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Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
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2007-2009 Publications

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Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab Publications

Fisheries and Watershed Publications- RMRS 4353 - Integrated Research on Watershed Processes and Aquatic Ecology to Guide Management of Aquatic Ecosystems and Water and Soil Resources

Barta Bethlahmy Black Bohn Buffington
Burroughs Clayton Dare Dunham Guzevich
Horan Isaak Kennedy Ketcheson King
Lee Luce McGrath McIntyre McKean
Megahan Overton Packer Platts Rieman
Rosenberger Seyedbagheri Thurow Tonina

Shrubland Publications

Cox DeBolt Ganguli Gurr Kinney
Kinter Parkinson D. Scholten M. Scholten Shaw
Sherich       Other


Terrestrial Systems Publications - RWU 4251 and Wildlife Ecology Unit – Ecology and Conservation of Wildlife and Habitats in the Interior West (Publications go to external links)

Dudley Saab Suring    


Riparian Publications - Former RWU 4202 - Riparian Stream Ecosystem Research Project, Warren Clary, Project Leader

Fisheries and Watershed Publications

Barta, Alan F. 2001. Gravel entrainment and scour in steep headwater channels. Proceedings of the Seventh Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 2001 March 25-29; Reno, NV. Washington, D.C.: Federal Interagency Sedimentation Committee: XI-50-57.

Barta, Alan F. 2001. Mechanisms and risk assessment of post-wildfire debris flows (abstract). 11th Annual Idaho Nonpoint Source Water Quality Monitoring Results Workshop ; 2001 January 9-11, Boise, ID; Boise, ID. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality:13.

Barta, Alan F. 2000. Gravel entrainment in steep Sierra Nevada streams. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting; 2000 November 13-16; Reno, NV. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America: 32.

Barta, Alan F. 2000. Modeling debris and hyperconcentrated flow risks following wildfire. Proceedings of the 2000 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union; 2000 December 15-19; San Francisco, CA. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union: F523.

Barta, Alan F.; Clayton, James L. 1998. Sediment yield in Intermountain West headwater basins as indicators of environmental change and landscape denudation. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting Supplement. 79(17): 599.

Wilcock, Peter R.; Barta, Alan F.; Shea, Conor C.; [and others]. 1996. Observations of flow and sediment entrainment on a large gravel-bed river. Water Resources Research. 32(9): 2897-2909.

Barta, Alan F.; Wilcock, Peter R.; Shea, Conor C. C. 1994. The transport of gravels in boulder-bed streams. Controneo, George V.; Rumer, Ralph R., eds. Hydraulic Engineering '94; 1994 August 1-5; Buffalo, NY; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: 780-784.

Wilcock, Peter R.; Barta, Alan F.; Shea, Conor C. 1994. Estimating local bed shear stress in large gravel-bed rivers. Controneo, George V.; Rumer, Ralph R., eds. Hydraulic Engineering '94; 1994 August 1-5, Buffalo, NY; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: 834-838.


Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1967. Effect of exposure and logging on runoff and erosion. Research Note INT-61. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 7 p.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1964. Improved procedure for calculating stream discharge. Research Paper PNW-10. Portland, OR: USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1963. Rapid calibration of watersheds for hydrologic studies. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology. 8(3): 38-42.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1963. Soil-moisture sampling variation as affected by vegetation and depth of sampling. Soil Science. 95(3): 211-213.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1962. First year effects of timber removal on soil moisture. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology. 7(2): 34-38.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1960. Fertilizer helps establish grass seedlings on abandoned logging roads. Journal of Forestry. 58: 965-966.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1960. Surface runoff and erosion - related problems of timber harvesting. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 15(4): 156-161.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1959. Reducing evaporation from small reservoirs. Northwest Science. 33: 135-138.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia. 1951. An alinement chart for use with the soil-moisture instrument. Soil Science. 71: 377-380.

Bethlahmy, Nedavia; Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1966. Controlling soil movement from steep road fills. Research Note INT-45. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p.



Black, Thomas A.; Luce, Charles H. 1999. Changes in erosion from gravel surfaced forest roads through time. Sessions, John; Chung, Woodam, eds. Proceedings of the International Mountain Logging and 10th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium; 1999 March 28- April 1, Corvallis, OR; Corvallis, Oregon. Oregon State University and International Union of Forestry Research Organizations: 204-218.

Black, Thomas A.; Luce, Charles H. 1997. Sediment production from forest roads in the Oregon Coast Range (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU Fall Meeting Supplement. 78(46): F314.


Bohn, Carolyn C. 2001. Guide for fabricating and installing shallow ground water observation wells. Research Note RMRS-RN-9. Fort Collins, CO: USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 5 p.

Bohn, Carolyn C. 1989. Management of winter soil temperatures to control streambank erosion. In: Gresswell, Robert E.; Barton, Bruce A.; Kershner, Jeffery L., eds. Practical approaches to riparian resource management: proceedings of a workshop; 1989 May 8-11, Billings, MT; Billings, MT. USDI-Bureau of Land Management: 69-71.

Bohn, Carolyn C. 1986. Biological importance of streambank stability. Rangelands. 8(2): 55-56.

Bohn, Carolyn C.; Buckhouse, John C. 1985. Coliforms as an indicator of water quality in wildland streams. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 40(1): 95-97.

Bohn, Carolyn C.; Buckhouse, John C. 1985. Some responses of riparian soils to grazing management in northeastern Oregon. Journal of Range Management. 38(4): 378-381.

Bohn, Carolyn C.; Gebhardt, Karl. 1989. Comparison of hydrometer settling times in soil particle size analysis. Journal of Range Management. 42(1): 81-83.

Bohn, Carolyn C.; King, John G. 2000. Stream channel responses to streamflow diversion on small streams of the Snake River drainage, Idaho. Research Paper RMRS-RP-20. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 19 p.

Bohn, Carolyn C.; Megahan, Walter F. 1991. Changes in sediment storage in the South Fork Salmon River, Idaho. Fan, Shou-Shan; Kuo, Yung-Huang, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1991 March 18-21, Las Vegas, NV; Washington, DC. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee: 12-23 through 12-29.


Buffington, John M.


Tonina, D. and J.M. Buffington, 2009 (published online March 18), Hyporheic exchange in mountain rivers I: Mechanics and environmental effects, Geography Compass 3(3): XXXX-XXXX, doi 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00226.x. 

Buffington, J.M., and D. Tonina, 2009 (published online March 18), Hyporheic exchange in mountain rivers II: Effects of channel morphology on mechanics, scales and rates of exchange, Geography Compass 3(3): XXXX-XXXX, doi 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00225.x. 

Caamaño, D., P. Goodwin, J.M. Buffington, J.C.P. Liou, and S. Daley-Laursen, 2009, A unifying criterion for the velocity reversal hypothesis in gravel-bed rivers, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 135(1): 66-70, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2009)135:1(66).


Burke, M., K. Jorde, and J.M. Buffington, published online November 5 2008, Application of a hierarchical framework for assessing environmental impacts of dam operation: changes in hydrology, channel hydraulics, bed mobility and recruitment of riparian trees in a western North American river, Journal of Environmental Management, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.1007.0222.

Barry, J.J., Buffington, J.M., Goodwin, P., King, J.G., and Emmett, W.W. 2008. Performance of bed-load transport equations relative to geomorphic significance: predicting effective discharge and its transport rate. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134(5): 601-615. doi 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:5(601).

Buffington, John M.; Tonina, Daniele. 2008.  Discussion of "Evaluating vertical velocities between the stream and the hyporheic zone from temperature data" by Seydell, I.; Wawra, B.E.; Zanke, U.C.E. in Gravel-Bed Rivers 6–From Process Understanding to River Restoration, edited by Habersack, H.; Piégay, H; Rinaldi, M. Elsevier, pp. 128-131.

Roper, B.B., Buffington, J.M., Archer, E., Moyer, C., and Ward, M. 2008. The role of observer variation in determining Rosgen stream types in northeastern Oregon mountain streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(2): 417-427. doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2008.00171.x.

Tonina, D., Luce, C.H., Rieman, B., Buffington, J.M., Goodwin, P., Clayton, Stephen R., Ali, S.M., Barry, J.J., and Berenbrock, C. 2008. Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6918.

2007 and older

Tonina, Daniele; Buffington, John M. 2007. Hyporheic exchange in gravel bed rivers with pool-riffle morphology: Laboratory experiments and three-dimensional modeling. Water Resources Research, 43: W01421, doi:10.1029/2005WR004328. 

Bisson, Peter A., Montgomery, David R., Buffington, John M. 2006. Valley segments, stream reaches, and channel units. Pp 23-49 in Methods in Stream Ecology, Hauer, F.R., Lamberti, G. A., editors.  San Diego, CA.: Academic Press/Elsevier.  Book

Burke, Michael; Jorde, Klaus; Buffington, John M.; Braatne, Jeffrey H.; Benjankar, Rohan. 2006. Spatial distribution of impacts to channel bed mobility due to flow regulation, Kootenai River, USA. Proceedings of the 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, NV, April 2-6, 2006.

Barry, Jeffrey J.; Buffington, John M.; King, John G. 2004. A general power equation for predicting bed load transport rates in gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, W10401, doi:10.1029/2004WR003190. (1395 kb)

Buffington, John M.; Montgomery, David R.; Greenberg, Harvey M. 2004. Basin-scale availability of salmonid spawning gravel as influenced by channel type and hydraulic roughness in mountain catchments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2085-2096. Erratum

Buffington, J.M., R.D. Woodsmith, D.B. Booth and D.R. Montgomery. 2003. Fluvial processes in Puget Sound Rivers and the Pacific Northwest. In D.R. Montgomery, S. Bolton, D.B. Booth and L. Wall (eds.) Restoration of Puget Sound Rivers. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA, pp. 46-78.

Montgomery, D.R., B.D. Collins, J.M. Buffington and T.B. Abbe. 2003. Geomorphic effects of wood in rivers. In S. Gregory, K. Boyer and A.M. Gurnell (eds.) The Ecology and Management of Wood in World Rivers. American Fisheries Society Symposium 37:21-47. 

Buffington, J.M., T.E. Lisle, R.D. Woodsmith and S. Hilton. 2002. Controls on the size and occurrence of pools in coarse-grained forest rivers. River Research and Applications. 18:507-531.  

Buffington, J.M. 1999. The legend of A. F. Shields. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 125:376-387.

Buffington, J.M. and D.R. Montgomery. 1999a. A procedure for classifying textural facies in gravel-bed rivers. Water Resources Research. 35:1903-1914.

Buffington, J.M. and D.R. Montgomery. 1999b. Effects of hydraulic roughness on surface textures of gravel-bed rivers. Water Resources Research. 35:3507-3522.

Buffington, J.M. and D.R. Montgomery. 1999c. Effects of sediment supply on surface textures of gravel-bed rivers. Water Resources Research. 35:3523-3530.

Montgomery, D.R. and J.M. Buffington. 1998. Channel processes, classification, and response. In R. Naiman and R. Bilby (eds.) River Ecology and Management. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 13-42.

Aalto, R., D.R. Montgomery, B. Hallet, T.B. Abbe, J.M. Buffington, K.M. Cuffey and K.M. Schmidt. 1997. A hill of beans. Science. 277:1911-1913.

Buffington, J.M. and D.R. Montgomery. 1997. A systematic analysis of eight decades of incipient motion studies, with special reference to gravel-bedded rivers. Water Resources Research. 33:1993-2029. Erratum

Montgomery, D.R. and J.M. Buffington. 1997. Channel-reach morphology in mountain drainage basins. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 109:596-611.

Montgomery, D.R., T.B. Abbe, J.M. Buffington, N.P. Peterson, K.M. Schmidt and J.D. Stock. 1996a. Distribution of bedrock and alluvial channels in forested mountain drainage basins. Nature. 381:587-589.

Montgomery, D.R., J.M. Buffington, N.P. Peterson, D. Schuett-Hames and T.P. Quinn. 1996b. Streambed scour, egg burial depths and the influence of salmonid spawning on bed surface mobility and embryo survival. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 53:1061-1070.

Woodsmith, R.D. and J.M. Buffington. 1996. Multivariate geomorphic analysis of forest streams:  Implications for assessment of land use impact on channel condition. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 21:377-393.

Montgomery, D.R., J.M. Buffington, R.D. Smith, K.M. Schmidt and G. Pess. 1995. Pool spacing in forest channels. Water Resources Research. 31:1097-1105.

Buffington, J.M., W.E. Dietrich and J.W. Kirchner. 1992. Friction angle measurements on a naturally formed gravel streambed:  Implications for critical boundary shear stress. Water Resources Research. 28:411-425.


Clayton, James L.

