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Health Disparities

Healthcare disparities refer to differences in access to or availability of facilities and services.

Data Tools and Statistics

  • Health Disparities Resources for Researchers - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - Lists links to resources for researchers of health disparities. Incldues instruments and questionnaires, surveys, various studies, and links to health disparities reports.
  • HRET Disparities Toolkit - (Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET))  - Web-based tool that provides hospitals, health systems, clinics, and health plans information and resources for systematically collecting race, ethnicity, and primary language data from patients.
  • National Health Plan Collaborative Toolkit - (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF))  - The National Health Plan Collaborative has created this toolkit of resources, lessons, best practices and case studies to help other health plans join the effort to reduce disparities.
  • Surveillance Research: Health Disparities - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - Provides links to the following types of information: statistics by race/ethnicity, network for cancer control research among AI/AN populations, socioeconomic status and cancer, Native American initiatives, cancer in women of color monograph, status of cancer surveillance in minority and underserved populations, and SEER expansion.

Grants, Funding and Fellowships

  • The Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program - (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF))  - Brings talented college seniors and recent graduates to Washington, D.C., where they are placed in congressional offices and learn about health policy issues, with a focus on issues affecting racial and ethnic minority and underserved communities.
  • Training for Minority Researchers - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - Describes training and career development opportunities available to minority individuals interested in pursuing cancer research careers in basic, clinical, prevention and population control sciences

Key Organizations

  • AHRQ - Minority Health - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - Links to AHRQ's minority health programs, reports, workshops, etc.
  • Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion - (Health Services Research and Development Service, Veterans Administration (HSR&D))  - An HSR&D Center of Excellence whose mission is to reduce disparities and promote equity in health and health care among vulnerable groups of veterans and other populations.
  • Center on Health Disparities - (Adventist Health Care US)  - The center has three areas of focus: increased services for underserved populations; a research program to identify and promote best practices; and an education initiative to improve the ability of caregivers to provide quality care to those populations.
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM) - Minority Health - (National Academies)  - Links to current projects, events, and reports concerning minority health as well as information about the work IOM has done in the area of racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare.
  • National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities - (National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, NIH (NCMHD) USA, National Institutes of Health (NIH))  - The mission of the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) is to promote minority health and to lead, coordinate, support, and assess the NIH effort to reduce and ultimately eliminate health disparities. In this effort NCMHD will conduct and support basic, clinical, social, and behavioral research, promote research infrastructure and training, foster emerging programs, disseminate information, and reach out to minority and other health disparity communities.
  • New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) - (New York Academy of Medicine)  - NYAM has been advancing the health of people in cities since 1847. An independent organization, NYAM addresses the health challenges facing the world's urban populations through interdisciplinary approaches to innovative research, education, community engagement and policy leadership. Drawing on the expertise of diverse partners worldwide and more than 2,000 elected Fellows from across the professions, our current priorities are to create environments in cities that support healthy aging; to strengthen systems that prevent disease and promote the public's health; and to implement interventions that eliminate health disparities.
  • Office of Minority Health (OMH) - (Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) U.S.)  - The mission of the Office of Minority Health (OMH) is to improve and protect the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will eliminate health disparities.

Literature and Guidelines

  • Glossary of Health Care Quality Terms - (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF))  - A glossary of key terms in the fields of health care quality, disparities reduction and quality improvement.
  • Health Behavior News Service - (Center for Advancing Health USA)  - Disseminates news stories on the latest findings from peer-reviewed research journals. HBNS covers both new studies and systematic reviews of studies on (1) the effects of behavior on health, (2) health disparities data and (3) patient engagement research.
  • Health Disparities Defined - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI))  - Provides access to several definitions and a link to NCI health disparities research.
  • Minority Health - (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF))  - A compilation of Kaiser Family Foundation reports and Web links on various aspects of minority health.
  • Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care - (National Academies)  - Congress, in 1999, requested an IOM study to assess the extent of disparities in the types and quality of health services received by U.S. racial and ethnic minorities and non-minorities; explore factors that may contribute to inequities in care; and recommend policies and practices to eliminate these inequities. This is the resulting report from the IOM study.


  • Disparities in Mental Health Services Research - (National Institute of Mental Health, NIH (NIMH))  - This program plans, stimulates, disseminates, and supports research on the complex factors that influence disparities in mental health services, particularly across special population groups such as racial and ethnic groups, as well as women and children, and persons living in rural and frontier areas.
  • Hispanic Elders Learning Network - (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))  - Links to a slide presentation on Reducing Health Disparities Among Hispanic Elders: Lessons from a Learning Network.
  • Kellogg Health Scholars Program - (W.K. Kellogg Foundation (wkkf) U.S.)  - The Program supports the development of a cadre of new leaders in the effort to reduce and eliminate health disparities and to secure equal access to the conditions and services essential for achieving healthy communities.
  • MD Anderson Cancer Center Program in Health Outcomes - (University of Texas US)  - Epidemiologic studies of the outcomes of treatments and care strategies in large representative populations are the cornerstone of the program. Racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in outcomes are an important focus of this program.

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National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services
Page Last Updated: 16-APR-2009