Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Figure 13
Percentage Change in the Value of U.S. NAFTA-Partner Land Trade by State: 2000-2001

(Percent Change)

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Figure 13 - Percentage Change in the Value of U.S. NAFTA-Partner Land Trade by State: 2000-2001. If you are a user with a disability and cannot view this image, please call 800-853-1351 or email answers@bts.gov for further assistance.

NOTE: U.S. state surface trade value equals imports to the U.S. destination state, plus exports from the U.S. state of origin. The destination state reflects the state of the importer of record, which may not always represent the final physical destination of shipments. The U.S. state of origin typically reflects the state where the goods were grown, manufactured, or otherwise produced. In some instances, it may not reflect the actual state of physical origin. Shipments for Hawaii are intermodal and are included in this dataset because a portion of the shipment moves by a land mode from either its origin or final destination.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, as of January 2002.

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