Kirchner, James W.; Finkel, Robert C.; Riebe, Clifford S.; Granger, Darryl E.; Clayton, James L.; King, John G.; Megahan, Walter F. 2001. Episodic mountain erosion inferred from sediment yields over decades and millennia. Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 2001 March 25-29; Reno, NV: XI-49.

Kirchner, James W.; Finkel, Robert C.; Riebe, Clifford S.; Granger, Darryl E.; Clayton, James L.; King, John G.; Megahan, Walter F. 2001. Mountain erosion over 10 yr, 10 k.y., and 10 m.y. time scales. Geology 29(7): 591-594.

Kirchner, James W., Robert C. Finkel, Clifford S. Riebe, Darryl E. Granger, James L. Clayton, John G. King, Walter F. Megahan. Mountain erosion over 10 yr, 10 k.y. and 10 m.y. time scales. 2001 Geological Society of America. Geology. July 2001; v.20; no.7. p.591-594.  

Riebe, Clifford S.; Kirchner, James W.; Granger, Darryl E.; Glaser, Laura L.; Clayton, James L.; Finkel, Robert C. 2000. Long-term chemical weathering rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance. Proceedings of the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union; 2000 December 15-19; San Francisco, CA. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union: F34.

Glaser, Laura L; Kirchner, James W.; Riebe, Clifford S.; Clayton, James L.; Finkel, Robert C. 2000. Chemical weathering rates of the Idaho Batholith inferred over 10-year and 10,000-year timescales. Proceedings of the 2000 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union; 2000 December 15-19; San Francisco, CA. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union: F506.

Clayton, J.L., J.G. King, and R.F. Thurow. 1996. Evaluation of an ion adsorption method to estimate intragravel flow velocity in salmonid spawning gravels. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:167-174.    (999 kb)

Inskeep, William P.; Clayton, James L.; Mogk, David W. 1993. Naturally weathered plagioclase grains from the Idaho Batholith: observations using scanning electron microscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 57(3): 851-860.
Clayton, James L. 1998. Alkalinity generation in snowmelt and rain runoff during short distance flow over rock. Research Paper RMRS-RP-12. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 7 p.

Clayton, James L. 1995. Incipient weathering and soil development in ash deposits from the Mount St. Helens eruption of 1980. Tinus, Richard W., ed. Interior west global change workshop. General Technical Report RM-GTR-262; 1995 April 25-27, Fort Collins, CO; Fort Collins, CO. USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 84-86.

Clayton, James L. 1995. Processes of soil formation. Natural Resource News (Blue Mountains Natural Resources Institute). 5(1): 4-6.

Clayton, J.L., J.G. King, and R.F. Thurow. 1994. Evaluation of an ion adsorption method to estimate intragravel flow velocity. Sediment monitoring techniques validation. Progress Report prepared for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Boise, Idaho.  

Clayton, James L. 1993. Mechanical and hydrological properties of granitic rock associated with weathering and fracturing in the Idaho Batholith. Sommarstrom, Sari, ed. Decomposed granitic soils: problems and solutions; 1992 October 21-23, Redding, CA; Davis, CA. University of California Extension: 40-50.

Clayton, James L. 1991. Soil processing of air pollutants in the Intermountain West. Harvey, A. E.; Neuenschwander, L. F., eds. Management and productivity of western montane forest soils; 1990 April 10-12, Boise, ID. General Technical Report INT-280; Ogden, UT. USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 157-160.

Clayton, James L. 1990. Soil disturbance resulting from skidding logs on granitic soils in central Idaho. Research Paper INT-436. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 8 p.

Swanson, Frederick J.; Clayton, James L.; Megahan, Walter F.; Bush, George. 1989. Chapter 5: Erosional processes and long-term site productivity. Perry, D. A.; Meurisse, R.; Thomas, B.; [and others], eds. Maintaining the long-term productivity of Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems. Portland, OR: Timber Press: 67-81.

Clayton, James L.
1988. Some observations on the stoichiometry of feldspar hydrolysis in granitic soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 17: 153-157.

Clayton, James L. 1986. An estimate of plagioclase weathering rate in the Idaho batholith based upon geochemical transport rates. Colman, S. M.; Dethier, D. P., eds. Rates of chemical weathering of rocks and minerals. Orlando, FL: Academic Press: 453-466.

Clayton, James L. 1984. A rational basis for estimating elemental supply rate from weathering. Stone, Earl L., ed. Forest soils and treatment impacts: Proceedings of the 6th North American Forest Soils Conference; 1983 June, Knoxville, TN; 405-419.

Clayton, James L. 1983. Evaluating slope stability prior to road construction. Research Paper INT-307. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p.

Clayton, James L. 1981. Magnitude and implications of dissolved and sediment elemental transport from small watersheds. Baumgartner, David M., ed. Interior West Watershed Management; 1980 April 8-10, Spokane, WA; Pullman, WA. Washington State University Cooperative Extension: 83-98.

Clayton, James L. 1981. Soil disturbance caused by clearcutting and helicopter yarding in the Idaho Batholith. Research Note INT-305. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 7 p.

Clayton, James L. 1979. Nutrient supply to soil by rock weathering. Proceedings, Symposium on Impact of Intensive Harvesting on Forest Nutrient Cycling; Syracuse, NY. State University of New York: 75-96.

Clayton, James L. 1976. Nutrient gains to adjacent ecosystems during a forest fire: an evaluation. Forest Science. 22(2): 162-166.

Clayton, James L. 1974. Clay minerology of soils in the Idaho Batholith. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 85: 229-232.

Clayton, James L. 1972. Salt spray and mineral cycling in two California coastal ecosystems. Ecology. 53(1): 74-81.

Clayton, James L.; Arnold, John F. 1972. Practical grain size, fracturing density, and weathering classification of intrusive rocks of the Idaho Batholith. General Technical Report INT-2. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 17 p.

Clayton, James L.; Eloslami, M. 1997. Part III: Meteorological information required for managing forests in arid and semi-arid regions. CAgM Report No. 64, WMO/TD-No. 728. Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization. 7 p.

Clayton, James L.; Inskeep, William P.; Mogk, David W. 1991. Differences in dissolution chemistry of two oligoclase samples. Agronomy Abstracts, 1991 Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America; 1991 October 27 - November 1, Denver, CO. American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America:364.

Clayton, James L.; Jensen, Chester E. 1973. Water retention of granitic soils in the Idaho Batholith. Research Paper INT-143. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 20 p.

Clayton, James L.; Kellogg, Gary; Forrester, Neal. 1987. Soil disturbance - tree growth relations in central Idaho clearcuts. Research Note INT-372. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p.

Clayton, James L.; Kennedy, Debora A. 1985. Nutrient losses from timber harvest in the Idaho Batholith. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 49(4): 1041-1049.

Clayton, James L.; Kennedy, Debora A. 1980. A comparison of the nutrient content of Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine trees. Research Note INT-281. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 13 p.

Clayton, James L.; Kennedy, Debora A.; Nagel, Terry. 1991. Soil response to acid deposition; Wind River Mountains, Wyoming: I. Soil properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55(5): 1427-1433.

Clayton, James L.; Kennedy, Debora A.; Nagel, Terry. 1991. Soil response to acid deposition; Wind River Mountains, Wyoming: II. Column leaching studies. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55(5): 1433-1439.

Clayton, James L.; King, John G. 1993. Predicting undisturbed surface erosion from forested granitic soils in central Idaho, USA. Water issues in forests today: poster abstracts, International Symposium on Forest Hydrology; 1993 November 22-26, Canberra, Australia; Canberra, Australia. CSIRO Division of Water Resources: 15-16.

Clayton, James L.; King, John G.; Thurow, Russell F. 1996. Evaluation of an ion adsorption method to estimate intragravel flow velocity in salmonid spawning gravel. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 16: 167-174.

Clayton, James L.; Luce, Charles H.; Barta, Alan F. 1998. Groundwater level response in a riparian zone to a temporary flow diversion in the Idaho Batholith (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU Fall Meeting Supplement. 79(45): F352.

Clayton, James L.; Megahan, Walter F. 1997. Natural erosion rates and their prediction in the Idaho Batholith. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 33(3): 689-703.

Clayton, James L.; Megahan, Walter F. 1986. Erosional and chemical denudation rates in the southwestern Idaho Batholith. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 11: 389-400.

Clayton, James L.; Megahan, Walter F.; Hampton, Delon. 1979. Soil and bedrock properties: weathering and alteration products and processes in the Idaho Batholith. Research Paper INT-237. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 35 p.


Dare, Matthew


Benjamin, J. R., J. B. Dunham, M. R. Dare. 2007.  Invasion by non-native brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho: roles of habitat quality, biotic resistance, and connectivity to source habitats.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:875-888.


Dare, M.R.  2006.  Integration and application of radio telemetry data collected on a mobile fish species:  a synthesis of bull trout movement research.  Project Completion Report, Contract 143303G098. 67pp.


Dare, M. R. 2003. Mortality and long-term retention of passive integrated transponder tags by spring Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1015-1019.


Dare, M. R., W. A. Hubert, K. G. Gerow. 2002. Changes in habitat availability and habitat use and movements by two trout species in response to declining discharge in a regulated river during winter. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:917-928.


Dare. M. R., W. A. Hubert, and J. S. Meyer. 2001. Influence of stream flow on hydrogen sulfide concentrations and distributions of two trout species in a Rocky Mountains tailwater. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:971-975.


Dunham, Jason B. 

In Press

Fleishman, E., J. Dunham, D. Murphy, and P. Brussard.  In Press.  Explanation, prediction, and maintenance of naive fauna in the central Great Basin.  Pages 000-000 in J. Champers and J. Miller, editors.  Great Basin Riparian Ecosystems - Ecology, Management, and Restoration.  Island Press.  Covelo, CA.


Monnot, Lauri, J.B. Dunham, T. Hoem, and P. Koetsier. 2008. Influences of body size and environmental factors on autumn downstream migration of bull trout in the Boise River, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 231-240. doi: 10: 1577/M06-095.1.


Benjamin, J.R., J.B. Dunham, and M.R. Dare. 2007. Invasion by nonnative brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho: Roles of local habitat quality, biotic resistance, and connectivity to source habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136: 875-888.


Neville, H., J.B. Dunham and M.M. Peacock.  2006.  Landscape attributes and life history variability shape genetic structure of trout populations in a stream network.  Landscape Ecology 21:901-916. 

Neville, H.M., J.B. Dunham, and M. Peacock. 2006. Assessing connectivity in salmonid fishes with DNA microsatellite markers, In K.R. Crooks and M. Sanjayan (eds.), Connectivity Conservation. Cambridge University Press, GB, p. 318-342.


Dunham, J., G. Chandler, B. Rieman, and D. Martin.  2005.  Measuring stream temperature with digital data loggers: A user's guide.  General Technical Report.  RMRSGTR-150WWW.  Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  15pp.


Dunham J., D. Pilliod, and M. Young. 2004. Assessing the Consequences of Nonnative Trout in Headwater Ecosystems. Fisheries 29(6):18-26.

Meeuwig, M.H., J.B. Dunham, J.P. Hayes, and G.L. Vinyard.  2004.  Effects of constant and cyclical thermal regimes on growth and feeding of juvenile cutthroat trout of variable sizes.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:208-216.

Poole, G.C., J.B. Dunham, D.M. Keenan, S.T. Sauter, D.A. McCullough, C. Mebane, J.C. Lockwood, D.A. Essig, M.P. Hicks, D.J. Sturdevant, E.J. Materna, S.A. Spalding, J. Risley, and M. Deppman.  2004.  The case for regime-based water quality standards.  Bioscience 54(2):154-161.


Dunham, J., B. Rieman and G. Chandler.  2003.  Influences of temperature and environmental variables on the distribution of bull trout within streams at the southern margin of its range.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:894-904.

Dunham, J., R. Schroeter and B. Rieman.  2003.  Influence of maximum water temperature on occurrence of Lahontan cutthroat trout within streams.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1042-1049.

Dunham, J.B., M.K. Young, R.E. Gresswell, and B.E. Rieman. 2003. Effects of fire on fish populations: landscape perspectives on persistence of native fishes and non-native fish invasions. Forest Ecology and Management. 

Peterson, J.T. and J.B. Dunham.  2003.  Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout.  Conservation Biology 17(4):1070-1077.


Dunham, J., S. B. Adams, R. Schroeter and D. Novinger. 2002.  Alien invasions in aquatic  ecosystems:  Toward an understanding of brook trout invasions and their potential impacts on inland cutthroat trout in western North America. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 12:373-391

Dunham, J.B., B.S. Cade and J.W. Terrell. 2002. Influences of spatial and temporal variation on fish-habitat relationships defined by regression quantiles. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 131:86-98.

