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ORO Checklists

The following checklists are used by ORO when conducting site visits (listed in alphabetical order).  They are provided to assist facilities in ensuring compliance with the regulations and policies. 

Please direct any questions to your
ORO Regional Office

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2008 Facility Director's Certification of Research Oversight:
  NOTE: The 2009 Certification will be posted as soon as available!
Effective Februrary 21, 2007, VHA policy requires that each Medical Center Director annually certify oversight of the facility's research program.  All six pages of the Certification Checklist and a Remedial Action Plan to address all identified deficiencies must be submitted to the appropriate 
ORO Regional Office  through the VISN Directorno later than July 15, 2008

Animal Welfare Checklist  (May 7, 2007)

Checklist for Developing an MOU (January 7, 2005)
This checklist is being revised.  Please contact Priscilla Craig by email or phone at (202) 266-4572 for more information. 

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Checklist    (May 21, 2008)
This checklist was modified on 5/21/08 to more accurately reflect regulations and VA policies and to correct typographical errors.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Checklist    (April 14, 2008)
This checkist was modified on 4/14/08 to more accurately reflect regulations and VA policies and to correct typographical errors.

Research and Development Committee Checklist    (April 14, 2008)
was modified on 4/14/08 to more accurately reflect VA policies.

Research Information Protection Program Checklist (March 2009)
This Research Information Protection Program (RIPP) Checklist replaces the Research Data Security Assessment Checklist (January 8, 2009).  The checklist has been substantially reorganized, with new items and updated references.  As additional research information protection policies are added, The RIPP Checklist will be further updated. 

Research Privacy Checklist  (July 20, 2007)
This checklist incorporates policies in key VA and VHA Handbooks, Directives, Memoranda, and regulations.  This checklist also reflects areas that ORO staff might review on site visits to your facility.  Because new policies and guidance are being developed rapidly now in this area, please watch the ORO website for updates and new versions of the checklist.  We hope this is helpful to you.  We suggest that you also see the ORO Research Data Security Assessment Checklist of February 23, 2007.

Research Safety Checklist   (December 26, 2007)

Security Checklist for BSL-1 and BSL-2 Laboratories   (September 5, 2007)
Language has been modified in item 6: bullet two, page 3, now indicates that "if the lab houses hazardous agents and/or SATs as defined by 1200.06 , the R&D Committee must review the status of personnel granted access to VA research labs at least semiannually including, among other criteria, visa status." (underscoring supplied to denote language modification.)

Security Checklist for BSL-3 Research Laboratory   (March 21, 2007)
Please also refer to the  memorandum from the ORO Chief Officer to the Directors of facilities with BSL-3 Research Laboratories, which indicates that most BSL-3 Research Laboratories will be visited by ORO staff every other year for a security inspection; facilities will conduct their own inspections each year that no ORO visit is conducted and submit a report to ORO.



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Reviewed/Updated Date: April 24, 2009