Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
U.S. International Trade and Freight Transportation Trends

U.S. International Trade and Freight Transportation Trends


Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Executive Summary
Overall Trends in U.S. International Merchandise Trade
Table 1 - Top 10 Leading Exporters and Importers in World Merchandise Trade: 2000
Table 2 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Gross Domestic Product: 1990–2001
Figure 1 - Value of U.S. International Merchandise Trade: 1990–2001
Figure 2 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Real GDP: 1990–2001
Figure 3 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Gross Domestic Product: 1970–2001
Figure 4 - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Sector
Figure 5 - Merchandise Export Trade and Goods Production in the U.S. Economy: 1970–2000
Shifts in Major Trading Partners
Table 3 - Top 25 U.S. International Merchandise Trade Partners by Value: 2001
Table 4 - Top 25 U.S. International Merchandise Trade Partners by Value: 2001 vs. 2000
Table 5 - Top 25 U.S. International Merchandise Trade Partners by Value: 1970 - 2001
Table 6 - Top 25 U.S. International Merchandise Trade Partners by Value: 1970 and 2001
Modal Trends in U.S. Merchandise Trade
Table 7 - Value and Weight of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transportation: 1997 and 2001
Table 8 - Modal Shares of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Value and Weight: 2000 and 2001
Table 9 - Top 25 U.S. Maritime Trade Partners by Value and Weight: 2001
Table 10 - Top 25 U.S. International Maritime Ports by Value and Weight: 2001
Table 11 - Top 10 U.S. Maritime Container Ports: 1995–2001
Table 12 - U.S. Containerized Exports and Imports by Coastal Port Regions, 2001
Table 13 - Top 25 U.S. Port of Calls by Vessel Type: 2000
Table 14 - Top 25 World Port Calls by Container Vessels: 2000
Table 15 - Value of U.S. Merchandise Trade by Air Transportation: 2000 and 2001
Table 16 - Value of Merchandise Trade by Air Transportation: 1970–2001
Table 17 - Top 25 U.S. Merchandise Trade Partners for Air Transportation: 2001
Table 18 - Top 25 U.S. Air Gateways for U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Value: 2001
Table 19 - Top 20 U.S. Gateways for International Freight by Weight: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 20 - Top 20 Airport Pairs for U.S. International Air Freight by Weight: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 21 - Value of U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico Compared with U.S. Trade with All Other Countries: 1994–2001
Table 22 - Value of U.S. Merchandise Trade with NAFTA Partners by Mode: 1997–2001
Table 23 - U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2000–2001
Table 24 - Top 10 U.S. Land Ports by Value of U.S.-NAFTA Surface Trade: 2000 and 2001
Table 25 - Top 20 NAFTA Border Truck Crossings into the United States: 1994, 2000, and 2001
Table 26 - Top 5 U.S. Land Ports for North American Merchandise Trade by Truck and Rail: 2001
Table 27 - Top 10 U.S. International Freight Gateways by Shipment Value: 2001
Figure 6 - Modal Shares of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Value and Weight: 2001
Figure 7 - Maritime Container Entries into the United States: 2000 and 2001
Figure 8 - U.S. International Air Merchandise Trade, Exports Minus Imports: 2001
Figure 9 - U.S. International Air Operating Revenues and Revenue Ton-Miles: 1980–2001
Figure 10 - U.S. International Air Cargo Availability and Use
Figure 11 - Modal Share of U.S. NAFTA-Partner Merchandise Trade by Value and Weight: 2000 and 2001
Figure 12 - Value of North American Merchandise Trade by U.S. State—All Surface Modes: 2001
Figure 13 - Percentage Change in the Value of U.S. NAFTA-Partner Land Trade by State: 2000–2001
Figure 14 - U.S.-NAFTA Imports by Truck : 1994–2001
Figure 15 - Top 25 U.S. International Freight Gateways by Shipment Value: 2001
Trends In Major Commodities
Table 28 - U.S. Total Merchandise Trade by 2-Digit Commodity Codes: 1990, 1995, and 2001
Table 29 - Top 15 Commodities in U.S. Merchandise Trade with NAFTA Partners by All Modes Compared with Total U.S. Trade: 2001
Table 30 - U.S. Trade in Transportation-Related Goods by Commodity: 1990, 2000, 2001
Figure 16 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Commodity Type: 1980–2001
Figure 17 - Value of Transportation-Related U.S. Merchandise Trade for Selected Categories: 1990–2001
Figure 18 - Balance of Trade for Transportation-Related Merchandise Goods: 1990–2001
Transportation Services Trade
Figure 19 - Overall U.S. International Trade in Merchandise and Services by Sector: 1990–2001
Figure 20 - Components of a Trade Flow Between Shipper and Consignee
Figure 21 - U.S. Trade in Services: 2000 and 2001
Figure 22 - U.S. International Freight and Port Services Trade and Share of Total Services: 1986–2001
Figure 23 - Balance of Trade for U.S. International Freight and Port Services: 1986–2001
Figure 24 - Receipts and Payments for U.S. International Freight and Port Services Trade: 1986–2000
Factors of Change and Continuity
Table 31 - U.S. Share of Top 25 Trading Partners' Total Merchandise Imports and Exports: 1991, 1995 and 2000
Table 32 - Top 10 Countries for U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign Direct Investments in the United States: 1997–2000
Table 33 - Balance of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign Investment in the United States: 1997–2000
Figure 25 - Advances in Transportation Technology and the Shrinking of “Real” Distance
Conclusion: Freight Growth and Concerns
Appendix A: Transportation Security and International Trade
Appendix B: International Trade and Transportation: Data Issues and Challenges
Appendix C: Statistical Tables
Table C1 - Value and Tonnage of U.S. Freight Shipments: 1997 and 2001
Table C2 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 1990–2001
Table C3 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : 1970–2001
Table C4 - U.S. Merchandise Trade and Production of Tradable Goods in Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 1970–2000
Table C5 - U.S. International Merchandise Trade by World Regions: 2001
Table C6 - Value of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transportation: 2000 and 2001
Table C7 - Top 25 U.S. Maritime Trade Partners by Value and Weight: 2001
Table C8 - Total Monthly Maritime Container Entries into the United States: 1998–2001
Table C9 - Top 20 Fastest Growing U.S. Gateways for International Air Freight by Weight: 1990–2000
Table C10 - U.S. Air Transportation Freight Operating Revenues: 1980–2001
Table C11 - U.S. Total Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2001
Table C12 - U.S. Merchandise Imports from Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2001
Table C13 - U.S. Merchandise Exports to Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2001
Table C14 - U.S.-NAFTA Trade by State for All Surface Modes: 2001
Table C15 - Incoming Truck Crossings on the U.S.–Canadian and U.S.–Mexican Borders: 1994, 2000, and 2001
Table C16 - Monthly Incoming Truck Crossings at the Top 10 U.S. Land Ports: 2001
Table C17 - Top 50 U.S. International Freight Gateways by Shipment Value: 2001
Table C18 - U.S. International Trade Balance in Transportation-Related Goods Among the Top 5 Trading Partners for Each Commodity Group: 1990, 2000, and 2001
Table C19 - U.S. Transportation-Related Commodity Trade by Mode: 2001
Table C20 - U.S. International Private Services Trade by Type: 2000–2001
Table C21 - U.S. International Trade in Transportation-Related Services with G-7 and Selected Countries: 2001
Table C22 - U.S. Exports and Imports of Computer and Related Information Technology (IT) Goods

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