Dunham, J. B., B. E. Rieman, and J. T. Peterson. 2002. Patch-based models of species occurrence: lessons from salmonid fishes in streams. Pages 327-334 in Scott, J.M., Heglund, P. J., Morrison, M., Raphael, M., Haufler, J. and Wall B. (editors). Predicting species occurrences: issues of scale and accuracy. Island Press. Covelo, CA.    (357 kb) 

Link to full book:

Peterson, J., J. Dunham, P. Howell, R. Thurow, and S. Bonar.  2002.  Protocol for detecting bull trout presence.  Western Division American Fisheries Society.  


Dunham, J.B., B.E. Rieman, and G.L. Chandler. 2001. Development of field-based models of suitable thermal regimes for interior Columbia Basin salmonids. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA. Interagency Agreement #00-IA-11222014-521

Dunham, J.B., G.L. Chandler. 2001.  Models to predict suitable habitat for juvenile bull trout in Washington State. Interim Final Report. 

Dunham, J.B., B.E. Rieman, and K. Davis. 2001. Sources and magnitude of sampling error in redd counts for bull trout Salvelinus confluentus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 21:343-352.   

Poole, G., J. Dunham, Mark Hicks, et all. Scientific Issues Relating to Temperature Criteria for Salmon, Trout, and Charr Native to the Pacific Northwest. Technical Synthesis. February 28, 2001. EPA Region 10.

Sauter, Sally T., Dunham, J.B., John McMillan. 2001. Salmonid behavior and water temperature. EPA Region 10 water quality criteria guidance development project. EPA 910-D-01-001. 


Dunham, J.B., B.R. Dickerson, R.R. Duncan, E.A. Beever, and G.L. Vinyard. 2000. Food-regulated self-thinning in mobile animals: insights from an experimental analysis of minnow cohorts. Journal of Animal Ecology 69:927-924.   (287 kb)

Dunham, J.B. 2000. Metapopulations and ecology (book review). Ecology 81:1757-1758.

Dunham, J., M. Rahn, R. Schroeter, and S. Breck. 2000. Diet selection by sympatric Lahontan cutthroat trout and brook trout: implications for species interactions. Western North American Naturalist 60:304-310.   (3.1 mb)


Dunham, J.B. and B.E. Rieman. 1999. Metapopulation structure of bull trout: influences physical, biotic, and geometrical landscape characteristics. Ecological Applications 9:642-655.     (162 kb)

Dunham, J.B. 1999. Proceedings of a workshop on salmonid distributions and stream temperature, 26-27 January 1999, Missoula, MT. Biological Resources Research Center, University of Nevada, Reno, NV.    (67 kb)

Dunham, J.B. 1999. Stream temperature criteria for Oregon’s Lahontan cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi. Final report to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Portland, OR.     (174 kb)

Dunham, J.B., M.M. Peacock, B.E. Rieman, R.E. Schroeter, and G.L. Vinyard. 1999. Local and geographic variability in the distribution of stream-living Lahontan cutthroat trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:875-889.     (148 kb)

Dunham, J., M. Peacock, C.R. Tracy, J. Nielsen, and G. Vinyard. 1999. Assessing extinction risk: integrating genetic information. Conservation Ecology [online] 3(1): 2.   

Dunham, J.B. and W.L. Minckley. 1998. Allozymic variation in desert pupfish from natural and artificial habitats: genetic conservation in fluctuating populations. Biological Conservation 84:7-15.   (776 kb)

Dunham, J.B., G.L. Vinyard, and B.E. Rieman. 1997. Habitat fragmentation and extinction risk of Lahontan cutthroat trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1126-1133.   (2.14 mb)

Dunham, J.B. and G.L. Vinyard. 1997. Incorporating stream level variability into analyses of fish-habitat relationships: some cautionary examples. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:323-329.  

Dunham, J.B. and G.L. Vinyard. 1997. Relationships between body size, abundance and the self-thinning rule in stream-living salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1025-1030.   (127 kb)

Dunham, J. B. 1996. The population ecology of stream-living Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi). Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno.  

Guzevich, John W.


Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, J.W. Guzevich. 2006.  Utility and validation of day and night Snorkel Counts for estimating bull trout abundance in first-to-third order streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:217-232


Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, C.A. Larson, and J.W. Guzevich. 2004. Development of bull trout sampling efficiency models. Final report. USFWS Agreement #134100-2-H001.

Peterson, J.T., R.F. Thurow, and J.W. Guzevich. 2004. An evaluation of multipass electrofishing for estimating the abundance of stream-dwelling salmonids. American Fisheries Society 133:462-475. (253 kb)


Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, J.W. Guzevich. 2001.  Development of bull trout sampling protocols.  Final Report.  USFWS Agreement #134100H002. 


Guzevich, J. W. 1993. The relationship of physical habitat to the distribution of northern pike and walleye in two Montana prairie streams. M.S. thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman.  


Horan, Dona L.

Downs, C.C., D. Horan, E. Morgan-Harris, and R. Jakubowski.  2006.  Spawning demographics and juvenile dispersal of an adfluvial bull trout population in Trestle Creek, Idaho.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:190-200.

Horan, D.L., J.L. Kershner, C.P. Hawkins, and T.A. Crowl. 2000. Effects of habitat area and complexity on Colorado River cutthroat trout density in Uinta Mountain streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:1250-1263.   (111 kb)

Kershner, J. L., C. M. Bischoff, and D. L. Horan. 1997. Population, habitat, and genetic characteristics of Colorado River cutthroat trout in wilderness and non-wilderness stream sections in the Uinta Mountains of Utah and Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1134-1143.

Horan, D. L. 1996. Effects of habitat degradation on Colorado River cutthroat trout populations in Uinta mountain streams. M.S. thesis, Utah State University, Logan.  


Hampton, Delon; Megahan, Walter F.; Clayton, James L. 1978. Correlations between hardness and rock properties. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium; 1978 April 5-7, Boise, ID; 37-53.

Hampton, Delon; Megahan, Walter F.; Clayton, James L. 1974. Soil and rock properties research in the Idaho Batholith. 12th Annual Symposium, Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering; 1974, Boise, ID; 97-111.

Han, R. D.; Swank, Wayne T.; Verry, Elon S.; [and others]. 1990. Wildland hydrology. Proceedings: Watershed and Aquatic Habitat Workshop; 1990 March 12-15, Fort Bragg, CA; Washington, DC. USDA-Forest Service, Forest Environment Research. 3 p.

Hanif, Muhammad; Subhan, F.; Megahan, Walter F. 1990. Watershed restoration reduces runoff and sedimentation from comparative watersheds in Pakistan's subtropical scrub zone. Proceedings of the Fiji Symposium; 1990 June, Fiji. International Association of Hydrological Sciences: 374-382.


Hankley, Chip; Fitzgerald, Jim; Luce, Johanna B.; [and others]. 1998. A rapid sediment budget analysis for Paradise Creek Watershed (abstract). Eighth Annual Nonpoint Source Water Quality Monitoring Results Workshop; 1998 January 6-8, Boise, ID. ; Boise, ID. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality.



Haupt, Harold F. 1960. Variation in areal disturbance produced by harvesting methods in ponderosa pine. Journal of Forestry. 58(8): 634-639.

Haupt, Harold F. 1959. A method for controlling sediment from logging roads. Miscellaneous Publication No. 22. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 22 p.

Haupt, Harold F. 1959. Road and slope characteristics affecting sediment movement from logging roads. Journal of Forestry. 57(5): 329-332.

Haupt, Harold F. 1956. Nitrogen loss from granitic soils on cheatgrass brome range. Forest Science. 2(4): 268-272.

Haupt, Harold F.; Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1965. Good logging practices reduce sedimentation in central Idaho. Journal of Forestry. 63(9): 664-670.

Haupt, Harold F.; Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1963. Laboratory methods for determining the downward movement of seed on road fills. Research Note INT-2. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 7 p.

Haupt, Harold F.; Rickard, H. C.; Finn, Larry E. 1963. Effect of severe rainstorms on insloped and outsloped roads. Research Note INT-1. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 8 p.


Isaak, Dan J.


Isaak, Dan; Rieman, Bruce; Horan, Dona. 2009. A watershed-scale monitoring protocol for bull trout. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-224. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 25 p.

Related website: Multiple Regression Stream Temperature Model -  with data, maps, methods and related publications


Isaak, D.J., R.F. Thurow, B.E. Rieman, and J.B. Dunham.  2007.  Chinook salmon use of spawning patches:  relative roles of habitat quality, size, and connectivity.  Ecological Applications.  17(2):352-364.

Neville,H., D.J. Isaak, R. Thurow, J. Dunham, and B. Rieman.  2007.  Microsatellite variation reveals weak genetic structure and retention of genetic variability in threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawttscha) within a Snake River watershed.  Conservation Genetics 8(1):133-147.


Courbois, J., S.L. Katz, D.J. Isaak, M. Rub, C. Jordan, A. Steel, R.F. Thurow, and T. Olsen. In Preparation. An evaluation of probability sampling strategies for estimating Chinook-salmon population size for redd count surveys. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Isaak, D.J., R.F. Thurow, B.E. Rieman, and J.B. Dunham.  2007.  Chinook salmon use of spawning patches:  relative roles of habitat quality, size, and connectivity.  Ecological Applications.  17(2):352-364.

Neville, H., D.J. Isaak, R.F. Thurow, J.B. Dunham, and B.E. Rieman. 2006. Fine-scale natal homing and localized movement as shaped by sex and spawning habitat in Chinook salmon: insights from spatial autocorrelation analysis of individual genotypes. Molecular Genetics 15:4589-4602.

Isaak, D.J. and R.F. Thurow.  2006.  Network-scale and temporal variation in Chinook salmon redd distributions:  patterns inferred from spatially continuous replicate surveys.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:285-296.


Isaak, D.J. and W.A. Hubert.  2004.  Nonlinear response of trout abundance to summer stream temperatures across a thermally diverse montane landscape.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  133:1254-1259.


Isaak, D.J., R.F. Thurow, B.E. Rieman, and J.B. Dunham.  2003.  Temporal variation in synchrony among chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd counts from a wilderness area in central Idaho. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:840-848.


Isaak, D.J. and W.A. Hubert. 2001. Production of stream habitat gradients by montane watersheds: hypothesis tests based on spatially explicit path analyses. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 58: 1089-1103.

Isaak, D.J. and W.A. Hubert. 2001. A hypothesis about factors that affect maximum summer stream temperatures across montane landscapes. Journal of the American Water Resource Association. 37(2). 351-366.

Isaak, D.J. and W.A. Hubert. 2001. Are trout populations affected by reach-scale stream slope? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 57: 468-477.

1999 - past

Isaak, D.J., W.A. Hubert and K.L. Krueger. 1999. Accuracy and precision of stream reach water surface slopes estimated in the field from maps. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 19: 141-148.

Isaak, D.J., W.A. Hubert. 1999 Catalyzing the transition from student to scientist--a model for graduate research training. BioScience Vol. 49 No. 4: 321-326.

Isaak, D.J. and W.A. Hubert. 1997. A live-bucket for use in surveys of small streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 17: 1025-1026.


Kennedy, Debora A.; Clayton, James L.; Ryker, Russel A.; [and others]. 1987. Carbohydrate reserves in nursery stock: effects of cultural practices. Research Note INT-368. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 5 p.


Ketcheson, Gary L. 1986. Sediment rating equations: an evaluation for streams in the Idaho Batholith. General Technical Report INT-213. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.12p.

Ketcheson, Gary L.; Megahan, Walter F. 1996. Sediment production and downslope sediment transport from forest roads in granitic watersheds. Research Paper INT-RP-486. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 11 p.

Ketcheson, Gary L.; Megahan, Walter F. 1991. Sediment tracing in step-pool granitic streams in Idaho. Fan, Shou-Shan; Kuo, Yung-Huang, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1991 March 18-21, Las Vegas, NV; Washington, DC. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee: 4-147 through 4-154.

Ketcheson, Gary L.; Megahan, Walter F.; King, John G. 1999. "R1-R4" and "Boised" sediment prediction model tests using forest roads in granitics. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 35(1): 83-98.


Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1964. Probable return periods of rainstorms in central Idaho. Research Note INT-28. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 8 p.

Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1963. Soil erosion control structures on skidtrails. Research Paper INT-1. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 8 p.

Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1961. High-intensity rainstorms on the Boise and Payette National Forests. Research Note No. 81. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p.

Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1960. The advantages of using ethylene glycol in seasonal storage precipitation gages and a method for computing the initial charge. Journal of Forestry. 58: 882-884.

Kidd, Walter J. Jr.; Haupt, Harold F. 1968. Effects of seedbed treatment on grass establishment on logging roadbeds in central Idaho. Research Paper INT-53. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 9 p.

