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NOAA's Historic Fisheries Collection
Catalog of Images

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Plate 44. The Flatfish, or Winter Flounder. Pseudopleuronectes americanus, (Walb.), Gill.
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Plate 45. The Smooth Flounder. Pleuronectes glaber (Storer), Gill.
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Plate 46. The Starry Flounder. Pleuronectes stellatus, Pallas.
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Plate 47. The Arctic Flounder. Pleuronectes glacialis, Pallas.
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Plate 48. The Rough Limanda. Limanda aspera (Pallas), Bean.
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Plate 49. The Rusty Dab. Limanda ferruginea (Storer), Goode and Bean.
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Plate 50. The California "Sole." Lepidopsetta bilineata (Ayres), Gill.
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Plate 51. The San Francisco "Sole." Psettichthys melanostictus, Girard.
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Plate 52. The Alaska Sand Dab. Hippoglossoides elassodon, Jordan and Gilbert.
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Plate 53. The Atherestes Flounder. Atherestes stomias, Jordan and Gilbert.
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Plate 54. The Halibut. Hippoglossus vulgaris, Fleming.
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Plate 55. The Sand Dab. Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fab.), Gill.
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Plate 56. The Greenland Turbot. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides (Walb.), Goode and Bean.
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Plate 57. The Pole Flounder. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.), Gill.
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Plate 58. The Codfish. Gadus morrhua, L.
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Plate 59. The Atlantic Tom Cod. Microgadus tomcod (Walb.), Gill.
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Plate 59a. The Haddock. Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.), Gill.
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Plate 59b. The Saida Cod. Boreogadus saida (Lepechin), Bean.
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Plate 60. The Pollock. Pollachius carbonarius (L.), Gill. The Alaska Pollock. Pollachus chalcogrammus (Pallas).
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Plate 61. The Cusk. Brosmius brosme (Muller), White. The Burbot or "Freshwater Cusk." Lota maculosa (Le Seuer), C. & V.
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Plate 62. The Common Hake. Phycis chuss (Walb.), Gill. The Squirrel or White Hake. Physcis tenuis (Mitchell), De Kay.
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Plate 63. The King Hake. Phycis regius (Walb.), Gill. Earl's Hake. Phycis Earllii, Bean.
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Plate 64. Chester's Hake. Phycis Chesteri. Goode and Bean. The Blue Hake. Haloporphyrus viola, Goode and Bean.
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Plate 65. The Merluccio. Merlucius productus (Ayres), Gill. The Silver Hake or New England Whiting. Merlucius bilinearis (Mitch.), Gill.
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Plate 66. The Sand Cusk. Ophidium marginatum, De Kay. The Lant or Sand Eel. Ammodytes americanus, De Kay. The Onion Fish or Grenadier. Macruris rupestris, (Muller), Block.
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Plate 67. The Mutton-Fish. Zoarces anguillares (Peck), Storer. Vahl's Lycodes . Lycodes Vahllii, Reinhardt.
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Plate 68. The Common Catfish or Wolf-Fish. Annharicus lupus, L. The Spotted Catfish. Annharicas minor, Olafsen.
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Plate 69. The Gulf Toadfish or "Sapo." Batrachus pardus, Goode & Bean. The Naked Star-gazer. Astrocopus anoplus (C.V.), Brevoort.
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Plate 70. The Lump-Fish. Cyclopterus lumpus, L.
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Plate 71. The Sea-Robin or Wing-Fish. Prionotes palmipes (Mitch.), Storer. The Striped Sea Robin. Prionotus evolans (L.), Gill.
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Plate 72A. The Northern or European Sculpin. Cottus scorpius, L.
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Plate 72B. The Common Sculpin. Cottus scorpius, L., subsp., Groenlandicus (C. & V.), Bean.
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Plate 73. The Alaska Sculpin. Cottus polyacanthocephalus, Pallas. The Southern Sculpin. Cottus octodecimspinosus, Mitch.
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Plate 74A. The Sea Raven. Hemitripterus americanus, Gmelin.
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Plate 74B. Jordan's Cabezon. Hemilepidotus Jordani, Bean.
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Plate 75. The Rose-Fish or Norway Haddock. Sebastes marinus (L.), Lutken.
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Plate 76. The Black-Banded Rockfish. Sebastichthys nigrocinctus (Ayres), Gill.
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Plate 77. The Tree-Fish. Sebastichthys serriceps, J. & G.
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Plate 78. The Yellow-backed Rockfish. Sebastichthys maliger, J. & G.
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Plate 79. The Corsair. Sebastichthys rosaceus (Grd.), Lock.
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Plate 80. The Orange Rockfish. Sebastichthys pinniger (Gill), Lock.
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Plate 81. The Black Rockfish. Sebastichthys mystinus, J. & G.
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Plate 82. The Spotted Black Rockfish. Sebastichthys melanops (Grd.), J. & G.
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Plate 83. The "Black Cod", Black "Candle-Fish," or Beshow. Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas), Gill. The "Atka Mackerel" or Yellow-Fish. Pleurogrammus monopterygius (Pallas), Gill.
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Plate 84. Steller's Rock-Trout. Hexagrammus asper, Steller. The Cultus Cod. Ophiodon elongatus, Girard.
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Plate 85. The Tautog. Tautoga onitis (L.), Gthr.
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Plate 86. The Chogset or Cunner. Ctenolabrus adspersus (Walb.), Goode.
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Plate 87. The Fat-Head or Redfish. Trochocopus pulcher (Ayres), Garman.
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Plate 88. The Hog-Fish or Capitaine. Lachnolaemus falcaus (L.), C. & V.
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Plate 89. The Alfione. Rachochilus toxotes, Agassiz.

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007