Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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U.S. County Boundaries - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The County Boundary with Detailed Shorelines database was created using TIGER/LINE 2000 shapefile data gathered from ESRI's Geography Network. The individual county shapefiles were processed into Arc/Info coverages and then appended together to create complete state/county coverages. RITA/BTS Hydrographic data was integrated to create detailed shorelines.

Purpose: The United States County Boundary database is a geographic database of county political boundaries. The database includes boundaries for all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.
Supplemental_Information: The RITA/BTS County Boundary Database contains TIGER 2000 geometry and attributes. To find out more about TIGER/Line files and other Census TIGER data base derived data sets visit http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger.

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 STFIPS State FIPS code Character String
3 CTFIPS County FIPS code Character String
4 STATE State name Character String
5 COUNTY County name Character String
6 VERSION Version of the database Character String

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