Kidd, Walter J. Jr.; Kochenderfer, J. N. 1973. Soil constraints on logging road construction in steep land east and west. Journal of Forestry. 71: 284-286.


King, John G.


King, John G.; Emmett, William W.; Whiting, Peter J.; Kenworthy, Robert P.; Barry, Jeffrey J. 2004. Sediment transport data and related information for selected coarse-bed streams and rivers in Idaho. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-131.  Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 28 p.


Whiting, P.J.;King, John G. 2003. Surface sizes on armoured gravel streambeds: effects of supply and hydraulics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28: 1459-1471.  (539 kb)


Brake, Diana; Molnau, Myron; King, John G. 1997. Sediment transport distances and culvert spacings on logging roads within the Oregon Coast Mountain Range. Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers; 1997 August 10-14, Minneapolis, MN; St. Joseph, MI. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Paper No. IM-975018;11 p.


Havis, Robert N.; Alonso, Carlos V.; King, John G. 1996. Modeling sediment in gravel-bedded streams using HEC-6. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 122(10): 559-564.


King, John G. 1994. Streamflow and sediment yield responses to forest practices in north Idaho. Baumgartner, David M.; Lotan, James E.; Tonn, Jonalea R., eds. Interior cedar-hemlock-white pine forests: ecology and management; 1993 March 2-4, Spokane, WA; Pullman, WA. Washington State University Cooperative Extension: 213-220.

King, J.G and R.F. Thurow. 1994. The influence of initial substrate condition on intrusion of fine sediment during incubation. Sediment monitoring techniques validation. Progress Report prepared for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Boise, Idaho.



Bojonell, Hilaire A.; Tecle, Aregai; King, John G. 1993. Assessing factors contributing to sediment storage in headwater streams in northwest Montana. In: Tecle, Aregai, ed. Arizona Hydrological Society, Proceedings 6th Annual Symposium; 1993 September 23-24, Casa Grande, AZ; Phoenix, AZ. Arizona Public Service Company: 155-165.

Havis, R.N., C.V. Alonzo, J.G. King, and R.F. Thurow. 1993. A mathematical model of salmonid spawning habitat. Water Resources Bulletin 29(3): 435-444.

Havis, Robert N.; Alonso, Carlos V.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1993. A mathematical model of salmonid spawning habitat. Water Resources Bulletin. 29(3): 435-444.

King, John G. 1993. Sediment production and transport in forested watersheds in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Proceedings, Technical Workshop on Sediments; 1992 February 3-7, Corvallis, OR; Washington, DC. Terrene Institute: 13-18.

King, John G.; Clayton, James L. 1993 . Sediment production from natural and managed forested watersheds in central Idaho, USA. Water issues in forests today: poster abstracts, International Symposium on Forest Hydrology; 1993 November 22-26, Canberra, Australia; Canberra, Australia. CSIRO Division of Water Resources: 15-16.


Havis, Robert N.; Alonso, Carlos V.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1992. Gravel siltation mechanisms in salmonid spawning habitat. Fifth International Symposium on River Sedimentation: Sediment management; 1992 April 6-10, Karlsrulie, Germany; Karlsrulie, Germany. University of Karlsrulie, Institute of Hydraulic Structures and Agricultural Engineering: Volume II, 1085-1091.

Havis, Robert N.; Alonso, Carlos V.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1992. Modeling gravel siltation in salmonid spawning habitat. In: Morel-Seytoux, H. J., ed. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days; 1992 March 31 - April 3, Fort Collins, CO; Atherton, CA. Hydrology Days Publications: 53-66.

King, John G. 1992. A laboratory determination of the relationship between cobble embeddedness and interstitial volume. Abstracts for presentations, Idaho Chapter, American Fisheries Society; 1992 March 12-14, McCall, ID; 14-14.

King, John G. 1992. A laboratory determination of the relationship between cobble embeddedness and interstitial volume. Abstracts, Second Annual Nonpoint Source Water Quality Monitoring Results Workshop: Closing the Feedback Loop; 1992 January 14-16, Boise, ID; Boise, ID. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality: 17.

King, J.G., R.F. Thurow, and J.L. Clayton. 1992. Sediment monitoring techniques validation. Progress Report prepared for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Boise, Idaho.

Havis, R.N., C.V. Alonzo, J.G. King, and R.F. Thurow. 1992. Modeling gravel siltation mechanisms in salmonid spawning habitat. Pages 53-66 in H.J. Morel-Seytoux, editor. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days. March 31-April 3, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Havis, R.N., C.V. Alonzo, J.G. King, and R.F. Thurow. 1992. Gravel siltation mechanisms in salmonid spawning habitat. Pages 1085-1091 in 5th International Symposium on River Sedimentation: Sediment Management. Vol. II. April 6-10, Institute of Hydraulic Structures and Agricultural Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany.


King, J. and R. Thurow. 1991. Sediment monitoring techniques validation. Progress Report prepared for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Boise, Idaho.


Dolloff, Andrew C.; King, John G.; Holstine, Charles M.; [and others]. 1990. National assessment of fisheries research needs. Proceedings: Watershed and Aquatic Habitat Workshop; 1990 March 12-15, Fort Bragg, CA; Washington, DC. USDA-Forest Service, Forest Environment Research: 1-7.

King, J. and R. Thurow. 1990. Sediment monitoring techniques validation. Progress Report prepared for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Boise, Idaho.  

Mosko, Timothy L.; Jeffers, Bud L.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1990. Streamflow data for undisturbed, forested watersheds in central Idaho. General Technical Report INT-272. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 334 p.

1985 - 1989

King, John G. 1989. Streamflow responses to road building and harvesting: a comparison with the equivalent clearcut area procedure. Research Paper INT-401. Odgen, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 13 p.

King, John G. 1989. Validating water quality standards. Proceedings of the National Soil and Water Monitoring Workshop; 1989 March 13-16, Sacramento, CA. Report WO-WSA-1; Washington, DC. USDA-Forest Service, Watershed and Air Management: 139-145.

Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; King, John G. 1989. Reduction of soil erosion on forest roads. General Technical Report INT-264. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 21 p.

Solomon, R. M.; King, John G. 1989. An evaluation of watershed management for flood prevention: The Tiberias slopes above Tiberias, Israel. Washington, DC: USDA-Forest Service, Watershed and Air Management. 22 p.

Watts, Frederick J.; Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1986. Evaluation of a road sediment model. Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1986 March 24-27, Las Vegas, NV; Volume II: 325-334.
Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; King, John G. 1985. Surface erosion control on roads in granitic soils. Proceedings, symposium sponsored by Committee on Watershed Management/Irrigation & Drainage Division, American Society of Civil Engineers; 1985 April 30-May 1, Denver, CO; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: 183-190.

Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; Watts, Frederick J.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1985. Relative effectiveness of fillslope treatments in reducing surface erosion, Horse Creek Road, Nezperce National Forest, Idaho. Moscow, ID: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory. 33 p.

Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; Watts, Frederick J.; King, John G.; [and others]. 1985. Relative effectiveness of rocked roads and ditches in reducing surface erosion. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium; 1984 April 5-6, Moscow, ID; Moscow, ID. University of Idaho, Department of Civil Engineering: 251-263.

1984 - past

King, John G. 1984. Ongoing studies in Horse Creek on water quality and water yield. NCASI Technical Bulletin 435. New York, NY: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement: 28-35.

King, John G.; Tennyson, Larry C. 1984. Alteration of streamflow characteristics following road construction in north central Idaho. Water Resources Research. 20(8): 1159-1163.

King, John G.; Gonsior, Michael J. 1980. Effects of forest roads on stream sediment (Abstract; paper distributed at meeting). Symposium on Watershed Management 1980; 1980 July 21-23, Boise, ID; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers.

King, John G. 1979. Fill slope erosion from forest roads. Proceedings of the 34th Meeting, Pacific Northwest Region, American Society of Agricultural Engineers; 1979 October 3-5, Boise, ID; St. Joseph, MI. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p.

King, John G.; Skille, J. 1988. A proposed cobble embeddedness procedure. 10 p.

Cook, Michael J.; King, John G. 1983. Construction cost and erosion control effectiveness of filter windrows on fill slopes. Research Note INT-335. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 5 p.

College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Idaho (John G. King wrote three sections). 1978. 208 Forest Practices Project. Final report to Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 365 p.


Lee, D.C.

Rieman, B.E., D. Lee, D. Burns, R. Gresswell, M. Young, R. Stowell, P. Howell.  2003.  Status of native fishes in western United States and issues for fire and fuels management.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178(1-2):197-211. 

Thompson, W.L., Danny C. Lee. 2002. A two stage information-theoretic approach to modeling landscape-level attributes and maximum recruitment of chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. Natural Resource Modeling. Vol. 15. No. 2 (227-257).  (742 kb)

Rieman, B.E., Peterson, J.T., Clayton, J.L., Howell, P., Thurow, R.F., Thompson, W. and Lee, D.C. 2001. Evaluation of potential effects of federal land management alternatives on trends of salmonids and their habitats in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Forest Ecology and Management. 153(1-3): 43-62.  

Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, R.F. Thurow, P.F. Hessburg, and J.R. Sedell. 2000. Toward an integrated classification of ecosystems: defining opportunities for managing fish and forest health. Environmental Management 25(4):425-444.  

Thompson, W.L. and D.C. Lee. 2000. Modeling relationships between landscape-level attributes and snorkel counts of chinook salmon and steelhead parr in Idaho. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 1834-1842.   (331 kb)

Thompson, W.L. and D.C. Lee. 2000. A two-stage information-theoretic approach to modeling landscape-level attributes and maximum recruitment of chinook salmon in the Columbia River Basin. Prepared for USDOE. BPA, Project Number 92-032-00, Contract Number 92AI25866. (116 kb)

Peterson, J.T., T.C. Haas, and D.C. Lee. 1999. CATDAT: a program for parametric and nonparametric categorical data analysis, User manual, version 1.0. Prepared for USDOE. BPA, Project Number 92-032-00, Contract Number 92AI25866. 

Lee, D.C., Sedell, J. R., Rieman, B.E., Thurow, R.T., and Williams, J.E. 1998. Aquatic species and habitat in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Journal of Forestry 96(10): 16-21.

Lee, D.C. and B.E. Rieman. 1997. Population viability assessment of salmonids by using probabilistic networks North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1144-1157.  

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Assessment of the condition of aquatic ecosystems in the Interior Columbia River Basin . Chapter 4. Eastside Ecosystem Management Project. Pacific Northwest Research Station, PNW-GTR-405, Portland, OR.

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Broad scale assessment of aquatic species and habitats. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great basins. Volume 3, chapter 4. US Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-405.

Sedell, J.R., D.C. Lee, B.E. Rieman, R.F. Thurow, and J.E. Williams. 1997. Effects of proposed alternatives on aquatic habitats and native fishes. Volume 1, chapter 3. Evaluation of EIS alternatives by the science integration team. US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis.

Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, and R.F. Thurow. 1997. Distribution, status, and likely future trends of bull trout within the Columbia River and Klamath basins. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1111-1125. 

Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, G. Chandler, and D. Myers. 1997. Does wildfire threaten extinction for salmonids: responses of redband trout and bull trout following recent large fires on the Boise National Forest. Pages 47-57 In, J. Greenlee (editor). Proceedings of the Conference on Wildfire and Threatened and Endangered Species and Habitats, November 13-15, 1995, Coeur d'Alene Idaho. International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington.

Rieman, B.E., and J. Clayton. 1997. Wild fire and native fish: issues of forest health and conservation of native fishes. Fisheries. 22(11):6-15

Lee, D.C. and B.E. Rieman. 1997. Population viability assessment of salmonids by using probabilistic networks North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1144-1157.  

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Assessment of the condition of aquatic ecosystems in the Interior Columbia River Basin . Chapter 4. Eastside Ecosystem Management Project. Pacific Northwest Research Station, PNW-GTR-405, Portland, OR.

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Broad scale assessment of aquatic species and habitats. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great basins. Volume 3, chapter 4. US Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-405.

Sedell, J.R., D.C. Lee, B.E. Rieman, R.F. Thurow, and J.E. Williams. 1997. Effects of proposed alternatives on aquatic habitats and native fishes. Volume 1, chapter 3. Evaluation of EIS alternatives by the science integration team. US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis.

Rieman, B., D. Lee, J. McIntyre, K. Overton, and R. Thurow. 1993. Consideration of extinction risks for salmonids. Currents, Fish Habitat Relations Technical Bulletin No. 14.


Luce, Charlie H.


Tonina, D., Luce, C.H., Rieman, B., Buffington, J.M., Goodwin, P., Clayton, Stephen R., Ali, S.M., Barry, J.J., and Berenbrock, C. 2008. Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6918.


