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  Air Toxics
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 1.  Region 9 Air Program State and Local Contacts
State and Local contacts for the Region 9 Air Programs.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region09/air/acontact.html
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 2.  Region 8 Air Program
This page provides links to: Air Quality Data, Air Planning Section, Air Monitoring, Permitting, and Indoor Air Quality.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region8/air/
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 3.  Title V Policy and Guidance Database
EPA has issued a number of policy and guidance documents that interpret title V and its regulations. We have developed a searchable database which contains over 140 EPA-issued policy and guidance documents.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region07/programs/artd/air/title5/title5pg.htm
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 4.  Policy and Guidance
The Air Program periodically develops policy and guidance documents that help to interpret a set of rules or other requirements. In keeping with EPA's goal to enhance public access to non-routine decisions by the Regions and National Program Offices and other documents of public interest, we will make our policy and guidance documents available through this Web site.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region07/programs/artd/air/policy/policy.htm
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 5.  Air Quality Modeling
Air quality models are used as a basis to assess the impact of sources of emissions and to develop control strategies. These strategies are applied to the State Implementation Plan revisions to provide a basis for approvable control strategies. The modeling is also used for new source reviews, and prevention of significant deterioration review. EPA has developed a limited number of models suitable for regulatory application. Other acceptable models have been developed by private firms.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/earth1r6/6pd/air/pd-l/model.htm
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 6.  Region 6 Air Programs
This page is an overview of Region 6's Air Program with links.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/earth1r6/6pd/air/air_main.htm
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 7.  Air Toxics - Region 5
Air Toxics Medical Waste Incinerators Asbestos The Asbestos National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) generally governs the renovation and demolition of buildings that may contain asbestos. Asbestos Documents - General information and a detailed explanation of the asbestos NE....[more]
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/ARD-R5/toxics/toxics.htm
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 8.  USEPA, ARD, Compliance Assurance
COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE U.S. EPA encourages industries to voluntarily observe the regulations of the Clean Air Act. For each new Federally promulgated regulatory program, we develop compliance strategies to help industries achieve the highest possible compliance. Strategies include: 1) an outreach plan....[more]
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/ARD-R5/enforce/ca.htm
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 9.  USEPA Region 5's Air Quality Page
How does EPA evaluate air quality? U.S. EPA uses six "criteria pollutants" as indicators of air quality: ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter and lead. For each of these, U.S. EPA has established "primary" standards to protect public health, and "secondary"...[more]
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/ARD-R5/naaqs/naaqs.htm
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 10.  Region 4 - State/Local Title V Permitting Contacts
This page provides State and Local Title V Permitting contacts for Region 4.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region4/air/permits/t5states.htm
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URL: http://cfpub2.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:450:CA:CAA:TOXICS:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008