Education Options in the States: State Programs That Provide Financial Assistance for Attendance at Private Elementary or Secondary Schools
Revised February 2009
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Appendix B: Selected Web Resources Related to Financial Assistance For Attendance at Private Elementary and Secondary Schools

Following are Web sites of organizations featuring the state programs that provide financial assistance for attendance at private elementary and secondary schools, as well as information on issues in private school choice generally.

Alliance for School Choice
For comprehensive information on state programs, see "School Choice in your State".

Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)
For introductory information on types of school choice programs, see "School Choice Glossary," located under Parental Choice.
For information on scholarship and scholarship-like assistance programs by state, see "Tax-Supported Scholarships (Vouchers)," located under Parental Choice.
For information on tax credit and deduction programs, see "Tuition Tax Credits and Deductions," located under Parental Choice.

Center for Education Reform
For news and general information on school choice programs, see "Choice Programs," located under School Choices.

Education Commission of the States (ECS)
For summary information on choice programs across the states, see "State Policies for School Choice Database," located under Choice—What Are States Doing. Choice is an option under the A-Z index of Education Issues.
For detailed information on programs by state, see Policy Brief: Vouchers, Tax Credits and Tax Deductions. The policy brief is no longer listed under the Choice—Selected Research and Readings section, but the policy brief can be found through a search of the ECS Web site hyperlinked article title, which directs to the policy brief's location in the ECS Web site's archives.

Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice
For introductory information on school choice programs, see School Choice.
For current information on programs by state, see "School Choice Programs," located under School Choice.
For comprehensive information on state programs, see ABC's of School Choice (2006-2007 Edition)-[PDF 524KB], located under Foundation Publications.

The Heritage Foundation
Education Issues
For summary information on school choice programs by state, as well as school choice news and research see "Choices in Education," located under Education Issues.
For links to research on school choice programs, see "Parental Choice," also located under Education Issues.

Heartland Institute
For news on school choice programs, see "School Reform News," a tab located under Education in the left column.

Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options (HCREO)
For summary information on school choice programs across the states, see Research.

Institute for Justice
School Choice
The Institute for Justice provides news and detailed information on current and past school choice legal cases.
For information on school choice programs, research, and legal issues, see "Complete School Choice Media Kit."

Institute for the Transformation of Learning, Marquette University
For a summary of research on school choice programs, see Survey of School Choice Research: Spring 2005-[PDF 691KB].
For comprehensive information on state programs, see School Choice Facts.

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Last Modified: 04/30/2009