Dunham, J.B. , A. E. Rosenberger, C. H. Luce and B. E. Rieman.  2007. Influences of Wildfire and Channel Reorganization on Spatial and Temporal Variation in Stream Temperature and the Distribution of Fish and Amphibians. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9029-8.


Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Pack, Robert T. 2005. Reply to comment by Jonathan J. Rhodes on ‘‘Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and sediment yields,’’ J. Geophys. Res., 110, F01013, doi:10.1029/2004JF000279. (63 kb)


Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G. 2004. The application of depletion curves for parameterization of subgrid variability of snow. Hydrological Processes 18: 1409-1422.  (364 kb)

Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tarboton, David G.; Pack, Robert T.; Luce, Charles H. 2004. Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and sediment yields. Journal of Geophysical Research. 109, F01009, doi:10.1029/2003JF000041.  (3000 kb)

Switalski, T. A.; Bissonette, J. A.; DeLuca, T. H.; Luce, Charles H.; Madej, M. A. 2004. Benefits and impacts of road removal.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(1): 21-28. (1939 kb)


Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tarboton, David G.; Pack, Robert T.; Luce, Charles H. 2003. A sediment transport model for incision of gullies on steep topography. Water Resources Research. 39(4): 1103-1117.   (775 kb)

Switalski, T. A.; Bissonette, J. A.; DeLuca, T. H.; Luce, Charles H.; Madej, M. A. 2003. Wildland road removal: research needs. In 2003 Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. Irwin, C. Leroy; Garrett, Paul; McDermott, K. P., eds. Raleigh, NC: Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University. pp 642-646. (298 kb)


Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tarboton, David G.; Pack, Robert T.; Luce, Charles H. 2002. A probabilistic approach for channel initiation. Water Resources Research. 38(12): 1325-1338.(482 kb)

Luce, Charles H. 2002. Hydrological processes and pathways affected by forest roads: what do we still need to learn? Hydrological Processes. 16: 2901-2904.  (75 kb)


Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Tarboton, David, G.; Pack, Robert T.; Luce, Charles H. 2001. A probabilistic approach for channel initiation. 21st Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days; 2001 April 2-5; Fort Collins, CO: 134-135.

Tarboton, David G.; Bloschl, G.; Cooley, Keith R.; Kirnbauer, R.; Luce, Charles H. 2001. Spatial snow cover processes at Kuhti and Reynolds Creek. Grayson, R.; Bloschl, G., eds. Spatial patterns in catchment hydrology. Cambridge University Press: 158-186.

Luce, Charles H. 2001. Remote sensing change detection. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 37(1): 238-239.

Luce, C. H., B.E. Rieman, J. B. Dunham, J. L. Clayton, J. G. King, T. A. Black. May 2001. Incorporating Aquatic Ecology into Decisions on Prioritization of Road Decommissioning. Water Resources Impact. 3(3): 8-14   

Related Publication Gucinski, H. et al. May 2001. Forest Roads: A synthesis of scientific information.

Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 2001. Effects of traffic and ditch maintenance on forest road sediment production. Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 2001 March 25-29, Reno, NV. Washington, DC: Federal Interagency Sedimentation Committee: V-67-74.  (180 kb)

Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 2001. Erosion over time from gravel-surfaced forest roads in western Oregon. Proceedings of the Forest Sedimentation Conference; 1999 April 14-15, Tigard, OR. Northwest Forest Soils Council and Western Forestry and Conservation Association: 135-139.

Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 2001. Spatial and temporal patterns in erosion from forest roads. Wigmosta, Mark S.; Burges, Stephen J., eds. Land use and watersheds: human influence on hydrology and geomorphology in urban and forest areas – Water Science and Application 2. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union: 165-178.  (661 kb)

Luce, Charles H.;Tarboton, David G. 2001. A modified force-restore approach to modeling snow-surface heat fluxes.In Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, Sun Valley, ID, April 13-17, 2001. pp. 103-114.  (570 kb)

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G. 2001. Modeling snowmelt over an area: modeling subgrid scale heterogeneity in distributed model elements. Proceedings of MODSIM 2001, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia, December 10-13:341-346.  (365 kb)

Luce, Charles H.; Wemple, Beverley C. 2001. Introduction to the special issue on hydrologic and geomorphic effects of forest roads. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 26(2): 111-113.  (99 kb)

Prasad, Rajiv; Tarboton, David G.; Liston, Glen E.; Luce, Charles H.; Seyfried, Mark S. 2001. Testing a blowing snow model against distributed snow measurements at Upper Sheep Creek, Idaho, United States of America. Water Resources Research 37(5):1341-1350.



Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 2000. Erosion over time from forest roads in the Oregon Coast Range (abstract of poster presentation). Slaughter, Charles W., ed. Proceedings of the Watershed Management Council Meeting; 1998 Oct 19-23, Boise, ID; Riverside, CA. University of California, Water Resources Center: 140.

1995 - 1999

Elliott, William J.; Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H. 1999. Modeling low-volume road erosion. Transportation Research Record. 1652: 244-249.

Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 1999. Sediment production from forest roads in western Oregon. Water Resources Research. 35(8): 2561-2570.  (1.00 mb)

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1999. Subgrid parameterization of snow distribution for an energy and mass balance snow cover model. Hydrological Processes. 13: 1921-1933.  (349 kb)

Tysdal, L. M.; Elliot, William J.; Luce, Charles H.; [and others]. 1999. Modeling erosion from insloping low-volume roads with the WEPP Watershed Model. Transportation Research Record. 1652: 250-256.

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1998. The influence of the spatial distribution of snow on basin-averaged snowmelt. Hydrological Processes. 12(10-11): 1671-1683.  (414 kb)

Luce, Charles H.; Black, Thomas A. 1998. Erosion from gravel-covered forest roads in western Oregon (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU Fall Meeting Supplement. 79(45): F352.

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1998. Sub-grid parameterization for modelling snow properties and melt (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU Fall Meeting Supplement. 79(45): F272.

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1998. Subgrid parameterization of snow distribution for an energy and mass balance snow-cover model. In: Hardy, Janet; Albert, Mary; Marsh, Philip, eds. International Conference on Snow Hydrology, the Integration of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Systems; 1998 October 6-9, Brownsville, VT; Hanover, NH. U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special Report 98-10: 40.

Luce, Johanna B.; Luce, Charles H. 1998. Identifying the temperature load for a small stream (abstract). Eighth Annual Nonpoint Source Water Quality Monitoring Results Workshop; 1998 January 6-8, Boise, ID; Boise, ID. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality.

Elliot, William J.; Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H. 1997. Predicting the impacts of forest roads on the environment. Proceedings of the no III Simposio Brasiliero sobre Colheita e Transporte Florestal; 1997 December 8-12, Vitoria, ES, Brazil; 99-119.

Luce, Charles H. 1997. Effectiveness of road ripping in restoring infiltration capacity of forest roads. Restoration Ecology. 5(3): 265-270.

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1997. Spatially integrated snowmelt modeling of a semi-arid mountain watershed (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU Fall Meeting Supplement. 78(46): F205.

Luce, Charles H.; Tarboton, David G.; Cooley, Keith R. 1997. Spatially distributed snowmelt inputs to a semi-arid mountain watershed. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference; 1997 May 5-8, Banff, Canada.

Tysdal, L. M.; Elliot, William J.; Luce, Charles H.; [and others]. 1997. Modeling insloping road erosion processes with the WEPP watershed model. Proceedings of the ASAE Annual International Meeting; 1997 August 1-14, Minneapolis, MN; St. Joseph, MI. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 14 p.

Elliot, William J.; Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H.; [and others]. 1996. Computer-aided risk analysis in road decommissioning. Proceedings of the AWRA Symposium on Watershed Restoration Management; Syracuse, NY. American Water Resources Association: 341-350.

Elliot, William J.; Luce, Charles H.; Robichaud, Peter R. 1996. Predicting sedimentation from timber harvest areas with the WEPP model. Proceedings of the Sixth Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1996 March 10-14; IX: 46-53.

Luce, Charles H. 1996. On the sensitivity of a hillslope subsurface flow model to flow parameterizations. American Water Resources Association, Utah State Chapter, Student Paper Contest.

Tarboton, David G.; Luce, Charles H. 1996. Utah energy balance snow accumulation and melt model (UEB). Logan and Ogden, UT: Utah Water Research Laboratory and USDA-Forest Service Intermountain Research Station.

Computer model technical description and users guide available at

Elliot, William J.; Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H. 1995. Validation of Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for low-volume forest roads. Transportation Research Board. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Low-Volume Roads; Washington, DC. National Academy Press: 178-186.

Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H.; Stockton, P. 1995. The kinetic energy field under a rainfall simulator. Watershed Management: Planning for the 21st Century; Reston, VA. American Society of Civil Engineers: 388-397.

Luce, Charles H. 1995. Forests and wetlands. Ward, A. D.; Elliot, W. J., eds. Environmental Hydrology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press: chapter 8.

Luce, Charles H.; Kluzek, E.; Bingham, G. E. 1995. Development of a high resolution data set for the northern Rockies. Tinus, R. W., ed. Proceedings of the Interior West Global Change Workshop; Fort Collins, CO. USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 106-111.

1994 - past

Luce, Charles H.; Cundy, T. W. 1994. Parameter identification for a runoff model for forest roads. Water Resources Research. 30(4): 1057-1069.

Elliot, William J.; Robichaud, Peter R.; Foltz, Randy B.; [and others]. 1993. A tool for estimating disturbed forest site sediment production. Proceedings of the Cedar-Hemlock-White Pine Forests Ecology and Management Symposium; Spokane, WA.

Luce, Charles H.; Bradley, G. A. 1993. An evaluation of the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 13: 1-8.

Robichaud, Peter R.; Foltz, Randy B.; Luce, Charles H. 1993. Development of an on-site sediment prediction model for forest roads and timber harvest areas. Proceedings of the IAHS-ICCE Symposium on Sediment Problems: Strategies for monitoring, prediction, and control; 1993 July 11-23, Yokohama, Japan. International Association of Hydrological Sciences: 135-140.

Robichaud, Peter R.; Luce, Charles H. 1993. Variation in hydraulic conductivity and erodibility between treatments in timber harvest sites in the southern Appalachians. Nearing, M. A., ed. Proceedings of the International Russian, United States, Ukrainian Workshop on Quantitative Assessment of Soil Erosion; 1993 Sept 20-24, Moscow, Russia.

Luce, Charles H.; Cundy, T. W. 1992. Modification of the kinematic wave - Philip infiltration overland flow model. Water Resources Research. 28(4): 1179-1186. (446 kb)

Burroughs, Edward R. Jr.; Luce, Charles H.; Phillips, F. 1992. Estimating interrill erodibility of forest soils. Transactions ASAE. 35(5): 1489-1495.


McGrath, Claire

McGrath, C.C. and W.M. Lewis, Jr. 2007. Competition and predation as mechanisms for displacement of greenback cutthroat trout by brook trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1381-1392.


McIntyre, John D.

McIntyre, J. D. 1995. Review and assessment of possibilities for protecting the cutthroat trout of Yellowstone Lake from introduced lake trout. In, Varley, J. D., and P. Schullery, editors. The Yellowstone Lake crisis: confronting a lake trout invasion. Report to the Director of the Park Service, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

McIntyre, J.D., F. Stowell, B. Rieman, and P. Howell. 1996. An assessment of the conservation needs for bull trout. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Region 1. Report R1-96-71, Missoula, MT.

McIntyre, J.D. and B.E. Rieman. 1995. West slope cutthroat trout. In, M. K. Young (editor). Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report RM-256, Fort Collins, CO.


McKean, J.

McKean, J.A., D.J. Isaak, and C.W. Wright.  2008.  Geomorphic controls on salmon nesting patterns described by a new, narrow-beam terrestrial-aquatic lidar.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:125-130  (zip-file for download)

Roering, J. J.; Almond, P.; Tonkin, P.; McKean, J. 2004. Constraining climatic controls on hillslope dynamics using a coupled model for the transport of soil and tracers: Application to loess-mantled hillslopes, South Island, New Zealand. J. Geophys. Res., Earth Surface Processes, 109, F01010, doi:10.1029/2003JF000034.  (4327 kb)

McKean, J.; Roering, J. 2004. Objective landslide detection and surface morphology mapping using high-resolution airborne laser altimetry. Geomorphology, 57, 331-351.  (1508 kb)

Roering, J.; Almond, P.; Tonkin, P.; McKean, J. 2002. Soil transport driven by biological processes over millennial time scales. Geology, v. 30, 1115-1118.


Megahan, Walter F.

