Pilot Studies for Clinical Trials in Neurological Disorders

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The NINDS is committed to identifying effective treatments for neurological disorders by supporting well-executed clinical trials. Before a full-scale, phase III or definitive clinical trial can be conducted; pilot clinical studies are often required. NINDS has developed a Program Announcement which announces NINDS interest in supporting pilot studies designed to obtain necessary information to clearly establish the clinical basis for proceeding to a full-scale trial. The purpose of this grant announcement (for brevity referred to as NINDS Pilot Studies grant is to obtain preliminary data and conduct studies to support the rationale for a subsequent full-scale clinical trial of an intervention to treat or prevent neurological disease.

The objective of the NINDS Pilot Study PA is to increase the quality of clinical research to evaluate interventions for the treatment or prevention of neurological disease. To meet this objective the proposed pilot study must successfully incorporate creative and realistic solutions to difficult problems in clinical neurological research for the particular intervention being evaluated. Applicants planning to submit a pilot study are encouraged to contact the Clinical Research Liaison to discuss the application process.

Active Pilot Studies
Pilot Studies for Clinical Trials in Neurological Disorders (PAR-07-294)


Last updated November 24, 2008