[National Park Service]  [Grand Canyon National Park]
Park Management Information
Compliance / Public Involvement

Employee Housing Construction

Finding of No Significant Impact
October 2003
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This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is available as a PDF file. PDF files retain the look and feel of the original document (including typography, page layout, and graphics).

* The PDF file can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5 or newer). If you plan on printing the file, it may print faster if you download it to your computer.
  • To view a PDF in your browser window, click on the file link and the Acrobat Reader plug-in will automatically load and display the file.
  • To download a PDF to your computer, right-click on the PDF link and choose the "Save Link/Target As" option from the drop-down menu. After saving the file to your computer, click on its alias/icon and Acrobat Reader will launch and open the PDF for viewing and/or printing.
PDF file - FONSI Employee Housing Construction - 251kb

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Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect
June 2003
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The National Park Service (NPS) proposes construction of 2 8-plexes to be made available to employees working in Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA). The proposed activity would occur within the vicinity of Grand Canyon Village, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona and would implement a portion of the 1995 General Management Plan (GMP) for GRCA. Work would begin in summer 2003 for the housing facilities. This proposed activity is part of a comprehensive effort under the 1995 GMP to accommodate interpretive facilities and needed housing while minimizing resource impacts and conflicts.

The proposed employee housing facility would be constructed on a project site located on the east side of Mohave Street, just south of Albright Avenue and would consist of two two-story housing buildings, parking area, and associated utility and infrastructure connections. Construction of the housing units would result in ground disturbance to approximately 1.16 acres.

The environmental assessment/assessment of effect discloses the environmental impacts of the proposed federal action, reasonable alternatives to that action, and any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided should the proposed action be implemented. The impact analysis and conclusions were based on knowledge of the resources and the sites, review of existing literature and Grand Canyon National Park studies, information provided by experts within National Park Service and other agencies, and professional judgment. The no action and action alternatives were evaluated. The preferred alternative is the action alternative that would construct the new employee housing facilities. Public Comment period for the EA/AEF ended July 25, 2003.

This Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect (EA/AEF) is available as a PDF file and as a text file. PDF files retain the look and feel of the original document (including typography, page layout, and graphics), text files do not.

* The PDF file can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5 or newer). If you plan on printing the file, it may print faster if you download it to your computer.
  • To view a PDF in your browser window, click on the file link and the Acrobat Reader plug-in will automatically load and display the file.
  • To download a PDF to your computer, right-click on the PDF link and choose the "Save Link/Target As" option from the drop-down menu. After saving the file to your computer, click on its alias/icon and Acrobat Reader will launch and open the PDF for viewing and/or printing.
PDF file - EA/AEF Employee Housing Construction - 948kb

The text file can be viewed within your browser by clicking on the link below. Or you can download the file (to download the file, right-click on the link and choose the "Save Link/Target As" option from the drop-down menu) and then view it in any word processing program.

text file - EA/AEF Employee Housing Construction - 344kb

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Scoping Letter
July 2001
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On July 23, 2001 the National Park Service sent out a Scoping Letter seeking comments on the proposed construction of a new Government Housing. The purpose of the scoping letter was to describe the initial proposed action for the project and to solicit comments from those who might have had issues or concerns regarding the proposal before the environmental analysis for the project was begun. Public comment for the Scoping Letter ended August 24, 2001.

PDF file - Comments on Proposed Projects, general scoping letter - 84kb
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Last updated: 23-Feb-2004 Back to Grand Canyon Compliance