1991 - 2001

Megahan, Walter F.; Wilson, Monte; Monsen, Stephen B. 2001. Sediment production from granitic cutslopes on forest roads in Idaho, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 26: 153-163.

Megahan, Walter F.; Ketcheson, Gary L. 1996. Predicting downslope travel of granitic sediments from forest roads in Idaho. Water Resources Bulletin. 32(2): 371-382.

Megahan, Walter F.; King, John G.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A. 1995. Hydrologic and erosional responses of a granitic watershed to helicopter logging and broadcast burning. Forest Science. 41(4): 777-795.

Megahan, Walter F. 1993. An overview of erosion and sedimentation processes on granitic soils. Sommarstrom, Sari, ed. Decomposed granitic soils: problems and solutions; 1992 Oct 21-23, Redding, CA; Davis, CA. University of California Extension: 11-39.

Megahan, Walter F.; Monsen, Stephen B.; Wilson, Monte D.; [and others]. 1992. Erosion control practices applied to granitic roadfills for forest roads in Idaho: cost effectiveness evaluation. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation. 3: 55-65.

Megahan, Walter F.; Potyondy, John P.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A. 1992. Best management practices and cumulative effects from sedimentation in the South Fork Salmon River: an Idaho case study. Naiman, Robert J., ed. Watershed management: balancing sustainability and environmental change (conference proceedings); 1990 November 27-29, Seattle, WA; New York, NY. Springer-Verlag: 401-414.

Johnejack, Kent R.; Megahan, Walter F. 1991. Sediment transport in headwater channels in Idaho. Fan, Shou-Shan; Kuo, Yung-Huang, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1991 March 18-21, Las Vegas, NV; Washington, DC. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee: 4-155 through 4-161.

Megahan, Walter F.; Monsen, Stephen B.; Wilson, Monte D. 1991. Probability of sediment yields from surface erosion on granitic roadfills in Idaho. Journal of Environmental Quality. 20(1): 53-60.

Potyondy, John P.; Cole, Gene F.; Megahan, Walter F. 1991. A procedure for estimating sediment yields from forested watersheds. Fan, Shou-Shan; Kuo, Yung-Huang, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Sedimentation Conference; 1991 March 18-21, Las Vegas, NV; Washington, DC. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee: 12-46 through 12-54.

1986 - 1990

Megahan, Walter F.; Bohn, Carolyn C. 1989. Progressive, long-term slope failure following road construction and logging on noncohesive, granitic soils of the Idaho Batholith. Woessner, William W.; Potts, Donald F., eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Headwaters Hydrology; Herndon, VA. American Water Resources Association: 501-510.

Williams, Rhea P.; O'Dell, Ivalou; Megahan, Walter F. 1989. Hydraulic geometry and sediment data for the South Fork Salmon River, Idaho, 1985-1986. Open-file Report 89-233. Boise, ID: USDI-Geological Survey. 22 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1988. Effects of forest roads on watershed function in mountainous areas. Balasubramaniam, A. S.; [and others], eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Geotechnics and Problematic Soils and Rocks; 1985 December, Bangkok, Thailand; Rotterdam, Netherlands. A. A. Balkema: 335-348.

Megahan, Walter F. 1988. Roads and forest site productivity. Lousier, J. D.; Still, G. W., eds. Degradation of forested land: forest soils at risk: proceedings of the 10th B. C. Soil Science Workshop; 1986 February; Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Land Management Report 56: 54-65.

Megahan, Walter F.; Steele, Robert. 1988. A field guide for predicting snow damage to ponderosa pine plantations. Research Note INT-385. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 9 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1987. Increased sedimentation following helicopter logging and prescribed burning on granitic soil. Beschta, Robert L.; Blinn, T.; Grant, Gordon E.; [and others], eds. Erosion and sedimentation in the Pacific Rim: symposium proceedings; 1987 August 3-7, Corvallis, OR; Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK. International Association for Hydrological Sciences Press. IAHS Publication 165: 259-260.

Megahan, Walter F.; Steele, Robert. 1987. An approach for predicting snow damage to ponderosa pine plantations. Forest Science. 33(2): 485-503.

Megahan, Walter F. 1986. Recent studies on erosion and its control on forest lands in the United States. Forest environment and silviculture: Proceedings, 18th IUFRO World Congress, Division 1; 1986 September 7-21, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia; Vienna, Austria. Yugoslav IUFRO World Congress Organizing Committee, c/o IUFRO Secretariat: Volume I: 178-189.

Megahan, Walter F.; Clayton, James L. 1986. Saturated hydraulic conductivities of granitic materials of the Idaho Batholith. Journal of Hydrology. 84: 167-180.

Megahan, Walter F.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.; Mosko, Timothy L.; [and others]. 1986. Construction phase sediment budget for forest roads on granitic slopes in Idaho. Hadley, Richard F., ed. Drainage basin sediment delivery: proceedings; 1986 August 4-8, Albuquerque, NM; Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. International Association of Hydrological Sciences. IAHS Publication 159: 31-39.

1980 - 1985


Gray, Donald H.; Megahan, Walter F. 1981. Forest vegetation removal and slope stability in the Idaho Batholith. Research Paper INT-271. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 23 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1985. Evaluating effects of land use on sedimentation - a case for sediment budgeting. Hydrological Science and Technology: Short Papers. 1(1): 13-16.

Megahan, Walter F. 1985. Road effects and impacts -- watershed. Proceedings, Forest Transportation Symposium; 1984 December 11-13, Casper, WY; Lakewood, CO. USDA-Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Engineering Staff Unit: 57-97.

Megahan, Walter F.; King, Peter N. 1985. Identification of critical areas on forest lands for control of nonpoint sources of pollution. Environmental Management. 9(1): 7-18.

Megahan, Walter F. 1984. Snowmelt and logging influence on piezometric levels in steep forested watersheds in Idaho. Transportation Research Record 965. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. 8 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1983. Hydrologic effects of clearcutting and wildfire on steep granitic slopes in Idaho. Water Resources Research. 19(3): 811-819.

Megahan, Walter F.; Clayton, James L. 1983. Tracing subsurface flow on roadcuts on steep, forested slopes. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 47(6): 1063-1067.

Megahan, Walter F.; Schweithelm, James. 1983. Appendix C: guidelines for reducing negative impacts of logging. Hamilton, Lawrence S.; King, Peter N., eds. Tropical watersheds: hydrologic and soils response to major uses or conversions. Boulder, CO: Westview Press: 143-154.

Megahan, Walter F.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.; Dodson, Patrick C. 1983. Long-term erosion on granitic roadcuts based on exposed tree roots. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 8: 19-28.

Ulliman, Joseph J.; Singh, Harnek; Megahan, Walter F. 1983. Remote sensing detection for planning on the Salmon River. Proceedings of the 1982 convention of the Society of American Foresters; 1982 September 19-22, Cincinnati, OH; Bethesda, MD. Society of American Foresters: 133-137.

Megahan, Walter F. 1982. Channel sediment storage behind obstructions in forested drainage basins draining the granitic bedrock of the Idaho Batholith. Swanson, Fredrick J.; Janda, Richard J.; Dunne, Thomas; [and others], eds. Workshop on Sediment Budgets and Routing in Forested Drainage Basins: proceedings; Portland, OR. USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station: 114-121.

Wilson, Dale; Patten, Rick; Megahan, Walter F. 1982. Systematic watershed analysis procedure for Clearwater National Forest. Leachates: Terrain analysis; Washington, DC. National Academy of Science, National Research Council, Transportation Research Board. 7 p.

Cline, Richard; Cole, Gene F.; Megahan, Walter F.; [and others]. 1981. Guide for predicting sediment yields from forested watersheds. Missoula, MT and Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Northern Region and Intermountain Region. 49 p. (plus appendices).

Megahan, Walter F. 1981. Effects of silvicultural practices on erosion and sedimentation in the interior west - a case for sediment budgeting. Baumgartner, David M., ed. Interior West Watershed Management; 1980 April 8-10, Spokane, WA; Pullman, WA. Washington State University Cooperative Extension: 169-181.

Megahan, Walter F. (chairman) 1981. Forest land: conservation needs, technology, and policy alternatives. Larson, William E.; Walsh, Leo M.; Stewart, B. A.; Boelter, Don H., eds. Soil and water resources: research priorities for the nation. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America: 103-125.

Cole, Gene F.; Megahan, Walter F. 1980. South Fork Salmon River - future management. Symposium on watershed management 1980; 1980 July 21-23, Boise, ID; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: Volume I, 396-405.

Megahan, Walter F. 1980. Nonpoint source pollution from forestry activities in the western United States: results of recent research and research needs. Proceedings of Conference on U.S. Forestry and Water Quality: What Course in the 80's?; 1980 June 19-20, Richmond, VA; Washington, DC. Water Pollution Control Federation: 92-151.

Megahan, Walter F.; Chima, Amjad M. 1980. Watershed management in Pakistan - past, present, and future. Journal of Forestry. 78(4): 217-219.

Megahan, Walter F.; Platts, William S.; Kulesza, Bert. 1980. Riverbed improves over time: South Fork Salmon. Symposium on watershed management 1980; 1980 July 21-23, Boise, ID; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: Volume I: 380-395.

1975 - 1979

Megahan, Walter F. 1979. Channel stability and channel erosion processes. Workshop on scheduling timber harvest for hydrologic concerns; 1979 November 27-29, Portland, OR; Portland, OR. USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region and Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 18 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1979. Erosion and sedimentation evaluation of Grass Valley Creek watershed. Proposed Trinity River basin fish and wildlife management program- sediment and related analysis. Sacramento, CA: Frederickson, Kamine, and Associates: 1-6, appendix B, part 4.

Megahan, Walter F.; Day, Norman F.; Bliss, Timothy M. 1979. Landslide occurrence in the western and central Northern Rocky Mountain Physiographic Province in Idaho. Youngberg, Chester T., ed. Forest soils and land use (Proceedings, Fifth North American Forest Soils Conference); 1978 August, Fort Collins, CO; Fort Collins, CO. Colorado State University: 116-139.

Ray, Gary A.; Megahan, Walter F. 1979. Measuring cross sections using a sag tape: a generalized procedure. General Technical Report INT-47. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.

Megahan, Walter F. 1978. Effects of forest practices on runoff and erosion . Unpublished report; material presented as a series of lectures at the Ecology course held by the Institute of Silviculture of the University of Padova at San Vito di Cadora, Italy in September 1978. Boise, ID: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 106 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1978. Erosion processes on steep granitic road fills in central Idaho. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 42(2): 350-357.

Megahan, Walter F. 1978. Sedimentation research. Proceedings: Applied Water Resource Management Workshop; 1978 May 1-5, Atlanta, GA. USDA-Forest Service: 2-19 through 2-19b.

Megahan, Walter F. 1977. Reducing erosional impacts of roads. FAO Conservation Guide. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: 237-261.

Day, Norman F.; Megahan, Walter F. 1976. Landslide occurrence on mountainous terrain in north-central Idaho: a progress report, 1974-75. Proceedings, 14th Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium; 1976, Boise, ID; Boise, ID. Idaho Transportation Department, Division of Highways: 85-97.

Megahan, Walter F. 1976. Effects of forest cultural treatments upon streamflow. The Forest Acts Dilemma Symposium; 1975; Missoula, MT. Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, University of Montana: 14-34.

Megahan, Walter F. 1976. Principles of erosion control on granitic soil materials. Proceedings Conference VII, International Erosion Control Association; 1976 February 26-27, Portland, OR; 44-51.

Megahan, Walter F.; Nowlin, Roy A. 1976. Sediment storage in channels draining small forested watersheds in the mountains of central Idaho. Proceedings of the Third Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference; 1976 March 22-25, Denver, CO; 4-115 through 4-126.

Megahan, Walter F. 1975. Sedimentation in relation to logging activities in the mountains of central Idaho. Present and prospective technology for predicting sediment yields and sources (Proceedings, Sediment-Yield Workshop); 1972 November 28-30, Oxford, MS. USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Report ARS-S-40: 74-82.

Megahan, Walter F.; Molitor, Delbert C. 1975. Erosional effects of wildfire and logging in Idaho. Watershed Management Symposium; 1975 August 11-13, Logan, UT; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers, Irrigation and Drainage Division: 423-444.

1967 -1974

Megahan, Walter F. 1974. Deep-rooted plants for erosion control on granitic road fills in the Idaho Batholith. Research Paper INT-161. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 18 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1974. Erosion over time on severely disturbed granitic soils: a model. Research Paper INT-156. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 14 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1973. Role of bedrock in watershed management. Proceedings of the Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers; 1973 April 22-24, Fort Collins, CO; New York, NY. American Society of Civil Engineers: 449-470.

