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Education and Training

Education (courses, webinars, etc.) and training (postdoctoral opportunities) in HSR.

Finding Education and Training Opportunities - Federal (U.S.)

  • AHRQ Institutional Training Programs - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - AHRQ funded institutions that recruit and train predoctoral and/or postdoctoral health services researchers.
  • AHRQ Research Training - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - An array of intramural and extramural predoctoral and postdoctoral educational and career development grants and opportunities in health services research.
  • CMS Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) - (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS))  - Provides free assistance and training to academic and non-profit researchers interested in using CMS data for research.
  • HRSA National Research Service Awards - (Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA))  - Provide fellows experience in applied research while expanding their overall knowledge of primary medical care research methodology and exploring areas where further research is needed.
  • HSR Training Opportunities for Minorities - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - Information on training opportunities for health services researchers, with a special focus on minorities.
  • HSR&D Carrier Development Program - (Health Services Research and Development Service, Veterans Administration (HSR&D))  - A description of Career Development and other mentoring and training opportunities within VA HSR&D for clinicians and non-clinicians.
  • NLM University Informatics Research Training Programs - (National Library of Medicine (NLM) U.S.)  - NLM-supported predoctoral and postdoctoral training in medical informatics or special training tracks combining informatics with health services research, health administration, or public health
  • Preparing for a Career in Health Services Research: Opportunities for Minority Students - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - AHRQ supports both predoctoral and postdoctoral training through the National Research Service Award (NRSA) program. AHRQ awards NRSA training grants to institutions for predoctoral and postdoctoral training and individual NRSA fellowships to applicants who have completed their doctoral degrees. In addition, AHRQ supports dissertation grants for doctoral candidates. Minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for these fellowships and grants.
  • Training for Minority Researchers - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - Describes training and career development opportunities available to minority individuals interested in pursuing cancer research careers in basic, clinical, prevention and population control sciences

Finding Education and Training Opportunities - Other

  • The Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program - (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF))  - Brings talented college seniors and recent graduates to Washington, D.C., where they are placed in congressional offices and learn about health policy issues, with a focus on issues affecting racial and ethnic minority and underserved communities.
  • Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))  - Two-year, post-graduate program of service and on-the-job training for health professionals interested in the practice of epidemiology.
  • First Tuesdays/Public Policy Events - (Urban Institute (UI))  - Series of public policy events on a wide variety of current topics. Drawing from Institute researchers and area experts, these lunchtime discussions offer authoritative analysis and audience interaction on topics ranging from social services and politics to faith well-being. Audio-recordings of past events are accessible at this site.
  • Forums and Events - (Massachusetts Health Data Consortium (MHDA))  - The Consortium invites members and guests to participate in the various Forums which have been convened to bring those with similar interests together to exchange information and achieve mutual goals. The Consortium also offers the Focus of the Month program to provide education to both members and non-members.
  • Health Policy Fellowships - (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF))  - Compilation of fellowships available to students, researchers, journalists and other professionals.
  • Health Policy Orientation Program - Provides in-depth introduction to the key players, formal and informal policymaking processes, and critical health policy issues.
  • Health Services Research Methods Seminars - Full-day June Annual Research Meeting Seminars, 2-hour live and archived Web-based Cyber Seminars, and full-day Fall Methods Seminars on using Federal and state databases.
  • Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - An independent philanthropy focusing on the major health care issues facing the nation. The Foundation is an independent voice and source of facts analysis for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the general public.
  • National Training Center and Clearinghouse - (National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM))  - Classes, tutorials and training materials on National Library of Medicine products and services (including PubMed, NLM Gateway, LocatorPlus, Loansome Doc, ClinicalTrials.gov) and on non-NLM sites.
  • NRSA Pre-Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Training Program - (Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research)  - Emphasizes the organization, financing, utilization, quality and evaluation of personal health care services and public policies for ensuring access to such services.
  • Public Health Education and Training - (Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce (PIAPHW))  - Educational events and resources specifically geared toward public health.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program - (Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research)  - Provides experience in applying research methods to the systematic analysis and evaluation of mental health, substance abuse services, and their associated public policy issues.
  • Training Finder - (Public Health Foundation (PHF))  - Includes a searchable database of courses and training for the health workforce.

Online Courses and Materials

  • Cyber Seminars - (Health Services Research and Development Service, Veterans Administration (HSR&D))  - Cyber seminars provide state-of-the-art training and special interest sessions as live Web conferences and as on demand archived presentations.
  • The Economics of Health Care - Developed by the United Kingdom's Office of Health Economics (OHE), this is an interactive "e-source" on the basic principles of health care economics. The course is split into five units, which show how economists approach the problem of health care.
  • Finding and Using Health Statistics: A Self-Study Course - (National Library of Medicine, National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology)  - This online course describes the range of available health statistics and presents strategies to successfully find health statistics.
  • Insurance Education - (America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP))  - current, comprehensive, and economically priced self-study courses for professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the health insurance industry.
  • JHSPH OpenCourseWare Project - (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH))  - Provides access to content of the School's most popular courses.
  • The Match-Merge Dilemma How to Tackle Your De-Duplication Challenges Archive - (Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration (MCHB))  - A Workgroup on Unique Records is developing a toolkit to address match-merge issues in public health. In the Webcast, members of the workgroup will describe the new portfolio of useful resources, including principles and concepts, public health agency project examples, a profile questionnaire, and a self-assessment tool. This approach is designed to assist public health professionals in assessing the problem, evaluating solutions, and making informed decisions.
  • NHANES Web Tutorial - (National Center for Health Statistics, CDC (NCHS))  - There are two tutorials covering Continuous NHANES and NHANES III. New users to NHANES data and analyses should start with the Continuous NHANES tutorial as this tutorial is the most complete and covers NHANES Analyses. Analysts who are experienced with NHANES analyses and are interested in NHANES III data can start with the NHANES III tutorial.
  • NTCC Educational Clearinghouse Database - (National Training Center and Clearinghouse (NTCC), National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM))  - Educational materials related to the use of information resources such as those developed by the National Library of Medicine
  • Online Research Ethics Course - (University of Montana US)  - Intended to provide a foundation for institutions that are working to promote Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Virtual Classroom - (The Foundation Center)  - Online tutorials on proposal writing and research funding.

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National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services
Page Last Updated: 16-APR-2009