Web Site Accessibility, Privacy, and Other Policies

The TCEQ's public Web site is designed to provide online access to certain public information from the agency. The TCEQ balances carefully the public's right to an open government with the privacy needs of the individual.

Topics Under This Category:
Digital Signature Policy
TCEQ policy on digital signatures
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Exit Site
Resources and information provided by the Texas Govenor's office on disabilities including committee members and law, publications, ADA, key laws, goals and recommendations, 2004 disability Perspectives, disability history, disability policy, parking, and statistics.
Maintaining Public Access to TCEQ Web Information
Our policy on safeguarding TCEQ information assets, blocking access in certain cases
Privacy Policy
TCEQ policy on the capture and use of electronic information, including e-mail, and use of web server logs.
Public Domain and TCEQ Linking Policy
Policies regarding public domain of our Web content, and linking to and from the TCEQ Web site.
Site Disclaimer
Disclaimer about information provided on our Web site.
Web Site Accessibility Policy
TCEQ policy on Web site accessibility