Megahan, Walter F. 1972. The effects of deforestation and reforestation on streamflow rates in the western United States (Unpublished paper presented orally at symposium; limited distribution written report). Symposium on the Effects of Land Uses on Streamflow; national meeting of the American Geophysical Union; 1970 April 23, Washington, DC; Boise, ID. USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 23 p.

Megahan, Walter F. 1972. Logging, erosion, sedimentation - are they dirty words? Journal of Forestry. 70(7): 403-407.

Megahan, Walter F. 1972. Subsurface flow interception by a logging road in mountains of central Idaho. National Symposium on Watersheds in Transition, Proceedings; 1972, Fort Collins, CO; Herndon, VA. American Water Resources Association: 350-356.

Megahan, Walter F. 1972. Volume weight of reservoir sediment in forested areas. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings American Society of Engineers. 98(HY8): 1335-1342.

Rice, Raymond M.; Rothacher, Jack S.; Megahan, Walter F. 1972. Erosional consequences of timber harvesting: an appraisal. National Symposium on Watersheds in Transition, Proceedings; Herndon, VA. American Water Resources Association: 321-329.

Megahan, Walter F.; Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1972. Effect of logging roads on sediment production rates in the Idaho Batholith. Research Paper INT-123. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 14 p.

Megahan, Walter F.; Kidd, Walter J. Jr. 1972. Effects of logging and logging roads on erosion and sediment deposition from steep terrain. Journal of Forestry. 70(3): 136-141.

Megahan, Walter F.; Meiman, J. R.; Goodell, B. C. 1970. The effect of albedo-reducing materials on net radiation at a snow surface. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology. 15: 69-80.

Megahan, Walter F.; Meiman, J. R.; Goodell, B. C. 1967. Net all-wave radiation as an index of natural snowmelt accelerated with albedo reducing materials. Proceedings, International Hydrology Symposium; 1967 September, Fort Collins, CO. Volume 1: 149-156 p.


Overton, Charles K.

Overton, C.K. and S.P. Wollrab, B.C. Roberts [and others]. 1997. R1/R4 (Northern/Intermountain Regions) fish and fish habitat standard inventory procedures handbook. INT-GTR-346. Ogden, Utah: USDA Forest Service: 1-72.   Full Text available on CD    Description

Overton, C.K., J.D. McIntyre, R. Armstrong [and others]. 1995. User's guide to fish habitat: descriptions that represent natural conditions in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho. INT-GTR-322. Ogden, Utah: USDA Forest Service: 1-142.  Full Text available on CD

Overton, C.K., G.L. Chandler, J.A. Pisano. 1994. Northern/Intermountain Regions' fish habitat inventory: grazed, rested, and ungrazed reference stream reaches, Silver King Creek, California.

Overton, C.K., M.A. Radko, R.L. Nelson. 1993. Fish habitat conditions: Using the Northern/Intermountain regions inventory procedures for detecting differences on two differently managed watersheds. USDA Forest Service: Intermountain Research Station. General Technical Report INT-300. August 1993.  


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Packer, Paul E.; Christensen, George F. 1964 (Reprinted 1977). Guides for controlling sediment from secondary logging roads. Ogden, UT and Missoula, MT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station and Northern Region. 42 p.

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Platts, William S.; Megahan, Walter F. 1975. Time trends in riverbed sediment composition in salmon and steelhead spawning areas: South Fork Salmon River, Idaho. Transactions of the 40th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 1975; Washington, DC. Wildlife Management Institute: 229-239.

Platts, William S.; Megahan, Walter F.; Minshall, G. W. 1983. Methods for evaluating stream, riparian, and biotic conditions. General Technical Report INT-138. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 70 p.


Rieman, Bruce E. 


Fausch, K.D., Rieman, B.E., Dunham, J.B., Young, M.K. and Peterson, D.P.  In Press . The invasion versus isolation dilemma: tradeoffs in managing native salmonids with barriers to upstream movement.  Conservation Biology 00:000-000 Published Online: February 6, 2009.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01159.x


Peterson, D. P., Rieman, B. E., Dunham, J. B., Fausch, K. D., and M. K. Young. 2008. Analysis of trade-offs between the threat of invasion by nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and intentional isolation for native westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 65(4):557–573

   Appendix 1, Appendix 2

Tonina, D., Luce, C.H., Rieman, B., Buffington, J.M., Goodwin, P., Clayton, Stephen R., Ali, S.M., Barry, J.J., and Berenbrock, C. 2008. Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6918.

McGrath, K.E.; Scott, Michael J.; and Rieman, B. E. 2008. Length Variation in Age-0 Westslope Cutthroat Trout at Multiple Spatial Scales. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1529-1540.


Rieman, D.E., Isaak, D., Adams, S., Horan, D., Nagel, D., Luce, C., and D. Myers. 2007. Anticipated climate warming effects on bull trout habitats and populations across the Interior Columbia River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 136:1552-1565.

Related website: Air Temperature Based Thermal Stream Habitat Model -  with data, maps, methods and related publications

Peterson, D.P., Rieman, B.E., Dunham, J.B., Fausch, K.D., and Young, M.K. 2007 Analyzing tradeoffs between the threat of invasion by brook trout and effects of intentional isolation for native westslope cutthroat trout. Pages 51–57 In Carline, R.F.; LoSapio, C., eds. 2007. Sustaining wild trout in a changing world; proceedings of Wild Trout IX symposium; 2007 October 9-12; West Yellowstone, Montana. 308 pages.



Fausch, C., B. Rieman, J. Dunham, and M. Young. 2006. Strategies for conserving native salmonid populations at risk from nonnative invasions: tradeoffs in using barriers to upstream movement. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, GTR-RMRS-174, Fort Collins, CO.

Reeves, G.H., P.A. Bisson, B.E. Rieman, L.E. Benda. 2006. Postfire Logging in Riparian Areas. Conservation Biology. 20(4):994-1004

Rieman, B.E., J.B. Dunham, and J. Clayton.  2006.  Emerging concepts for management of river ecosystems and challenges to applied integration of physical and biological sciences in the Pacific Northwest.  Journal of River Basin Management 4(2):85-97.

Rieman, B.E., J.T. Peterson, and D.E. Myers.  2006.  Have brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) displaced bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) along longitudinal gradients in central Idaho streams?  Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences  63:63-78

Whiteley, A., P. Spruell, B. Rieman and F. Allendorf. 2006. Fine-scale Genetic Structure of Bull Trout at the Southern Distribution Limit. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1238-1253. 


Rieman, B., J. Dunham, C. Luce, and A. Rosenberger, A. 2005. Implications of changing fire regimes for aquatic ecosystems. Pages: 187-191 In Taylor, L.; Zelnik, J.; Cadwallader, S., Hughes, (editors) Mixed Severity Fire Regimes: Ecology and Management. Symposium Proceedings, Spokane WA. November 15-19, 2004. Association for Fire Ecology and Washington State University, Pullman, WA. 


Rieman, B.E., R.E. Gresswell, M.K. Young, C. Luce.  2003.  The effects of wildland fire on aquatic ecosystems in the western USA.  Forest and Ecology Management.  178(1-2):1-3.

Rieman, B.E., D. Lee, D. Burns, R. Gresswell, M. Young, R. Stowell, P. Howell.  2003.  Status of native fishes in western United States and issues for fire and fuels management.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178(1-2):197-211. 

Bisson, P.A., B.E. Rieman, C. Luce, P.F. Hessburg, D.C. Lee, J.L. Kershner, G.H. Reeves, and R.E. Gresswell.  2003.  Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA:  Current knowledge and key question.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178(1-2):213-229. 

Epifanio, J., G. Haas, K. Pratt, B. Rieman, P. Spruell, C. Stockwell, F. Utter, and W. Young.  2003.  Integrating conservation genetic considerations into conservation planning:  a case study of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Lake Pend Oreille-Lower Clark Fork River system.  FIsheries 28(8):10-24.

Rich, Jr. C.F., T.E. McMahon, B.E. Rieman and W.L. Thompson. 2003.  Local-habitat, watershed, and biotic features associated with bull trout occurrence in Montana streams.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  132:1053-1064. 

Wells, B.K., B.E. Rieman, J.L. Clayton, D.L., Horan and C.M. Jones.  2003.  Relationships between water, otolith, and scale chemistries of westslope cutthroat trout from the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho:  the potential application of hard-part chemistry to describe movements in fresh water.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  132:409-424.


Adams, S.B., C.A. Frissell, and B.E. Rieman. 2002. Changes in distribution of non-native brook trout in an Idaho drainage over two decades. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131: 561-568.    (87 kb)


Rieman, B.E., Peterson, J.T., Clayton, J.L., Howell, P., Thurow, R.F., Thompson, W. and Lee, D.C. 2001. Evaluation of potential effects of federal land management alternatives on trends of salmonids and their habitats in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Forest Ecology and Management. 153(1-3): 43-62.  

Rieman, B.E., F.W. Allendorf. 2001. Effective population size and genetic conservation criteria for bull trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 21:756-764.   

Adams, S.B., C.A. Frissell, and B.E. Rieman. 2001.  Geography of invasion in mountain streams: consequences of headwater lake fish introductions. Ecosystems. 296-307. 


Rieman, B.E. and J. B. Dunham. 2000. Metapopulation and salmonids: a synthesis of life history patterns and empirical observations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 9:51-64. 

Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, R.F. Thurow, P.F. Hessburg, and J.R. Sedell. 2000. Toward an integrated classification of ecosystems: defining opportunities for managing fish and forest health. Environmental Management 25(4):425-444.  

Adams, S.B., C.A. Frissell, and B.E. Rieman. 2000. Movements of non-native brook trout in relation to stream channel slope. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 129:623-638.


Rieman, B.E. and G.L. Chandler. 1999. Empirical evaluation of temperature effects on bull trout distribution in the northwest. Final Report to: U.S. EPA, Contract 12957242-01-0, Boise, Idaho.  (170 kb)

Rieman, B.E., J.D. Dunham, and J.T. Peterson. 1999. Development of a Database to Support a Multi-Scale Analysis of the Distribution of Westslope Cutthroat Trout. Final Report To: U.S. Geological Survey Reston, Virginia 20192 Agreement Number: 1445-HQ-PG-01026BRD ICBEMP.    (841 kb)

Spruell, P., B.E. Rieman, K.L. Knudsen, F.M. Utter, and F.W. Allendorf. 1999. Genetic population structure within streams: microsatellite analysis of bull trout populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 8:114-121.


Lee, D.C., Sedell, J. R., Rieman, B.E., Thurow, R.T., and Williams, J.E. 1998. Aquatic species and habitat in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Journal of Forestry 96(10): 16-21.

Dunnigan, J.L., Bennett, D.H., and Rieman, B.E. 1998. Effects of forest management on west slope cutthroat trout distribution and abundance in the Coeur d’ Alene River system Idaho, USA. Pages 471-476 in M.K. Brewin and D.M.A. Monita, tech. Coords. Forest-Fish conference: land management practices affecting aquatic ecosystems. Proc. Forest-Fish Conf., May 1-4, 1996, Calgary, Alberta, Nat. Resource. Can., For. Serv., North, For. Cent., Edmonton, Alberta. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-356.

Rieman, Bruce; Clayton, James L. 1998. Wildfire, forest management, and conservation of native fishes (abstract). Correas, Ana M.; Rincon, Pedro A., eds. Ecology of Stream Fish: State of the Art and Future Prospects; 1998 April 13-17, Luarca, Spain.


Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, and R.F. Thurow. 1997. Distribution, status, and likely future trends of bull trout within the Columbia River and Klamath basins. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1111-1125. 

Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, G. Chandler, and D. Myers. 1997. Does wildfire threaten extinction for salmonids: responses of redband trout and bull trout following recent large fires on the Boise National Forest. Pages 47-57 In, J. Greenlee (editor). Proceedings of the Conference on Wildfire and Threatened and Endangered Species and Habitats, November 13-15, 1995, Coeur d'Alene Idaho. International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington.

Rieman, B.E., and J. Clayton. 1997. Wild fire and native fish: issues of forest health and conservation of native fishes. Fisheries. 22(11):6-15

Rieman, B.E. and D.L. Myers. 1997. Use of redd counts to detect trends in bull trout populations. Conservation Biology 11(4):1015-1018.  

Lee, D.C. and B.E. Rieman. 1997. Population viability assessment of salmonids by using probabilistic networks North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1144-1157.  

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Assessment of the condition of aquatic ecosystems in the Interior Columbia River Basin . Chapter 4. Eastside Ecosystem Management Project. Pacific Northwest Research Station, PNW-GTR-405, Portland, OR.

Lee, D., J. Sedell, B. Rieman, R. Thurow, and J. Williams. 1997. Broad scale assessment of aquatic species and habitats. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great basins. Volume 3, chapter 4. US Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-405.

