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Accidents - What To Do

If you, or someone you are with, have an accident or are exposed to a pesticide or household product you should tell your parents or other adult in your home immediately. Tell them what happened. Tell them what pesticide or household product it was. If possible, have the container and label with you. Tell them how much you came in contact with and what part of your body came in contact with it (Was it your eyes or skin or did you swallow some?) If an adult is not close by and you are hurt or starting to feel sick, then do the following:

  1. If someone splashes a household chemical in the eyes, rinse out the eyes for 15-20 minutes in the shower or under a faucet. Then call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.

  2. If someone splashes a household chemical on the skin, take off the wet clothing and rinse the skin for 15-20 minutes in the shower or under a faucet. Then call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.

  3. If someone drinks a household chemical, give them half a glass of water to drink. Then call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.

  4. If someone inhaled a poisonous gas, quickly get the person to fresh air. Do not breath the fumes yourself. Open all the doors and windows wide. Call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.

  5. If someone is not breathing or won't wake up, call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.

Be prepared for any emergency in your home. Keep your local emergency number, local ambulance number and the local poison control center telephone numbers on or next to your phone. All poison control centers now have the same telephone number. It is 1-800-222-1222.

If you would like more information on poison prevention or want to know about your local poison control center, you can look them up at the State and Regional Poison Control Centers Website.  Exit EPA disclaimer They may also be listed on the inside cover or first few pages of your telephone book.


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