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Federal Agencies

General Services Administration

  • - Charged with the dissemination of information regarding Section 508, GSA manages this page to increase understanding of the law and its implications, and provide strategies and resources for fulfilling the standards. In addition, here one can find up to date information on events, training, and media coverage related to section 508.
  • Center for IT Accommodation Homepage - This site is administered by the GSA and is a resource on information technology accessibility as it relates to the government.

The Access Board's Standards for Electronic & Info Technology

  • Section 508 - - This website is of key importance in Section 508 issues as it was the Access Board that finalized the standards for the law. Here one can access the Final Standards, find a number of helpful overviews and learn about the development of the law.
  • Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 - Here you can read the final version of the law, and gain understanding of how Section 508 and the Telecommunications act interact with and benefit each other, promoting accessibility.

Department of Agriculture

Census Bureau

  • Accessibility - This section of the Census Bureau's web page gives a brief description of their standards and actions regarding web accessibility.
  • Section 508 - This page is a consolidation of acquisition-related questions that have been posed by agencies, contractors, and members of the disability community regarding section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Office of Compliance

Department of Defense

  • Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program - Commonly referred to as CAP, this program reflects the Department's concentrated efforts towards improving the access of its employees and the general public towards high quality assistive technology and accessible electronic information, and provides evaluations and demonstrations to that effect.

Department of Education

Department Of Energy

  • DOE Headquarters Assistive Technologies Program - Implemented in 1992, the DOE Headquarters Assistive Technologies Program mission rapidly evolved from a reactive support effort for several existing "adaptive" workstations into a valued proactive Department resource for hundreds of DOE employees with a diverse collection of disabilities and impairments. The DOE Assistive Technologies Home Page is utilized by Headquarters and field site managers, employees, and others to obtain or exchange information about disability accommodations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  • - This site offers guidance regarding the provision of accommodations and forms for use in meeting accommodation needs.

Federal Communications Commission

  • Disabilities Rights Office - This office promotes accessibility both internal and external to the Commission particularly in regards to telecommunications equipment by assisting disabled individuals and organizations within the private and public sectors on the required standards.

Department Health and Human Services

  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - NIEHS, part of the National Institutes of Health, hosts this comprehensive website with an evaluation form, a rule list, and tools to test the accessibility of a website, including a simulated a screen reader.
  • Usability.Gov: A Resource for Designing Usable, Useful, and Accessible Interfaces - This National Cancer Institute project is an expansive resource with accessible web design methods, guidelines and checklists, and a general philosophy on accessible technology.

Department of the Interior

  • Accessible Technology Program - Their mission is to support employees with disabilities by determining the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic solutions tailored to the needs of each individual. They offer classes in effective web design under Section 508.
  • National Park Service - The NPS has a helpful site outlining web design tips under Section 508 for NPS web authors.

Internal Revenue Service

Department of Justice

  • Section 508 - This page outlines the law, displays the survey materials the Department is using to assess its level of Section 508 compliance, provides a copy of Janet Reno's comments on Section 508 at FOSE 2000, and links to a report with significant connection to Section 508, entitled, Information Technology and People with Disabilities: The Current State of Federal Accessibility.
  • ADA Home Page - The Americans with Disabilities Act is covered here in several ways. These include from a view of the ADA from a personal perspective, the aspect of enforcement and overviews on existing, new, and proposed regulations.

Department of Labor

  • Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) - Formerly known as the President's Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities, the ODEP works to increase and improve employment for individuals with disabilities. This office educates, trains, supports, and informs the disability community, employers, and the United States government on all aspects of the area of disability and employment.
  • Presidential Task Force on the Employment of Adults with Disabilities (PTFEAD) - Chaired by the Secretary of Labor, the Task Force works to substantially broaden avenues of employment of adults with disabilities by taking direct action and removing policy barriers. The ultimate goal of PTFEAD is for the disability community's employment numbers and quality to reach levels comparable to those of non-disabled adults.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Section 508 - This site summarizes NASA's planned response to Section 508 standards, also providing access to the project plan and schedule for the complete review of Administration websites and a series of briefings for employees running websites.

National Council on Disability

  • NCD's overall purpose is to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability; and to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

National Science Foundation

Social Security Administration

  • Section 508 - Section 508 - This page briefly describes the SSA's commitment to Section 508 with an adopted web page document and accessibility policy.

Department of Transportation

  • Section 508 - Hosted by the Chief Information Officer, this site describes the DOT's efforts towards Section 508 compliance including descriptions of two newly established groups, the OST 508 Steering Committee and the DOT Information Technology Working Group.

Department of the Treasury

Department of Veterans Affairs

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