Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2-28: Motor Vehicle Fatal Crashes by Posted Speed Limit

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  1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
TOTAL fatal crashes 39,161 45,284 39,196 39,836 36,937 34,942 35,780 36,254 37,241 37,494 37,324 37,107 37,140 37,526 37,862 38,491 (R) 38,477 38,253
Under 55 mph, total 15,233 20,079 19,278 19,136 17,507 16,827 16,985 16,948 17,439 17,345 17,258 17,018 16,963 17,054 17,582 17,651 (R) 17,422 17,579
5,10,15, 20, 25 mpha 2,617 2,865 2,504 2,234 2,097 1,911 1,895 1,890 1,893 1,896 1,955 1,873 1,863 1,827 1,919 1,897 (R) 1,883 1,895
30, 35 mph 6,099 8,527 7,890 7,756 6,908 6,696 6,759 6,565 6,681 6,445 6,383 6,025 5,946 6,079 6,260 6,090 (R) 5,995 5,998
40, 45 mph 4,276 6,256 6,812 7,092 6,608 6,345 6,454 6,632 6,938 7,096 7,132 7,349 7,245 7,315 7,576 7,784 (R) 7,717 7,879
50 mph 2,241 2,431 2,072 2,054 1,894 1,875 1,877 1,861 1,927 1,908 1,788 1,771 1,909 1,833 1,827 1,880 (R) 1,827 1,807
55 mph and above, total 16,095 20,352 18,871 19,749 18,630 17,450 18,144 18,698 19,140 19,460 19,251 19,333 19,373 19,735 19,416 19,898 (R) 19,995 19,716
55 mph 16,094 20,352 18,863 17,556 16,543 15,444 15,980 16,512 16,753 14,097 12,897 12,522 12,184 12,143 11,847 12,268 (R) 12,155 11,858
60 mph 0 0 2 18 9 4 9 13 16 523 935 1,073 1,069 1,163 1,221 1,270 (R) 1,364 1,285
65 mph 1 0 2 2,175 2,078 2,002 2,155 2,173 2,323 3,214 3,311 3,421 3,537 3,686 3,721 3,742 (R) 3,848 3,845
70 mph 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 38 1,282 1,633 1,835 2,079 2,230 2,116 2,027 (R) 2,039 2,121
Over 70 mph 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 344 475 482 504 513 511 591 (R) 589 607
Unknown, total 7,833 4,853 1,047 951 800 665 651 608 649 688 815 756 804 698 864 942 (R) 1,060 911

KEY: mph = miles per hour; R = revised.

a The "No Statutory Limit" speed limit designation is included in this category.


In 1974, Congress enacted a national maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour (mph). Amendments in 1987 and 1991 allowed states to increase speed limits to 65 mph on rural Interstates and similar highways.

The National Maximum Speed Limit was repealed in late 1995; speed limits are again set by the states, some of which have raised their maximum speed limits to 70 mph or above.


1975-93: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Traffic Safety Facts 2000, DOT HS 809 337 (Washington, DC: December 2001), table 30, and the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Web-based Encyclopedia, Internet site http://www-fars.nthsa.dot.gov as of Nov. 19, 2003.

1994-2004: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Web-based Encyclopedia, Internet site http://www-fars.nthsa.dot.gov as of Sept. 26, 2005.

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