Sedell, J.R., D.C. Lee, B.E. Rieman, R.F. Thurow, and J.E. Williams. 1997. Effects of proposed alternatives on aquatic habitats and native fishes. Volume 1, chapter 3. Evaluation of EIS alternatives by the science integration team. US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis.


Rieman , B.E. and J.D. McIntyre. 1996. Spatial and temporal variability in bull trout redd counts. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 16:132-141.  

Rieman, B.E. and J.D. McIntyre. 1995. Occurrence of bull trout in naturally fragmented habitat patches of varied size. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124: 285-296.    (2.82 mb)

Rieman, B.E., D.L. Myers, and R.L. Nielsen. 1994. The use of otolith microchemistry to discriminate O. nerka of resident and anadromous origin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:68-77.

Rieman, B., D. Lee, J. McIntyre, K. Overton, and R. Thurow. 1993. Consideration of extinction risks for salmonids. Currents, Fish Habitat Relations Technical Bulletin No. 14.

Rieman, B.E. and J.D. McIntyre. 1993. Demographic and habitat requirements for the conservation of bull trout Salvelinus confluentus. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research Station, General Technical Report INT-302, Ogden, UT.


Rosenberger, Amanda E.

Swenson, E. A., Rosenberger, A. E., and P. J. Howell. 2007. Validation of endoscopy for determination of maturity in small salmonids and sex of mature individuals. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 136:994–998.

Rosenberger, A.E. and J.B. Dunham. 2005.  Validation of abundance estimates from mark-recapture and removal techniques for rainbow trout captured by electrofishing in small streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1395-1410.

Wheeler, A.P., P.L. Angermeier, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2005.  Impacts of New Highways and Subsequent Landscape Urbanization on Stream Habitat and Biota. Reviews in Fisheries Science 13: 141-164.

Angermeier, P.L., A.P. Wheeler, and  A.E. Rosenberger. 2004.  A conceptual framework for assessing impacts of roads on aquatic biota. Fisheries 29:19-29.

Rosenberger, A. and P.L. Angermeier.  2003.  Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use by the endangered Roanoke logperch (Percina rex).  Freshwater Biology 48:1563-1577.

Rosenberger, A.  2002.  Multi-scale patterns of habitat use by Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) in Virginia rivers:  a comparison among populations and life stages.  Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA.

Rosenberger, A.E. and P.L. Angermeier.  2002.  Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) population structure and habitat use.  Final Report for Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fishes, Blacksburg, VA.


Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.

Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A. 1996. Idaho forestry best management practices: compilation of research on their effectiveness. General Technical Report INT-GTR-339. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 89 p.

Megahan, Walter F.; King, John G.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A. 1995. Hydrologic and erosional responses of a granitic watershed to helicopter logging and broadcast burning. Forest Science. 41(4): 777-795.

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Megahan, Walter F.; Potyondy, John P.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A. 1992. Best management practices and cumulative effects from sedimentation in the South Fork Salmon River: an Idaho case study. Naiman, Robert J., ed. Watershed management: balancing sustainability and environmental change (conference proceedings); 1990 November 27-29, Seattle, WA; New York, NY. Springer-Verlag: 401-414.

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Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.; McHenry, Michael L.; Platts, William S. 1987. An annotated bibliography of the hydrology and fishery studies of the South Fork Salmon River. General Technical Report INT-235. Ogden, UT: USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 27 p.

Megahan, Walter F.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.; Mosko, Timothy L.; [and others]. 1986. Construction phase sediment budget for forest roads on granitic slopes in Idaho. Hadley, Richard F., ed. Drainage basin sediment delivery: proceedings; 1986 August 4-8, Albuquerque, NM; Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. International Association of Hydrological Sciences. IAHS Publication 159: 31-39.

Megahan, Walter F.; Seyedbagheri, Kathleen A.; Dodson, Patrick C. 1983. Long-term erosion on granitic roadcuts based on exposed tree roots. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 8: 19-28.


Thurow, Russ F.


Isaak, D.J. and R.F. Thurow.  2006.  Network-scale and temporal variation in Chinook salmon redd distributions:  patterns inferred from spatially continuous replicate surveys.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:285-296.

Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, J.W. Guzevich. 2006.  Utility and validation of day and night Snorkel Counts for estimating bull trout abundance in first-to-third order streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:217-232


Peterson, J.T., N.P. Banish, and R.F. Thurow.  2005.  Are block nets necessary?  Movement of stream-dwelling salmonids in response to three common survey methods.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management  25:732-743. 


Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, C.A. Larson, and J.W. Guzevich. 2004. Development of bull trout sampling efficiency models. Final report. USFWS Agreement #134100-2-H001.

Peterson, J.T., R.F. Thurow, and J.W. Guzevich. 2004. An evaluation of multipass electrofishing for estimating the abundance of stream-dwelling salmonids. American Fisheries Society 133:462-475. (253 kb)


Nelson, M.L., T.E. McMahon, R.F. Thurow.  2002.  Decline of the migratory form in bull char, Salvelinus confluentus, and implications for conservation.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.  64:321-332.   (584 kb)


Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, J.W. Guzevich. 2001.  Development of bull trout sampling protocols.  Final Report.  USFWS Agreement #134100H002. 


Thurow, R.F. 2000. Dynamics of chinook salmon populations within Idaho’s Frank Church wilderness: implications for persistence. Pages 143-151 In: McCool, S.F.; Cole, D.N.; Borrie, W.T.; O’Loughlin, J. Wilderness science in a time of change conference- Volume 3: Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry, May 23-27, 1999, Missoula, MT. US Forest Service, Proceedings, RMRS-P-15-VOL-3. 

Thurow, R.F., D.C. Lee, and B.E. Rieman. 2000. Status and distribution of chinook salmon and steelhead in the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath River basin. In: E. Knudsen, E.; C. Steward, D. Mac Donald, ; J. Williams, and D. Reiser, , editors. Sustainable fisheries management: Pacific salmon. Boca Raton: CRC Press: 133-160.

Jakober, M.J., T.E. McMahon, and R.F. Thurow. 2000. Diel habitat partitioning by bull charr and cutthroat trout during fall and winter in Rocky mountain streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 59:79-89.

McIntosh, B.A., J.R. Sedell, R.F. Thurow, S.E. Clarke, and G.L. Chandler. 2000. Historical changes in pool habitats in the Columbia River basin. Ecological Applications 10(5):1478-1496. 


Thurow, R.F., D.C. Lee, and B.E. Rieman. 1998. Status and distribution of steelhead in the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath River and Great basins. Summary of the Sixth Pacific Coast steelhead management meeting. March 3-5, 1998. Port Townsend, Washington. Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Garrett, J.W., D.H. Bennett, F.O. Frost, and R.F. Thurow. 1998. Enhanced incubation success for kokanee spawning in groundwater upwelling sites in a small Idaho stream. North American Journal of Fish Management 18:925-930.  


Magee, J.P., T.E. McMahon, and R.F. Thurow. 1996. Spatial variation in spawning habitat of cutthroat trout in a sediment-rich basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:768-779. 

Thurow, R.F. 1997. Habitat utilization and diel behavior of juvenile bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) at the onset of winter. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 6:1-7.

Thurow, R.F., D.C. Lee, and B.E. Rieman. 1997. Distribution and status of seven native salmonids in the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath River and Great basins. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:1094-1110. 

Thurow, R.F. and D.J. Schill. 1996. Comparison of day snorkeling, night snorkeling, and electro fishing to estimate bull trout abundance and size structure in a second-order Idaho stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:314-323.  

Dolloff, A., J. Kirchner, and R.F. Thurow. 1996. Underwater observation. Pages 533-554 in B. Murphy and D. Willis, editors. Fisheries Techniques, second edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.  

Bonneau, J.L., R.F. Thurow, and D.L. Scarnecchia. 1995. Capture, marking, and enumeration of juvenile bull trout and cutthroat trout in small, low conductivity streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:563-568. 

McIntosh, B.A., J. R. Sedell, R.F. Thurow, S.E. Clarke, and G.L. Chandler. 1995. Historical changes in pool habitats in the Columbia River Basin. Report to the Eastside Ecosystem Management Project. In: B. A. McIntosh. Historical changes in stream habitats in the Columbia river basin. Ph.D. dissertation. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis.

Thurow, R.F. and J.G. King. 1994. Attributes of Yellowstone cutthroat trout redds in a tributary of the Snake River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:37-50.

Thurow, R.F. and D.J. Schill. 1994. Conflicts in allocation of wild trout resources: an Idaho case history. Pages 132-140 in R.H. Hamre, editor, Wild Trout V, Proceedings of the Symposium. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Thurow, R.F. 1994. Underwater methods for study of salmonids in the Intermountain West. General Technical Report. INT-GTR-307. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Ogden, Utah.   (10.7 MB)

Elle, S. and R. Thurow. 1994. Rapid River bull trout movement and mortality studies. Job 1 in Elle, S., R. Thurow, and T. Lamansky. Job Performance Report: Rivers and Streams Investigations. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.

Schill, D., R. Thurow, and P. Kline. 1994. Seasonal movement and spawning mortality of fluvial bull trout in Rapid River, Idaho. Job Performance Report 2: Wild trout evaluations. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.

Thurow, R.F. and C.K. Overton. 1993. Salmonid distribution and abundance and physical habitat characteristics in Panther Creek, Idaho, August 1991. Report submitted to FS Region 4, NOAA, NMFS, and the Salmon National Forest.

Thurow, R.F. and D. Burns. 1992. Fish response to sediment deposition in the Idaho batholith. Pages 120-130 in S. Sommarstrom, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Decomposed Granitic Soils. Redding, California, October, 1992.

Thurow, Russell F.; King, John G. 1992. Evaluating substrate conditions in natural and artificial redds of Idaho salmonids. Program abstracts: Western Division, American Fisheries Society; 1992 July 13-16, Fort Collins, CO. American Fisheries Society: 35.

Thurow, Russell F.; King, John G. 1992. Substrate characteristics in redds of anadromous salmonids. 1992 abstracts for presentations: Idaho Chapter, American Fisheries Society; 1992 March 12-14, McCall, ID. American Fisheries Society: 33.

Thurow, R. and J. King. 1991. Effects of fine sediment on fish populations. Pages 11-49 to 11-56 in Shou-Shan Fan and Yung-Huang Kuo, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Volume 2. March 1991, Las Vegas.

Jakober, M.J., T.E. McMahon, R.F. Thurow, and C.G. Clancy. 1988. Role of stream ice on fall and winter movements and habitat use by bull trout and cutthroat trout in Montana headwater streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:223-235.  


Tonina, Daniele

Buffington, John M.; Tonina, Daniele. 2008.  Discussion of "Evaluating vertical velocities between the stream and the hyporheic zone from temperature data" by Seydell, I.; Wawra, B.E.; Zanke, U.C.E. in Gravel-Bed Rivers 6–From Process Understanding to River Restoration, edited by Habersack, H.; Piégay, H; Rinaldi, M. Elsevier, pp. 128-131.

Tonina, D., Luce, C.H., Rieman, B., Buffington, J.M., Goodwin, P., Clayton, Stephen R., Ali, S.M., Barry, J.J., and Berenbrock, C. 2008. Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6918.

Tonina, Daniele; Bellin, Alberto. 2008. Effects of pore-scale dispersion, degree of heterogeneity, sampling size, and source volume on the concentration moments of conservative solutes in heterogeneous formations. Advances in Water Resources 31:339-354. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2007.08.009.

Bellin, Alberto; Tonina, Daniele. 2007. Probability density function of non-reactive solute concentration in heterogeneous porous formations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 94:109-125.  doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2007.05.005.

Tonina, Daniele; Buffington, John M. 2007. Hyporheic exchange in gravel bed rivers with pool-riffle morphology: Laboratory experiments and three-dimensional modeling. Water Resources Research, 43: W01421, doi:10.1029/2005WR004328. 

Tonina, Daniele. 2005. Interaction between river morphology and intergravel flow paths within the hyporheic zone, unpub. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Idaho, Boise, ID, 114 pp.



Adams, Susan B. 1999.  Mechanisms limiting a vertebrate invasion: Brook trout in mountain streams of the northwestern USA.     (1.2 mb)

Anderson, D.R., K.P. Burnham, and W.L. Thompson. 2000. Null hypothesis testing: problems, prevalence, and an alternative. Journal of Wildlife Management. 64(4):912-923.

Barry, J.J., 2007, Bed load transport in gravel-bed rivers, unpub. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Idaho, Boise, ID, 164 pp.

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Benjamin, J.R.  2006.  Invasion by nonnative brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho:  Roles of habitat quality, connectivity, and biotic resistance.  M.S. Thesis, Boise State University, Idaho.

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