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HSR Information Central

Alphabetic List

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Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) - a national coalition committed to raising awareness of the policies and practices that save lives and reduce health costs through more effective prevention and management of chronic disease
Patient Safety Toolbox for States - This electronic toolbox is intended to provide states with tools they can use or modify as they develop or improve adverse event reporting systems. The toolbox includes information (policies, practices, forms, reports, methods, and contracts) related to states' reporting systems, links to other Web resources, and fast facts and issues related to patient safety.
Patterns of Care/Quality of Care Studies - Describes patterns of care/quality of care studies, as well as the uses of the data.
Paul B. Beeson Career Development Awards in Aging
Performance Measurement: Accelerating Improvement - The first report in the Pathways series, Performance Measurement: Accelerating Improvement, focuses on the selection of measures to support the quality improvement efforts of a diverse set of stakeholders, and on the creation of a common infrastructure for guiding and managing a consistent set of such measures nationally and regionally.
Pew Charitable Trusts
PHSI e-Newsletter - This is a quarterly email newsletter which contains features and updates on Harvard University Program for Health Systems Improvement (PHSI) sponsored projects, as well as listings of upcoming health policy-related events.
Planning Grant for Oral Health Promotion across the Life Span (R21)
Planning Grants for International Malaria Clinical, Operational and Health Services Research Training Programs (D71)
Preparing for a Career in Health Services Research: Opportunities for Minority Students - AHRQ supports both predoctoral and postdoctoral training through the National Research Service Award (NRSA) program. AHRQ awards NRSA training grants to institutions for predoctoral and postdoctoral training and individual NRSA fellowships to applicants who have completed their doctoral degrees. In addition, AHRQ supports dissertation grants for doctoral candidates. Minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for these fellowships and grants.
Prescription Opioid Use and Abuse in the Treatment of Pain (R01, R03, R21, R25)
ProClarity Software - A brief description of using ProClarity software for accessing the Veterans Health Administration Financial and Clinical Data Mart (FCDM).
Profiles of America - This Internet-based information system allows you to manipulate various socioeconomic data series used in many Economic Resource Service (ERS) products. Use the interactive tools to create and manipulate charts, maps, and tables—including multidimensional tables, such as poverty rates by metro/nonmetro status.
Program Planning and Monitoring Self-Instructional Manuals - Offer technical guidance for data and evidence-based planning within a framework that encourages development of creative, responsive and accountable interventions.
Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study (PCOS) - PCOS is the first population-based evaluation of health-related quality-of-life issues for prostate cancer patients conducted on a multi-regional scale. Information about the patient population, data collection, and related research projects and publications is included.
Public Health Education and Training - Educational events and resources specifically geared toward public health.
Public Health Foundation (PHF) - The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is dedicated to achieving healthy communities through research, training, and technical assistance. For more than 30 years, this national, non-profit organization has been creating new information and helping health agencies and other community health organizations connect to and more effectively use information to manage and improve performance, understand and use data, and strengthen the workforce.
Public Health Functions Project, DHHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Public Health Institute
Public Health Practice Program Office - Organizational focus for external workforce development activities within CDC
Public Health Systems and Services Research - PHSSR is a new national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) designed to build awareness of this new field focused on the organization, financing, delivery and impact of public health services.
Public Health Training Network (PHTN) - The Public Health Training Network (PHTN) is a distance learning network of people and resources that takes training and information to the learner. PHTN uses a variety of instructional media ranging from print-based to videotape and multimedia to meet the training and information needs of the health workforce nationwide.
Public Policy Institute - PPI conducts objective research on public policy issues of concern to the aging.
Publications (AMIA)
PubMed - Search the MEDLINE database's 12 million records of articles from biomedical, preclinical, nursing, public health, and health services biomedical, preclinical, nursing, public health, and health services research journals.

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National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services
Page Last Updated: 02-OCT-2008