Environmental Education in Georgia

Georgia Youth Environmental Symposium (YES)
Georgia middle and high school students, teachers, and advisors, enter your class or club’s environmental project and you could win $1000! The Georgia Conservancy is calling for entries for the symposium, a competition among classes of middle and high school students. The deadline for submitting projects is January 28, 2009.

EE Alliance of Georgia Conference Registration Now Open
The Environmental Education Alliance (EEA) of Georgia 2009 conference: "Learning from the Land... Then, Now and in the Future" will be held at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center March 13-14, 2009. The advance/discounted registration deadline is open now - February 28, 2009.

Georgia Organics Conference Registration Now Open
The Georgia Organics' 12th Annual Conference will be held March 20-21 on the beautiful campus of Agnes Scott College. A special "Farm to School" track will be offered for educators, parent volunteers, and others interested in creating school gardens, serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, supporting small local farmers, and offering garden-based education opportunities. Early/discounted registration is open now - January 31 for current and new members.

International Compost Awareness Week Poster Contest
Everyone is eligible to enter the 2nd Annual International Compost Awareness Week Poster Contest. The 2009 theme is "Compost!...Recycling The Way Nature Meant It To Be". The successful poster winner will receive a $500 cash prize. Each student division winner will receive $100 in special recognition. The contest begins on December 5, 2008 and continues until January 30, 2009.

Athens, GA Makes List of America's 50 Greenest Cities
Athens, Georgia made Popular Science's list of the top 50 Green Cities. Cities score points for drawing their energy from renewable sources, commuter use of public transportation or carpools, green buildings and green space, recycling and green perspective. Come celebrate Athens' Green Ranking and see what you can do personally at the first ever Green Life Expo to be held January 30 and 31 at the Athens Classic Center.

Teachers, Arabia Mountain Environmental Magnet High School
Teacher candidates must have a broad knowledge of current environmental trends and how to incorporate these trends with the Georgia Performance Standards. Certified teacher candidates must also be able to design and evaluate interdisciplinary lessons that focus on the Environmental Integrated Curriculum (EIC) model. All candidates must apply by January 27, 2009.
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