Patent EBC > Downloads

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Public PAIR Computer Based Training

Download and installation instructions for a tutorial to introduce you to the features of Public PAIR

PDF documents (below) require the Acrobat Reader
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Certificate Action Form [PDF, 63kB]

Instructions [73kB PDF Document]
Privacy Act [20k PDF Document]

This form is used to apply for your Digital Certificate that will provide you the means to gain secure access to your application information as well as public domain info.

Subscriber Agreement [PDF, 66kB]
This is a legal document describing the agreements between the Patent & Trademark Office and the use of your digital certificate.

Customer Number Request form [fillable PDF, 208kB]

This form is used to request a customer number as well as have it associated with one or more applications.

Patent & PCT Forms - Related Documents:

Privacy Act [HTML Web Page]

Request for Customer Number Data Change [filllable PDF, 180kB]
This form is used to request changes in current customer number information.

Customer Number Upload Spreadsheet [MS Excel, 241kB]
This is a spreadsheet template used to associate your customer number with your applications.

Software License [14kB TXT Document]
The USPTO Public Key Infrastructure software license.

EFS Software Downloads
Link to all Software Downloads required to filed Patent applications electronically. A Customer Number and a Digital Certificate are required to take full advantage of EFS.

EFS-Web Access (unregistered)
EFS-Web Access (registered)

EFS-Web Tools

PAIR Software - USPTO Direct 6.0 SP2 (~7MB download)) EXPORT RESTRICTIONS APPLY

>> View System Requirements in new window

>> View Installation Instructions

This is the software is used for access to the PAIR system and should not be downloaded until completing the PAIR Registration process. See below before downloading.

PAIR Downloads:   Notifications and Warnings

Registration and enrollment in the USPTO's EBC requires users to obtain software that must be installed in their client platform. The software package, USPTO Direct, includes cryptographic software, which is subject to U. S. export license requirements. The USPTO has obtained an export license, which permits distribution of the USPTO Direct software by download from this website.

Before downloading the software you must complete and return the Subscriber Agreement and Certificate Services Request Form, which are linked above. You will receive a single use the password permitting download as well as the information that you need to complete the USPTO Direct enrollment process that makes the downloaded software functional.

Although this software downloading from this site by you is licensed by the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Export Affairs, the software itself is still subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations and may not be exported by you outside the US and Canada without an export license.

If you are contemplating downloading of the USPTO Direct software from a location outside the United States or Canada, you should be aware that many nations impose import restrictions on downloading and/or use of cryptographic software. You should understand with and comply with the local requirements regarding the import and use of cryptographic products before any such download. You are responsible for procuring all required local permissions for any subsequent export, import or use of the Software or related information.

Cryptographic Software Notice and Acknowledgment

Notice: The USPTO Direct software includes cryptographic software subject to export controls under the Export Administration Regulations and anyone receiving the software by downloading or otherwise may not export the software without a license.

Acknowledgment: I acknowledge that I understand that the cryptographic software that I receive or download is subject to export controls under the Export Administration Regulations and that I may not export the software without a license.

References to the Export Administration Regulations are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. They are issued by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) under laws relating to the control of certain exports, reexports, and activities.

By clicking proceed on any restricted download screen, you are acknowledging the terms of this Cryptographic Software Notice.


KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

Send questions about USPTO programs and services to USPTO Contact Center(UCC).

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