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Contact WDCS

You can reach us at:

WDCS North America,
7 Nelson Street,
Plymouth, MA 02360-4044
If you have any questions about your whale adoption or would like to let us know your change of address, please email us at

You can also call us on TOLL FREE - 1.888.MYWHALE (1.888.699.4253)
Our office phone number is - (508) 746-2522 and our fax number is (508) 746-2537

Also, if you are nearby and would like to say Hi, feel free to come and visit us. Driving directions can be found on MapQuest.

EU To Ban Seal Products

Greenland Kills First Bowhead Whale In Almost 40 Years

Thousands Of Belugas Spotted Off Newfoundland Coast

Iceland's Government Wins Election

Oil And Whaling Don't Mix

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