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Contractor Information

Contract Types

Content Updated - 29 October 2002

The Western Washington Area Acquisition Team issues projects in a negotiated format using Request for Quotes, Request for Offers, or Request for Proposals. We award many Multiple-Award-Requirement Type Contracts for multi-year periods. Occasionally projects may be issued as an Invitation For Bids using the sealed bid method.

Request For Quotations (RFQ)

The RFQ is a process used for procurements under $100,000.00. This process is not binding on either party until a formal Purchase Order has been issued and the contractor accepts the order or substantially begins performance of the work.

There are no "bid results" since this is a negotiated process and contractors may withdraw their quoteor change their pricing at anytime prior to award. The award isnot necessarily based on lowest quote received but using Best Value Practices, the award is based on Past Performance and Experience and price as a secondary consideration.

Request For Offer (RFO)

The RFO differs from the RFQ in that it is binding when the offer is submitted. This process is used for procurements under $100,000.00. A Purchase Order will still be used as the award document. There are no "bid results" since this is still a negotiated process. The award is not necessarily based on lowest offer received but using Best Value Practices, the award is based on Past Performance and Experience and price as a secondary consideration.

Request For Proposals (RFP)

The RFP is a negotiated process used in procurements estimated over $100,000.00. This process is binding, however the contractor may wish, after discussions, to increase or decrease his costs with a Best and Final Offer. The resulting award is based on factors other than cost, such as Past Performance, Experience or other specified criteria and price may be a secondary consideration.

Invitation For Bids (IFB)

The IFB is the sealed bid process used in procurements estimated over $25,000.00. The bids are opened at a public bid opening and bid results are available after the opening. The award is based on price.

Unique Multiple-Award Requirements-Type Contracts

This is a unique program by where the Government pre-selects a pool of contractors who are approved to submit pricing proposals on types of projects under their awarded contract. The specification package is known as a Task Order. The award is based on price.

TASK ORDER is the name for the specification packages for each project that is only issued to the pool of contractors awarded a Unique Multiple-Award Requirements Contract. Copies of the various task orders can be furnished upon request to interested subcontractors and suppliers.