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What is AllCoNet?

ALLCONET is the Intranet for Allegany County. Consisting of a partnership of government and non-profit entities. ALLCONET is a creative and innovative approach to meeting the information needs of our schools, government agencies, and communities. ALLCONET is committed to being self-servicing, and dedicated to employing the newest available technology to improve service, while containing costs. The ALLCONET Infrastructure is an IP based high speed Intranet providing the security of a world class firewall, the stability and speed of a fully monitored microwave network. ALLCONET provides a virtually unlimited IP space and any and all Internet services including DNS/RDNS, SLAPD, POP/IMAP, NNTP and hosting services. ALLCONET is fast, stable, and secure.

What is A2?

A2 stands for AllCoNet2. This is the second inception for the AllCoNet partners which allows AllCoNet to interface with the private sector. AllCoNet2 supplies Allegany County's public and private sectors with an infrastructure that provides last mile connectivity for local facilities to tier one providers and local ISP's at lower costs than traditional local loop technologies.

AllCoNet 2 Objectives

  • Expand broadband/wideband telecommunications services to attract high-tech and bio-tech businesses
  • Improve the telecommunications infrastructure of Allegany County to bridge the digital divide
  • Provide telecommunication options for business start-ups and incubators

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Current AllCoNet Clients

Local & Municipal Government

Economic Development

Educational Institutions

Health Care

Public Safety

Regional Authorities

State Offices & Affiliated Agencies

Not for Profit Organizations


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Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:26 AM