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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Speeches of Federal Reserve Officials

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December 19, 1996
Vice Chair Alice M. Rivlin
Supervision of bank risk-taking
At the The Brookings Institution National Issues Forum, Washington, D.C.
December 6, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Social security
At the Abraham Lincoln Award Ceremony of the Union League of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
December 5, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
The challenge of central banking in a democratic society
At the Annual Dinner and Francis Boyer Lecture of The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C.
December 3, 1996
Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr.
Clearinghouses and risk management
At the 1996 Payments System Risk Conference, Washington, D.C.
November 25, 1996
Governor Susan M. Phillips
Supervisory and regulatory responses to financial innovation and industry dynamics
At the BAI Seminar on Regulatory Policy Changes, Washington, D.C.
November 21, 1996
Governor Laurence H. Meyer
The transformation of the U.S. banking industry and resulting challenges to regulators
At the Ohio Bankers Day Convention, Columbus, Ohio
November 18, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Banking in the global marketplace
At the Federation of Bankers Associations of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
October 31, 1996
Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr.
The future of electronic payments
At the BAI Money Transfer '96 Conference, New York, New York
October 24, 1996
Governor Susan M. Phillips
Accounting and auditing standards and bank supervision
At the 23rd Annual Accounting Lecture Series of the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee
October 16, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Technological advances and productivity
At the 80th Anniversary Awards Dinner of The Conference Board, New York, New York
October 11, 1996
Governor Lawrence B. Lindsey
How to grow faster
At the Atlantic Economic Society, Washington, D.C.
October 9, 1996
Governor Lawrence B. Lindsey
Here we go again?
At the Community Development Lending Conference, Dallas, Texas
October 7, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
U.S. Treasury securities market: Lessons from Alexander Hamilton
At the Annual Public Service Awards Dinner of the Public Securities Association, New York, New York
October 5, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Bank supervision, regulation, and risk
At the Annual Convention of the American Bankers Association, Honolulu, Hawaii
October 2, 1996
Governor Lawrence B. Lindsey
Small business is big business
At the Small Business Development Conference, Richmond, Virginia
September 19, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Regulation and electronic payment systems
At the U.S. Treasury Conference on Electronic Money & Banking: The Role of Government, Washington, D.C.
September 8, 1996
Governor Laurence H. Meyer
Monetary policy objectives and strategy
At the National Association of Business Economists 38th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
June 18, 1996
Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr.
Developments in electronic money and banking
At the CyberPayments '96 Conference, Dallas, Texas
June 13, 1996
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Bank supervision in a world economy
At the International Conference of Banking Supervisors, Stockholm, Sweden
Last update: December 19, 1996