Federal Aviation Administration

COMSTAC Working Groups

Updated: 3:56 pm ET February 26, 2009

For the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC), commercial launch industry issues are addressed through working groups, which provide information, reports and recommendation to the full Committee for adoption. Ad hoc working groups or special task groups are also established as needed.

Technology and Innovation Working Group

The Technology and Innovation Working Group (TIWG) is responsible for identifying technology issues and innovations affecting the competitiveness of the U.S. commercial space transportation industry and monitoring and assessing foreign expendable launch vehicle (ELV) technologies. The TIWG develops the annual Commercial Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO) Launch Demand Model, (formerly titled: Geostationary Mission Model Update), one of the world's foremost commercial launch market forecast, which projects demand for commercial satellites that operate in geosynchronous orbit and the resulting launch demand to geosynchronous transfer orbit.

Chair: Dr. Alexander Liang
General Manager, Vehicle Systems Division
The Aerospace Corporation

Risk Management Working Group

The Risk Management Working Group (RMWG) is responsible for issues concerning launch liability and insurance for the commercial launch industry. In 2000-2001, the RMWG collected the views of its membership, which includes representatives of the commercial space industry as well as the insurance community, on the topics delineated by Congress in the Space Competitiveness Act. As a result, the RMWG produced a report entitled Risk Management Working Group Report to COMSTAC On the Federal Aviation Administration Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation's "Liability Risk-Sharing regime for U.S. Commercial Space Transportation: Study and Analysis (April 2002).

Co-Chair: Mr. Christopher Kunstadter
Vice President
XL Insurance

Co-Chair: Ms. Janet Sadler
Senior Vice President, Aviation Division
AIG (UK) Limited

Export Controls Working Group

The Export Controls Working Group (ECWG) is responsible for analyzing current laws and regulations related to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the export controls process, in order to identify specific, practical actions that will allow the U.S. commercial space transportation industry to prosper globally without harming national security. Established in October 2009, the ECWG will examine ways of improving the efficacy of America's export control regime for commercial space systems and operations.

Chair: Mr. Michael N. Gold
Director, Washington, D.C. Area Office
Bigelow Aerospace

Deputy Chair: Mr. Timothy Hughes
Vice President/Chief Counsel
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation

Reusable Launch Vehicle Working Group

The Reusable Launch Vehicle Working Group (RLVWG) is responsible for identifying and analyzing key safety, technical, policy, and regulatory issues concerning reusable launch vehicle (RLV) development and RLV operations. (Established May 1998).

Chair: Currently Vacant

Launch Operations and Support Working Group

The Launch Operations and Support Working Group (LOSWG) is responsible for identifying key launch operations, support, and processing issues affecting U.S. commercial space competitiveness; supporting accessibility of new commercial space ventures to launch sites and services; and investigating options for commercialization/privatization of launch services, support, and facilities. The LOSWG was originally the COMSTAC Infrastructure Working Group, which was primarily responsible for promoting modernization of existing and development of new launch infrastructure for commercial space launch operations.

Chair: Mr. Robert M. Davis
Director, Business & Strategy Development
Northrup Grumman Corporation

3:56 pm ET February 26, 2009