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Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
322 East Front Street
Suite 401
Boise, ID  83702

(208) 373-4340
(208) 373-4391 (FAX)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


 Technology Transfer

The USDA-USFS Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab Technology Transfer program is a shared program established in 1990 between Forest Service regions 1, 4, 6, and the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Its focus is on improving the communication between researchers and practitioners/managers to meet two primary objectives:

  1. Provide timely awareness and delivery of relevant knowledge, technical tools and procedures to assist land managers and practitioners address current and emerging fisheries/aquatic issues

  2. Ensure researchers and practitioners/managers were working together to define knowledge gaps and needed research, tools and procedures.

Approximately 40% of the program consists of a mandated component, management of the PACFISH/INFISH Implementation Monitoring Program and database (training, support, collection, storage, retrieval) for annual and long-term reporting out to the Interior Columbia River Basin Deputy Team. The remainder of the program focuses on defining and addressing short and long-term priority practitioner needs for carrying out multi-scale assessments and planning, and the development of conservation and restoration strategies to assist in the protection, maintenance and restoration of T.E.S fish species and stream-riparian environments.


Research products are delivered through publications, handbooks, models, synthesis documents, workshops, meetings, field reviews and consultations, with primary emphasis on web downloadable products.


For more information see our Briefing Paper


Boise Lab Technology Transfer Personnel

Picture of Kerry Overton; Link to personal page

Kerry Overton

R1/R4/R6/RMRS Technology

Transfer Program Leader


Picture of Gwynne Chandler, Link to personal page

Gwynne L. Chandler
Technology Transfer

Specialist, Fisheries



IM program


Picture of Sharon Parkes; Link to personal page

Sharon Parkes
AWAE and Boise Lab


GIS Specialist


Picture of Bruce Rieman; Link to personal page

Bruce Rieman

Emeritus Fisheries

Research Scientist
Fish/Fire/Climate Change

Technology Transfer/

Science Application


Picture of Angelica Vicente; Link to personal page

Angelica M. Vicente
R1/R4/R6 /RMRS Technology

Transfer Technician



Cristina Watson

Text Box: Cristina Watson
R1/R4/R6/RMRS Fisheries Technology Transfer Conservation
 Education Program, Science for Kids

Text Box: Cristina Watson
R1/R4/R6/RMRS Fisheries Technology Transfer Conservation
 Education Program, Science for Kids

Cristina Watson

R1/R4/R6/RMRS Fisheries

Technology Transfer

Conservation Education

Program, Science for Kids


Air, Water & Aquatic Environments (AWAE) Program Research




Air Quality in Mountain       Ecosystems: Ozone


  Climate Change:

Water & Aquatic Ecosystems

Bull Trout and Climate



Hyporheic Exchange in Gravel Bed Rivers with Pool-Riffle Morphology

Clean Water: Insect Outbreaks


Aquatic Environments

Fire: Fuel Mgt. & Aquatic Eco.

Detecting Mobile Boreal Toads

Spatial & Temporal Variation in Chinook Redd Distributions.


  Invasive Species:

 Managing for Native Trout

 Nonnative Fish Removal


 GIS & Tech Tran

GRAIP:Quantifying & Prioritizing Road Impacts.

Remote Sensing of Stream Channels

Research Analysis and Technology Transfer Team

AWAE Scientists





USDA Forest Service - RMRS - Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
Last Modified:  Thursday, 02 April 2009 at 19:31:42 EDT

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