NPS Fire Management Program
Fire Program Education Public and Media Career Development Employment
Developmental Opportunities Leadership Development. Career Development.
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Self Assessment Activities
Formal Courses
Experiential Learning

"Leadership is the ability to establish standards and manage a creative climate where people are self-motivated toward the mastery of long term constructive goals, in a participatory environment of mutual respect, compatible with personal values."

Mike Vance

Experiential Learning
Background Information.
It is important to both your leadership and skills development that you seek out opportunities to practice and hone skills and techniques that have been learned in the classroom environment. This portion of the career development site will provide you with links to sites that can help you attain those experiences.
Interagency Hotshot / Fire Use Module Program
There are three options available to NPS employees wishing to broaden their fire experience base and exercise leadership skills in an incident environment - Training IHC’s, NPS IHC’s and Fire Use Modules. 
Tactical Decision Games (TDGS) / Sand Table Exercises / Staff Rides
Tactical decision games provide practice in decision making and communication; both skills essential to effective leadership
Two firefighters and a park ranger listen to briefing.

Wildland Fire Training
Web site that enables access to Local Area, Geographic Area, National, and other related Interagency Wildland Fire Training information.

Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program
Web site provides information which allows individuals to strive for a higher performance level as a leader through self-directed learning opportunities.

Refresher Training
The web site, updated annually, offers guidance, agency policies, emerging issues, training materials and topics to assist instructors in preparing to teach annual refresher training.

utility links
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