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YOTREPS links:

Submitting reports
Reporting boat list
Mail products
Reporter software
Passage analysis

Plot your next offshore passage on the web

Let shoreside relatives and friends feel a part of your next voyage by plotting your daily positions on the web. The service is free and there are other benefits:

  • YOTREPS position and weather reports are shared with international marine forecasters who use them as a check on predictions and so help to improve their accuracy.
  • Reports are distributed to Search and Rescue co-ordinators so that in an emergency they not only have a better picture of speeds, courses and conditions experienced by boats in difficulties, but can also locate others in the area that may be able to offer assistance.
  • Reports contribute to a growing data base of offshore weather observations. These are used to provide the most up to date monthly analysis of conditions experienced on the more popular cruising routes.
  • Participating boats have their own custom web link to the YOTREPS vessel tracker showing a plot of their last 30 position reports.
  • Access to the YOTREPS E-mail List Services. This is an e-mail delivery system specifically designed for marine users with slow, low bandwidth connections. Examples of postings available include Bob McDavitt's Weathergrams or Fiji Fleet codes. Users can request just a single posting of a particular item or place a regular order for bulletins to be sent at the time of issue.
  • E-mail feeds of reports from other boats on passage. Sign up on the E-mail List server to receive postings of reports from other boats and with a free download copy of the Offshore Reporter you can plot courses, speeds and wind vectors of other boats on passage with you.

YOTREPS can handle position reports from boats anywhere in the world. See the list of current participants For more details of how YOTREPS works and how it can work for you, check out the links at the top of this page.

If you're organising a race, rally or special event contact Pangolin tech support and ask about custom web service plotting for specified sea areas or routes.


Many people have freely contributed time and effort to help develop YOTREPS and ensure its smooth running. It's hard to mention everyone but special thanks are due to pioneers:

Peter Brant (ZL1BNI)
Bill Cullen (WH6DQ)
Jim Donohue (KO6MH)
Arnold Gibbons (ZL1MA - ZKIDB)
St Kentigern's College Radio Club (ZL1SKC)
Ross Keatinge
Bruce Lethbridge (ZL1BMN)
Ken Mayer (bitwrangler.com)
Bob McDavitt (met.co.nz)
Richard McNish (KB6USC)
Peter Mott (2day.net.com)
Bob Reed (N6HGG)
Alan Riches(Brueni Bay Radio)
Net Controllers of the Pacific Seafarer's net
Bill Seeber (AA6MY)
Russ Spalding (W7MT)

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