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About WDCS North America

Established in 1987, WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, is the world's most active charity dedicated to the conservation and welfare of all whales, dolphins and porpoises (also known as cetaceans).

WDCS North America was born in 2005 with the merger of WDCS and the Whale Adoption Project. Many of WDCS’S international policy programs are implemented in our region. We also run national policy programs on issues or species specific to North America and the Caribbean.

In February of 2007, WDCS North America moved our headquarters to Plymouth, Massachusetts - America’s Hometown.  Steeped in history and culture, Plymouth was once home to a whaling port but it’s is now a hub for whale watching.  A place where Native Americans once feasted on marine mammals, “we” now work to protect them.    

“We”, however, encompasses much more than those of us that are work out of the Plymouth office or any office of WDCS.  “We” are the dedicated interns, volunteers and supporters of WDCS.

We are Grace Drake, an elementary school student who gave a talk to her classmates explaining the dangers whales face in our oceans.  We are Karolina Jasinska , a WDCS intern from Poland who used her degree in economics to help evaluate how whale watching increases peoples’ concern for the issues whales face.  We are Randy Weir, a young dolphin supporter who held a sign asking people to care about dolphins.  We are advocates, administrators, artists, computer technicians, children, interns, mariners, scientists, supporters and volunteers.  We are you - and we are making a difference. 

Meet the WDCS North America team

EU To Ban Seal Products

Greenland Kills First Bowhead Whale In Almost 40 Years

Thousands Of Belugas Spotted Off Newfoundland Coast

Iceland's Government Wins Election

Oil And Whaling Don't Mix

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