each active
project on which there is geologic mapping, and outline the areas
on the enclosed index map of Topographic Mapping.  Two copies of
the completed questionnaire should be forwarded so that they will
be received in this office on or before October 21, 1957.  The
third copy should be retained in your files for future reference.

                                (s) A. N. Sayre


Distribution:  A, B, GS, GFO