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The topic that frequently comes to the surface when discussing or developing your NatureWatch Program is economics. Use the materials provided here to help you state your case why NatureWatch can be a valuable asset to your local community.

NOTE: Some of the files below are large, so a high speed internet connection is recommended. File size is noted at the end of the description (a size in "kb" is small file under 1 megabyte, and "mb" denotes larger file size in megabytes).

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Birding is Big Business
Keep this poster in mind when you need to communicate the fact that birding is big business. One page from [PDF: 493 kb]
Economic Analysis for Birding
Valuable economic analysis information for birding in the United States. An excellent resource that you are sure to use when discussing the economic value of NatureWatch Program activities in your communities. 24 pages. Contributed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. [PDF: 528 kb]
Economic Impacts of Wildlife Viewing
Excellent information on the Economic Impacts of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Viewing on National Forest Lands. You may want to use this material promoting or establishing a NatureWatch Program or viewing site in your area. A great resource, thanks to the many partners who made this possible. 24 pages. [PDF: 1 mb]
Economic Tourism Checklist

Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tourism [PDF: 286 kb]

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