Division of Conservation Planning
Midwest Region

See the CCP

The comprehensive conservation plan is provided in portable document format (pdf). To see it, you need Acrobat Reader software, and it is available for free on the Adobe website.

September 2004 Project Update (532 KB)

Comprehensive Conservation Plan (5.6 MB) (not including Appendix A, Refuge Maps, which is presented below)

See the Plan by Chapter

Approval Page and Contents (139 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background (327 KB)
Chapter 2: The Planning Process (97 KB)
Chapter 3: The Refuge Environment (760 KB)
Chapter 4: Management Direction (584 KB)
Chapter 5: Refuge Boundary Expansion (121 KB)
Chapter 6: Plan Implementation (157 KB)
Appendix A: Maps showing current landcover and future desired landcover (3.5 MB). (Maps are presented individually below.)
Appendix B: Species List (150 KB)
Appendix C: List of Abbreviations and Acronyms (27 KB)
Appendix D: Glossary (31 KB)
Appendix E: Cooperative Agreement (119 KB)
Appendix F: Compatibility Determinations (22 KB)
Appendix G: Mailing List (34 KB)
Appendix H: Environmental Assessment (684 KB)
Appendix I: Guiding Laws and Orders (40 KB)
Appendix J: Soil Associations (39 KB)
Appendix K: Bibliography (69 KB)
Appendix L: List of Preparers (22 KB)
Appendix M: Land Protection Plan (190 KB)
Appendix N: Summary and Disposition of comments on the Draft CCP (52 KB)


Area of Ecological Concern (114 KB)

Current Land Cover:
Upper Big Timber Division (133 KB)
Lower Big Timber Division (134 KB)
Louisa Division (148 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Horseshoe Bend Division (136 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Keithsburg Division (129 KB)
Fox Island Division (118 KB) (Great River NWR)
Long Island Division (122 KB) (Great River NWR)
Delair Division (145 KB)
Clarence Cannon NWR (127 KB)
Batchtown Division (133 KB)(Two Rivers NWR)
Calhoun Division (154 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Gilbert Lake Division (141 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Portage Island Division (131 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Meissner Island Division (83 KB)
Harlow Island Division (123 KB) (Middle Mississippi River NWR)
Wilkinson Island Division (122 KB) (Middle Mississippi River NWR)

Existing Public Use Facilities:

Louisa Division (132 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Clarence Cannon NWR (102 KB)(Great River NWR)
Calhoun Division (143 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)

Desired Future Conditions:

Big Timber Division (142 KB)(Port Louisa NWR)
Louisa Division (159 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Louisa Division Habitat Strategies (147 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Horseshoe Bend Division (136 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Keithsburg Division (135 KB) (Port Louisa NWR)
Fox Island Division (120 KB) (Great River NWR)
Long Island Division (151 KB) (Great River NWR)
Delair Division (151 KB) (Great River NWR)
Clarence Cannon NWR (137 KB) (Great River NWR)
Batchtown Division (139 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Calhoun Division (164 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Gilbert Lake Division (138 KB) (Two Rivers NWR)
Harlow Island Division and Meissner Island Divison (131 KB) (Middle Mississippi River NWR)
Wilkinson Island Division (136 KB) (Middle Mississippi River NWR)

Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge Complex Comprehensive Conservation Plancover of the Mark Twain NWR Complex CCP

Comprehensive Conservation Plan Completed
Mark Twain NWR Complex
Request a Copy of the CCP
Where Are We in the Planning Process?

Comprehensive Conservation Plan Completed!

In September 2004, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced the completion of the comprehensive conservation plan, or CCP, for the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge Complex.

The CCP is intended to outline how the Complex refuges will fulfill their legal purposes and contribute to the National Wildlife Refuge System's wildlife, habitat and public use goals. The plan articulates management goals for the next 15 years and specifies the objectives and strategies needed to accomplish these goals. While the planned future condition is long-term, we anticipate that the plan will be updated every 5 to 10 years based on information gained through monitoring wildlife and habitat.

The involvement of the public and partners has been a vital element in completing this CCP. Throughout the duration of the planning process, which began in 1997, we have worked with the departments of natural resources in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, and the Missouri Department of Conservation. We worked extensively with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Residents of communities surrounding the refuges attended open houses and commented on the draft CCP. We appreciate the time and effort of all of the people who contributed to this plan.

The Mark Twain NWR Complex

The Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge Complex spans three states, and nearly 350 river miles of the Mississippi River bottoms between Muscatine, Iowa, and Gorham, Illinois. Approximately 45,000 acres in size, the Complex includes five national wildlife refuges: the Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge in Wapello, Iowa; the Great River and Clarence Cannon national wildlife refuges in Annada, Missouri; the Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge in Brussels, Illinois, and the Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge located south of St. Louis, Missouri. The Iowa River Corridor portion (10,000 acres) of the Complex is not included in this planning effort but will be covered in a separate comprehensive conservation plan.

Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1958 and today Complex refuges draw an estimated 100,000 visitors annually. The Mississippi River is internationally significant as a corridor for the movement of migratory birds, people and cargo. Public use opportunities include wildlife observation and photography, hunting and fishing, and environmental education and interpretation.

The Complex Manager also administers cooperative agreement with the State of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, for the management of more than 50,000 acres of "General Plan" land associated with the 9-foot navigation project. Each state manages portions of these river corridor lands for wildlife in partnership with the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Corps of Engineers.

Request a Copy of the CCP

The plan is available in portable document format (pdf) through this page, and copies are also available on CD or as paper copies by calling the Refuge Complex at 217/224-8580.

Where Are We in the Planning Process?

These are the steps that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service follows in comprehensive conservation planning; the step that the Mark Twain NWR Complex has reached is highlighted:

  1. Preplanning: Plan the Plan
  2. Initiate Public Involvement and Scoping
  3. Review Vision Statement and Goals and Determine Significant Issues
  4. Develop and Analyze Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action
  5. Prepare a Draft CCP and NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Document
  6. Prepare and Adopt Final CCP
  7. Implement Plan, Monitor and Evaluate
  8. Review and Revise the Plan
Last updated: March 18, 2009
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