Information presented on hydrology of limestone and related rocks at the conferences of the Ground Water Branch at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, March 27-31, 1956, and at Carlsbad, New Mexico, November 13-17, 1956.

                           UNITED STATES
                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                         GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
                     Water Resources Division
                        Washington 25, D.C.

In reply refer to:                                May 17, 1957
                                                  Code 4051 0001


To:       District Chiefs and Staff Officials, Ground Water Branch

From:     Chief, Ground Water Branch, Washington, D.C.

Subject:  Information presented on hydrology of limestone and
          related rocks at the conferences of the Ground Water
          Branch at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, March 27-31, 1956, and
          at Carlsbad, New Mexico, November 13-17, 1956.

Ground Water Branch Memorandum No. 57.21 requested that each
person presenting a paper or giving an informal talk at either the
Mammoth Cave or Carlsbad submit, without illustrations, a report
or paper covering his presentation.  Also requested was a
memorandum from each district describing the principal limestones
and related rocks which are known to be aquifers in that district.
The information on limestone and related rocks known to be
aquifers is needed for each State to give a more complete picture
of the geographic aspects of limestone hydrology.  When the
contributions are assembled for review and publication, not only
will the papers presented at each conference be considered, but
also the information provided by the memorandums describing the
principal aquifers of limestone and related rocks in each district
will be used to round out any discussion on the areal extent of
limestone aquifers.  As soon as the papers are assembled for
internal use and review in the Branch, each contribution will have
an opportunity to review his part and make such changes,
additions, and revisions as appear advisable.  At that time plans
can be made of the first of a series of reports for publication,
including illustrations, on the occurrence and movement of ground
water, with some information on the chemical quality and quantity
of water in different kinds of geologic terranes in the United

It was requested that these papers and memorandums be submitted by
April 1, 1957.  As of this date, copies of some of the papers
presented and a few of the memorandums discussing the limestone
and related-rocks aquifers of the respective districts have not
been received.  This task should not be unduly burdensome.
However, if you wish to contribute to this volume you should
submit your part in the near future or let us know promptly how
much additional time will be required.

The next group of papers will be prepared on the hydrology of
basalts after the field conference next September in Idaho.
Approval has been obtained for a conference on the hydrology of
alluvial deposits in the western States some time next year.
Later, plans will be made for conferences on glacial deposits and
other terranes.

                                    (s) A. N. Sayre

Distribution:  A, B, GS, GFO