Satellite Weather


globe image Visible Images
small globe image MOVIE Eastern U.S.   (~350K)
small globe image MOVIE Western U.S.   (~350K)
small globe image MPEG movies contain the most recent 10 half hourly images.

globe image Infrared Images
small globe image MOVIE Eastern U.S.   (~200K)
small globe image MOVIE Western U.S.   (~200K)
small globe image These MPEG movies contain the most recent 10 half hourly images.

globe image Water Vapor Images
small globe image MOVIE Eastern U.S.  (~180K)
small globe image MOVIE Western U.S.  (~180K)
small globe image These MPEG movies contain the most recent 10 half hourly images.

globe image Derived Images
Fog and Aviation Products

globe imageOther Satellite Products

globe image Tropical Images

Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean

globe image International Satellite Images
MTSAT --  over 135° East Longitude
METEOSAT-7 --  over Zero° Longitude
METEOSAT-5 --   over 63° East Longitude



globe image Other Satellite Data and Links


  • National Weather Service
  • Midland/Odessa Weather Forecast Office
  • 2500 Challenger Dr.
  • Midland, TX 79706-2606
  • (432) 563-5901
  • Page Author: MAF Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail:
  • Page last modified: March 9th 2009 9:08 PM is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.