[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 5]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR1214.603]

[Page 127]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
                          SPACE ADMINISTRATION
PART 1214_SPACE FLIGHT--Table of Contents
          Subpart 1214.6_Mementos Aboard Space Shuttle Flights
Sec. 1214.603  Official Flight Kit (OFK).

    (a) Purpose. The OFK on a particular flight enables NASA, developers 
of NASA sponsored payloads, NASA's external payload customers, other 
Federal agencies, researchers, aerospace contractors, and counterpart 
institutions of friendly foreign countries to utilize mementos as awards 
and commendations or preserve them in museums or archives. The courtesy 
is also extended to other organizations outside the aerospace community, 
such as state and local governments, the academic community, and 
independent business entities. In the latter case, it is customary to 
fly only one item for the requesting organization to be used for display 
    (b) Limitations. In addition to Sec. 1214.602(c) of this part, U.S. 
national flags will not be flown as mementos except by U.S. Government 
    (c) Approval of Contents. At least 60 days prior to the launch of a 
Space Shuttle flight, an authorized representative of each organization 
desiring mementos to be carried on the flight in the OFK must submit a 
letter or request describing the item(s) to be flown and the intended 
purpose or distribution. Letters should be directed to the cognizant 
NASA office as follows:
    (1) Space Shuttle customers/users of any nature, to the Director of 
Transportation Services, Code MC, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 
    (2) Foreign organizations/individuals, and Department of Defense 
organizations/individuals (both other than as a Space Shuttle customer) 
and other Federal agencies to the Associate Administrator of External 
Relations, Code X, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546. Upon receipt 
of all requests, the cognizant offices will review and forward data to 
the Associate Director, Code AC, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 
    (3) All others (aerospace companies, state and local governments, 
the academic community, and non-space-related businesses) may send 
requests directly to the Associate Director, Code AC, Johnson Space 
Center, Houston, TX 77058. In the event OFK requests, on a particular 
flight, exceed OFK capability, priority consideration may be given to 
those entities having payloads on that flight. The listing of the 
proposed OFK contents for each flight is prepared at the Johnson Space 
Center and forwarded to the Associate Administrator for Space Flight 
approximately 30 days prior to launch for approval.