Drug Abuse Prevention
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PreventED signup form (Apr 06, 2006)
Signup form for the PreventED listserv.
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The Challenge Newsletter Grant Competition Application (Apr 21, 2005)
The Challenge Newsletter Application Package
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The Challenge Newsletter Grant Competition Application (Apr 21, 2005)
The Challenge Newsletter Application Package Checklist
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The Challenge Newsletter Grant Competition Application (Apr 20, 2005)
The Challenge Newsletter Application Package pdf
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The Challenge Newsletter Grant Competition Application (MS Word) (Apr 20, 2005)
The Challenge Newsletter Application Package. (MS Word)
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National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information: For Kids Only (Aug 14, 2001)
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information provides a plethora of information on substance abuse, and its prevention. This site for kids offers a information on drug prevention; activities; a form where kids can ask questions about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco for experts to answer; and more.
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