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          ORO Directives and Handbooks
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[ IMAGE : ] VHA Handbook 1058.01:  "Requirements for Reporting Research Events to Facility Oversight Committees and to the Office of Research Oversight" was issued on February 27, 2009.  Please review this new handbook carefully as it contains many revisions for reporting research events within VHA facilities and to ORO.  
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VHA Handbook 1058.04 : "Debarments and Suspension Based On Research Impropriety in VA Research" was issued on January 16, 2008.

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VHA Handbook 1058.03 : "Assurance of Protection for Human Subjects in Research" was issued on May 10, 2007.

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VHA Handbook 1058.2 : "Research Misconduct" was issued on May 4, 2005.  VHA Manual M-3, Part 1, Chapter 15 is rescinded.

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VHA Directive 1058 : "Responsibilities of the Office of Research Oversight" was updated and reissued on February 1, 2008.

Other Documents
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What to Report to ORO was distributed via e-mail as well as snail-mail on September 29, 2005.

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ORO Organizational Chart   dated August 8, 2008.

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ORO Mission and Function

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Public Law 108-170

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Reviewed/Updated Date: April 10, 2009