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Research Misconduct

Overseeing Research Misconduct allegations is one of the main areas for which the Office of Research Oversight is responsible.

All Federal agencies that conduct or support research have adopted a uniform definition of Research Misconduct as follows: fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.

VHA Handbook 1058.2 (issued on May 4, 2005) adopts the Federalwide definition of research misconduct and sets out a precise process for responding to misconduct allegations involving VA research.  The potential consequences and severity of research misconduct necessitate a procedurally detailed mechanism for handling such allegations.

The standard response to a research misconduct allegation involves a threshold determination, an initial Inquiry, and a formal Investigation conducted by the facility where the research in question is located.  Based on the Investigation’s findings and conclusions, the appropriate VISN Director adjudicates (determines the outcome of) each case of research misconduct.  Respondents found guilty of research misconduct have an opportunity to appeal the findings and recommended corrective actions to the Under Secretary for Health.

Each VA medical center that conducts research has appointed a Research Integrity Officer (RIO) who is responsible for overseeing the fact-finding process at the local facility. 
RIO Contact List. ORO Central Office must be notified any time a research misconduct Inquiry is initiated at a VA facility.  See  What to Report to ORO Memorandum  (September 8, 2005).

If you have any questions regarding Research Misconduct, please contact Peter Poon (see below ).


Policies and Regulations

VHA Handbook 1058.04 : "Debarments and Suspensions Based On Research Impropriety In VA Research" was issued on January 16, 2008.

VHA Record Control Schedule (RCS 10-1), Item Nos. XLVII-1 and XLVII-2 , "Research Misconduct Investigation Records" (Note: Link accessible via VA Intranet only)

VHA Handbook 1058.2 : "Research Misconduct" 
was issued on May 4, 2005.  The VHA Manual M-3, Part 1, Chapter 15 is rescinded.

VA Handbook 0700 : "Administrative Investigations"

65 Fed. Reg. 76260 : "Federal Policy on Research Misconduct"

38 CFR Part 0 : "Standards of Ethical Conduct and Related Responsibilities"

38 CFR §§ 1.200-1.205 : "Referrals of Information Regarding Criminal Violations"

2 CFR Parts 180 and 215 : "Guidance for Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension"

2 CFR Part 801 : "Department of Veterans Affairs Implementation of OMB Guidance on Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension"


Terms and Definitions  


Information and Checklist for:

  Research Integrity Officers (RIOs)
  Inquiry Committees
  Investigation Committees
  Medical Center Directors
  VISN Directors (Adjudicators)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Cases (Currently Unavailable)




 Questions? Please contact:

Peter Poon, JD, MA, CIPP/G
Associate Director for Research Integrity & Assurance
Office of Research Oversight (ORO)
Veterans Health Administration
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Suite 574 (10R)
Washington, DC  20420

Office: (202) 266-4574
Fax: (202) 266-4560








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Reviewed/Updated Date: March 4, 2009