[National Park Service]  [Grand Canyon National Park]
Park Management Information

April 22, 2003
Maureen Oltrogge (928) 638-7779

Grand Canyon National Park Extends Public Comment Period on Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect for Replacement, Rehabilitation And Maintenance of Backcountry and Corridor Toilets

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Joseph F. Alston today announced a two week extension for public comment on the Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect (EA/AEF) entitled: Replacement, Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Backcountry and Corridor Toilets. The National Park Service is soliciting comments from the public on the proposal. Comments, which were originally due on April 25, 2003, are now being accepted through May 9, 2003.

The NPS, at Grand Canyon, proposes to replace/rehabilitate and maintain 11 toilets in the backcountry and seven toilets in the Cross-Canyon corridor in the inner canyon. Many of the existing backcountry toilets are pit toilets that are substandard, and expose Park employees to unsanitary conditions while cleaning and servicing the toilets, and to the visitors who use them. The proposal analyzes the potential impacts created from replacement/rehabilitation of the toilets, as well as from cyclic maintenance required for periodic emptying and removal of waste.

Most of the Grand Canyon backcountry (excluding the Cross-Canyon Corridor) lies within proposed wilderness. NPS policies require that these proposed areas be managed under the provisions of the Wilderness Act. As such, maintenance of backcountry toilets falls under the "minimum tool concept," which allows for park superintendents to select the method or administrative practice necessary to successfully and safely accomplish the management objectives with the least impact on wilderness character and resources. Therefore, a "Minimum Requirement Analysis" will also be conducted to determine the minimum tools or methods necessary for both the installation and long-term maintenance of toilets located within proposed wilderness areas.

The EA/AEF evaluates three alternatives for addressing the purpose and need for action, including a no action alternative and two action alternatives. Both action alternatives include: 1) replacement of existing pit toilets at six backcountry sites with above ground vault toilets, 2) transportation of these vault units into the backcountry via helicopter, and 3) improved cyclic maintenance of all backcountry and corridor toilets throughout the year. The preferred alternative, Alternative B, also includes helicopter use for periodic emptying/removal at 11 sites and mule and/or boat use for six sites. Alternative C proposes helicopter use for periodic emptying/removal at three sites and a combination of mules, boats or backpack transport for periodic emptying/removal at the remainder of the sites.

Copies of the EA/AEF can be obtained by writing to the Superintendent, Grand Canyon National Park, P.O. Box 129, Grand Canyon, Arizona 86023, Attn: Sara White, Environmental Compliance Officer, or on-line at www.nps.gov/grca/compliance/. Comments should be sent to Sara White at the above address by May 9, 2003. For questions or additional information, please contact Debbie Lutch, project compliance lead, at 928-774-0095.

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