Latest News

Fiji’s Conundrum

by Gerard A. Finin

HONOLULU (May 7) - In recent weeks Fiji’s political turmoil has taken an ominous turn, with a harsh crackdown on all forms of political dissent. What began in 2006 as a preannounced and generally peaceful military takeover is fast becoming a more complex conundrum for Fiji’s military, citizens and the international community...more...

Kent Calder: Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations

(Washington D.C.) April 29– The U.S.-Japan Alliance must revitalize itself to remain relevant in a world that is very different from the one that existed when it was created... more ...

Indonesia’s Young Democracy Thriving, But Challenges Remain

Indonesia is drawing praise from the United States as it emerges from decades of authoritarian rule as a promising democracy, but the country with the world’s largest Muslim population still faces challenges ranging from government corruption to election problems and weak political representation of women...more...


Myths & Magic: Mask Dance from Sri Lanka
Where: EWC Art Gallery, 1601 East-West Road
When: April 14, 2009 to June 14, 2009

"Dark Night of the Soul"
Sri Lankan feature film by award-winning director Prasanna Vithanage
Where: EWC Art Gallery, 1601 East-West Road
When: May 31, 2009

2009 EWC/KDI Conference on Climate Change and Green Growth
Where: EWC
When: July 23, 2009 to July 24, 2009

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Arts Events

Spotlight on Education

EWC students from Vietnam performing at the 2009 East-West Fest.

EWC Students Develop Leadership Skills by Organizing Cultural Festival

People of all ages and nationalities gathered around the EWC’s Imin Center in mid April to enjoy this year’s East-West Fest.  The cross-cultural celebration, organized by The East-West Center Participants Association (EWCPA), centered on the theme “Many Cultures, One World” emphasizing the diversity of cultures within each nation and commonalties across nations. EWC students created 18 cultural display booths ranging from Tibet to Timor-Leste (East Timor) and from Bhutan to a Pacific islands booth...more...


Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence Across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond
by Scott L. Kastner

The State Strikes Back: India and the Naga Insurgency
by Charles Chasie and Sanjoy Hazarika

Modifying U.S. Burma Policy
by Priscilla Clapp

More publications...

Time for Justice, Cambodia
The latest Asian International Justice Initiative observer reports and videos from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia.

Asia Matters for America
A new online hub for exploring graphical data on the importance of U.S.-Asia interactions to individual U.S. states and congressional districts.

East-West Views blog
An informal forum for insights and experiences from the field and behind the scenes with the EWC community.

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